(510 ILCS 90/1) (from Ch. 8, par. 801) Sec. 1. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the Illinois Pseudorabies Control Act. (Source: P.A. 85‑165; 85‑171.) |
(510 ILCS 90/1.1) (from Ch. 8, par. 801.1) Sec. 1.1. The General Assembly recognizes that pseudorabies is a serious disease in the swine industry and that the disease can be transmitted to other domestic animals. It further recognizes that the disease can have a severe economic and psychological impact on the affected swine owner and that additional costs are incurred, both by the swine industry and state government, for surveillance and control measures. Therefore, a program aimed at controlling the spread of pseudorabies, reducing the economic losses associated with the disease, reducing the risk of reinfecting swine herds where the infection has been eliminated, licensing of pseudorabies vaccines, and recognizing pseudorabies low prevalence or free areas is necessary and will ultimately benefit swine producers and consumers alike by lowering production costs. (Source: P.A. 85‑165; 85‑171.) |
(510 ILCS 90/2) (from Ch. 8, par. 802) Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: "Animal" means cattle, goats, horses and ponies, sheep, swine, or any other animals of the bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, or porcine species. "Appraisal value" means the actual value of the swine for meat, feeding or breeding purposes at the time and place of the appraisal. "Approved herd plan" means an individually negotiated plan developed by the Department and agreed to between the Department and the swine herd owner for elimination of pseudorabies infection from a swine herd. Such a plan may include, but need not be limited to, procedures for testing, segregation, cleanup, repopulation, depopulation, retesting, and the necessary timetables for implementing such plan, or such plan may follow the procedures recommended by the Livestock Conservation Institute or other nationally recognized livestock association for the elimination of pseudorabies. "Breeding animal" means a gilt which shows visible signs of pregnancy or a sow. It also means a boar that is maintained for herd breeding purposes. "Department" means the Illinois Department of Agriculture. "Director" means the Director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture or his official representative. "Health Certificate" or "Certificate of Veterinary Inspection" means a legible record, made on an official form of the state of origin or the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture or any successor agency and issued by an accredited veterinarian of the state of origin or a veterinarian in the employ of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, or any successor agency, which shows that the animals listed thereon meet the health requirements of the state of destination. The health certificate must contain the name and address of the consignor, the name and address of the consignee, and an accurate description or identification of the animals involved and must also indicate the health status of the animals including results and dates of required tests, and vaccinations, if any. A health certificate is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance. "National Pseudorabies Control Board" means the board sponsored by the Livestock Conservation Institute, the National Pork Producers Council, and the United States Animal Health Association. "Official test" means any test for the detection of pseudorabies approved by the Department and licensed or approved by the United States Department of Agriculture. "Person" means any person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity. "Positive animal" means an animal which has given a positive reaction to an official test for the detection of pseudorabies, or where the pseudorabies virus has been found in the body or in the body discharges. If the test procedure utilizes an initial screening test, the results of the confirmatory test will be used for the final diagnosis. "Pseudorabies" or "Aujeszky's disease" or "mad itch" or "infectious bulbar paralysis" means an acute, infectious disease caused by a herpes virus which affects primarily swine, but may also affect other animals. "Pseudorabies vaccine" means any vaccine containing pseudorabies virus, either in a live, attenuated, genetically altered, or killed state. "Quarantine" means a condition in which swine shall be kept separate and apart from and not allowed to come in contact with other domestic animals in any way. "Salvage value" means the carcass value of the animal. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/3) (from Ch. 8, par. 803) Sec. 3. No person shall produce, distribute, sell, or use any pseudorabies vaccine for the immunization of any animal in this State, unless such vaccine is currently licensed by an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture and approved for use within this State. (Source: P.A. 80‑969.) |
(510 ILCS 90/4) (from Ch. 8, par. 804) Sec. 4. No person shall transport, or have transported into Illinois, any animal which has been vaccinated with a pseudorabies vaccine unless such vaccine is currently licensed by an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture and approved for use within this State. (Source: P.A. 80‑969.) |
(510 ILCS 90/5) (from Ch. 8, par. 805) Sec. 5. The Department is authorized to establish a program aimed at controlling the spread of pseudorabies. This authority includes, but is not limited to, requiring negative tests of swine, the right to quarantine swine infected with or exposed to pseudorabies, to establish guidelines and specified herd plans for monitoring the disease in Illinois herds, to require that a minimum of 30 days elapse before the owner may repopulate the premises after swine have been depopulated, and to conduct market swine testing programs. The Director may issue regulations, consistent with the provisions of this Act, for the administration and enforcement of this Act. Such regulations shall be approved by the Advisory Board of Livestock Commissioners. The Department in performing the duties vested in it under this Act is empowered to enter, during usual working hours, any premises, barns, stables, sheds, slaughter establishments, or other places where swine are kept or slaughtered, for the purpose of administering the provisions of this Act; provided, sanitized footwear furnished by the Department is used as well as any other reasonable disease prevention procedures or equipment as may be furnished by the owner or operator of the premise. (Source: P.A. 87‑157.) |
(510 ILCS 90/5.1) (from Ch. 8, par. 805.1) Sec. 5.1. Pseudorabies Advisory Committee. The Director of Agriculture is authorized to establish within the Department an advisory committee to be known as the Pseudorabies Advisory Committee. Such committee shall consist of, but not be limited to, representatives of swine producers, general swine organizations within the State, licensed veterinarians, general farm organizations, auction markets, the packing industry and the University of Illinois. The Director shall, from time to time, consult with the Pseudorabies Advisory Committee on changes in the pseudorabies control program. The Director shall appoint a Technical Committee from the membership of the Pseudorabies Advisory Committee, which shall be comprised of a veterinarian, a swine extension specialist, and a pork producer. This committee shall serve as resource persons for the technical aspects of the herd plans and may advise the Department on procedures to be followed, timetables for accomplishing the elimination of infection, assist in obtaining cooperation from swine herd owners, and recommend adjustments in the approved herd plan as necessary. These Committee members shall be entitled to reimbursement of all necessary and actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/6) (from Ch. 8, par. 806) Sec. 6. Administrative penalties. Any person violating or aiding in or abetting the violation of any provision of this Act, or any provision of any rule, regulation, or order of the Department issued pursuant to this Act, may be ordered, following an administrative hearing, to pay the following administrative penalties: (1) $300 for a first violation; (2) $600 for a second violation; and (3) $1,000 for a third and subsequent violation. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/6.5) Sec. 6.5. Subpoenas. The Department, over the signature of the Director, is authorized to subpoena and bring before the Department any person or persons in this State and to take testimony either orally or by deposition or by exhibit, with the same fees and mileage and in the same manner as prescribed by law in judicial proceedings in civil cases in circuit courts of this State. The Director may issue subpoenas duces tecum to command the production of any or all records relating to the person. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/6.10) Sec. 6.10. Hearing rules. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act and the Illinois Department of Agriculture rules adopted under that Act apply to hearings under this Act. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/6.15) Sec. 6.15. Judicial review. All final administrative decisions of the Department are subject to judicial review under Article III of the Code of Civil Procedure and its rules. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3‑101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Proceedings for judicial review shall be commenced in the circuit court of any county permitted by Section 3‑104 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/7) (from Ch. 8, par. 807) Sec. 7. The Department of Agriculture is authorized to cooperate with the United States Department of Agriculture in the control of pseudorabies in swine in this State. The Department may recognize areas, both within and outside of the State, as pseudorabies free or low prevalence areas in accordance with the recommendations of the National Pseudorabies Control Board or any other nationally recognized plan. (Source: P.A. 90‑655, eff. 7‑30‑98.) |
(510 ILCS 90/8) (from Ch. 8, par. 808) Sec. 8. Upon request of the Department, owners of swine within the State of Illinois shall submit their swine for an official test for the detection of pseudorabies, provide the necessary facilities for testing, and render such assistance as may be required by the Department. The reasonable expense of making such tests shall be paid by the Department. When pseudorabies infection is disclosed in a herd, any herd having contact with the infected herd or located in the surrounding area as determined by epidemiological evidence shall be tested for the presence of the disease. The reasonable expense of making such tests shall be paid by the Department. (Source: P.A. 85‑165; 85‑171.) |
(510 ILCS 90/9) (from Ch. 8, par. 809) Sec. 9. Herd plan. When pseudorabies has been diagnosed in a swine herd, the herd owner shall enter into an approved herd plan with the Department within 90 days of issuance of the quarantine or the effective date of this Act. If an approved herd plan cannot be agreed upon between the Department and the herd owner, the Technical Committee shall recommend a plan. The Department shall monitor the progress of individual herd plans and coordinate testing and surveillance activities in the surrounding area as determined by epidemiological evidence, to detect and prevent the spread of the disease. If progress toward eliminating the infection is not made in accordance with the approved herd plan, the Technical Committee shall review the herd plan and herd performance history with the Department and the herd owner, and make specific recommendation for modifications to the approved herd plan and revised timetables for eliminating the infection. If the modified herd plan does not achieve the expected results, the Technical Committee may make further modifications to the herd plan as they deem necessary to accomplish the elimination of the disease or may recommend that the herd be depopulated. The Department may then order the depopulation of individual breeding swine or may order the entire herd to be slaughtered under a staged slaughtering plan which includes stated time frames. If a herd owner refuses to enter into an approved herd plan, to continue with an approved herd plan, or to enter into a modified plan, the Department shall hold an administrative hearing before depopulation occurs. Written notice of the hearing shall be given to the herd owner either by personal service or by certified mail 5 days before the hearing. If the Director, following the hearing, finds that the herd owner has refused to cooperate with an approved or modified and approved herd plan, the Director may order immediate depopulation of the entire herd without indemnification to the herd owner. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/10) (from Ch. 8, par. 810) Sec. 10. Indemnity. If State funds are available to pay indemnity and the Technical Committee recommends depopulation as part of an approved herd plan, indemnity may be paid only for positive individual breeding animals which are removed from the herd and slaughtered in accordance with an approved herd plan. Indemnity payment will be made by the Department upon receipt of proof of slaughter. In the case of the depopulation of the entire herd, indemnity payments will be made for all breeding animals that are slaughtered. No indemnity payments will be made until after the entire herd is depopulated and proof of slaughter is received by the Department. The Department shall pay to the owner of breeding swine so slaughtered the appraisal value of such swine, less any salvage value received and less any indemnity paid by the Federal Government. In no case shall any payment be more than $25 per head for grade swine or more than $50 for any registered purebred animal or any breeding animal upon which a certificate of registration has been issued by an approved inbred or hybrid livestock registry association. The swine shall be appraised jointly by the swine owner or his representative and a representative of the Department. If an agreement cannot be reached on the appraised value, the swine shall be appraised by 3 appraisers, one selected by the Department, one by the swine owner or his representative, and one by the 2 appraisers thus selected. The cost of the third appraiser shall be shared jointly by the Department and the herd owner. Swine presented for appraisal as purebred, inbred or hybrid shall be accompanied by their certificate of registry at the time of appraisal or they shall be appraised as grade. In the absence of such certificate of registry, the Department may grant a reasonable time for the presentation of their certificate of registry to the appraiser. (Source: P.A. 89‑154, eff. 7‑19‑95.) |
(510 ILCS 90/11) (from Ch. 8, par. 811) Sec. 11. The Department may require a negative pseudorabies test on swine entering or being sold, leased, traded or offered for sale in Illinois for feeding, breeding or exhibition purposes. All swine entering Illinois for feeding, breeding or exhibition purposes shall be accompanied by an official health certificate or certificate of veterinary inspection. (Source: P.A. 85‑165; 85‑171.) |