(520 ILCS 5/1.1) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.1) Sec. 1.1. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Wildlife Code". (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2) Sec. 1.2. This Act shall be administered by and under the direction of the Department of Natural Resources. As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms specified in Sections 1.2a through 1.2t have the meanings ascribed to them in those Sections. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2a) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2a) Sec. 1.2a. "Administrative rule" means an administrative rule of the Department issued under Section 1.3 of this Act. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2b) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2b) Sec. 1.2b. "Authorized Employee" means all sworn members of the Law Enforcement Division and those persons specifically granted law enforcement authorization by the Director. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2b‑1) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2b‑1) Sec. 1.2b‑1. Case. Case means a container specifically designed for the purpose of housing a gun or bow and arrow device which completely encloses such gun or bow and arrow device by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened with no portion of the gun or bow and arrow device exposed. (Source: P.A. 84‑150.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2c) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2c) Sec. 1.2c. "Contraband" means all wild birds or any part thereof, (their nests or eggs), wild mammals or any part thereof, taken, bought, sold or bartered, shipped or had in possession, or any conveyance, vehicle, water craft or other means of transportation whatsoever (except sealed railroad cars or other common carrier) used to transport or ship any part thereof so taken, contrary to any of the provisions hereof or an administrative rule of the Department; or any of the previously specified species when taken legally but transported contrary to any of the provisions of this Act or an administrative rule of the Department. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2c‑1) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2c‑1) Sec. 1.2c‑1. Daily Limit. Daily Limit means the maximum number or amount of species which can be lawfully taken by one person in one calendar day. (Source: P.A. 84‑150.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2d) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2d) Sec. 1.2d. "Department" means the Department of Natural Resources. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2e) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2e) Sec. 1.2e. "Director" means the Director of Natural Resources. (Source: P.A. 89‑445, eff. 2‑7‑96.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2f) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2f) Sec. 1.2f. "Freshly killed" means any carcass, remains or parts of the body of any dead mammal or bird that has not been prepared for immediate consumption or storage for later consumption. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2g) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2g) Sec. 1.2g. "Fur‑bearing mammals" means the following specific species, mink, muskrat, raccoon, striped skunk, weasel, bobcat, opossum, beaver, river otter, badger, red fox, gray fox, and coyote. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2h) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2h) Sec. 1.2h. "Game mammals" means the following specific species: cottontail, swamp, and jack rabbit, white‑tailed deer, fox squirrel, gray squirrel and ground hog. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2i) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2i) Sec. 1.2i. "Green hide" means any hide or pelt which has not been tanned. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2j) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2j) Sec. 1.2j. "Gun" means shotgun, rifle, handgun, or air gun. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2k) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2k) Sec. 1.2k. "Hunt" means the act of a person possessing a weapon or being accompanied by a dog or a bird of prey for the purpose of taking species protected by this Act in any location such species may inhabit. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2l) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2l) Sec. 1.2l. "Person" includes the plural "persons", "females" as well as "males" and shall extend and be applied to clubs, associations, corporations, firms and partnerships as well as individuals. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2m‑1) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2m‑1) Sec. 1.2m‑1. Possession Limit. Possession Limit means the maximum number or amount of species which can be lawfully held or possessed by one person at any time. (Source: P.A. 84‑150.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2n) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2n) Sec. 1.2n. "Sale" means to sell, barter or otherwise offer goods to another for consideration. The term sale shall include serving the same as a part of a meal by any restaurant, hotel, or other commercial establishment. Proof of sale of any such game bird or game mammal shall constitute prima facie evidence that such birds or mammals were also sold in violation of this Act except as provided in Sections 3.23 and 3.24. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2o) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2o) Sec. 1.2o. "Take" means hunt, shoot, pursue, lure, kill, destroy, capture, gig or spear, trap or ensnare, harass, or to attempt to do so. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2p) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2p) Sec. 1.2p. "Transport" or "ship" means to convey by means of parcel post, express, freight baggage or shipment by common carrier of any description; or by automobile, motorcycle, or other vehicle of any kind; or by water or aircraft of any kind or by any other means of transportation whatsoever. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2q) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2q) Sec. 1.2q. "Trap" means to capture, or attempt to capture, by setting or placing a leg hold trap, cushion‑hold trap, bodygripping trap, cage or box trap, snare or other similar device permitted by this Act to capture, hold or kill any wildlife protected by this Act. (Source: P.A. 85‑152; 86‑1354.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2r) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2r) Sec. 1.2r. "Vehicle" means any device capable of transporting a person on land, on ice, on water, in water, or in the air. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2s) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2s) Sec. 1.2s. "Wild" means not domesticated, living unconfined in a state of nature. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2t) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2t) Sec. 1.2t. "Wildlife" means any bird or mammal living in a state of nature without the care of man including all species covered by this Act. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2u) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2u) Sec. 1.2u. "Individual" means a natural person. (Source: P.A. 84‑150.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2v) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2v) Sec. 1.2v. "Water set" means any trap or similar device which is placed or set in contact with flowing or impounded water. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2w) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.2w) Sec. 1.2w. "Land set" means any trap or similar device which is not placed or set in contact with flowing or impounded water. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.2x) Sec. 1.2x. Taxidermy. "Taxidermy" means the art of preparing, preserving, and mounting the skins of fish, birds, or mammals to make them appear lifelike. (Source: P.A. 88‑416.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.4) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.4) Sec. 1.4. The Department is authorized to make rules and regulations for carrying out, administering and enforcing the provisions of this Act. These rules and regulations shall be called and hereinafter referred to as administrative rules. Each rule shall be promulgated in accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. A copy of any such rule, under the seal of the Department and certified by the Director thereof shall be received in evidence in all courts of this State with the same effect as the original. Such rules, after becoming effective, shall be enforced in the same manner as are any other provisions of this Act and violators thereof are subject to the penalties set out in Section 3.5 of this Act. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.5) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.5) Sec. 1.5. The Department is authorized to cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency of the State of Illinois in making pollution investigations and making reports thereof. (Source: P. A. 78‑255.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.6) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.6) Sec. 1.6. The Department, and persons authorized by it, may take, purchase or propagate, any mammals or birds, or eggs of such birds for propagation and stocking purposes, and when so taken, may transmit them to parts of the State where a scarcity of such birds or mammals exists, for the purpose of restocking such parts of the State. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.7) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.7) Sec. 1.7. The Department is authorized to produce such mammals, birds or their eggs, and to distribute them to anyone having suitable land or means for their breeding, hatching or further propagation; the Department shall also have authority to enter into agreements with such distributees for the propagation or purchase of mammals, birds, (or their eggs), produced by such distributees. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.8) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.8) Sec. 1.8. The Department may establish and maintain refuges or public hunting areas upon any lands or waters owned by the Federal government by mutual consent of the Federal and State governments and upon any lands owned or leased by the State, with the consent and approval of the state department or agency having jurisdiction over such lands. The Department may designate state managed lands and waters or portions thereof as wildlife refuges by administrative rule. It shall be unlawful to take any species of wildlife on any property named as a wildlife refuge by the Department or other Department management areas except as provided by Section 2.25 and Administrative Rules. The Department shall post the boundaries of such refuges and shall publish legal notices in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 1.13 pertaining to the operation of Public Hunting Areas. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.9) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.9) Sec. 1.9. The Department shall have the power and authority to select and purchase or lease, receive by donation or acquire, in accordance with the laws relating to eminent domain: (a) suitable lands for the breeding, hatching, propagation and conservation of birds or mammals, (b) lands or lands and waters, to be used as public hunting and fishing grounds, or (c) lands or lands and waters to be used as wildlife refuges. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.9‑1) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.9‑1) Sec. 1.9‑1. The following described areas are designated as State game farms: Wilmington State Game Farm in Will County; Glen D. Palmer State Game Farm in Kendall County; Mt. Vernon State Game Farm in Jefferson County. (Source: P. A. 78‑255.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.10) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.10) Sec. 1.10. The Department shall take all measures necessary for the conservation, distribution, introduction and restoration of birds and mammals. The Department also shall bring or cause to be brought, actions and proceedings, in the name, and by the authority, of the People of the State of Illinois, to enforce the provisions of this Act, including administrative rules, and to recover any and all fines and penalties hereinafter provided for. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the Department to change any penalty prescribed by law for a violation of its provisions, or to change the amount of licenses prescribed by law. The Department is authorized to cooperate with the appropriate Departments of the Federal Government and other Departments or agencies of the State government and educational institutions in conducting surveys, experiments, or work of joint interest or benefit. (Source: P.A. 85‑152.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.11) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.11) Sec. 1.11. The Department may establish Conservation Training Schools and employ technicians and such other help as may be necessary for the purpose of teaching conservation methods to employees of the Department, and such other interested groups as the Department shall deem necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Act. The Department shall, in order to educate the citizens of this State in the modern trends of conservation, disseminate conservation information and the provisions of this Act through the mediums of lectures, motion pictures, photographs, pictures, exhibits, radio, news items, pamphlets and other media the Department may deem suitable for this purpose. The Department may publish, periodically, a bulletin or magazine containing information concerning the work of the Department, the conservation and propagation of wildlife, hunting and fishing, and any such other information as the Department deems to be of general or special interest to sportsmen and others affected by any law administered by the Department. A reasonable charge may be made for each copy of such publication. All funds derived from the sale of such publication shall be deposited in the Wildlife and Fish fund in the State Treasury. (Source: P.A. 81‑382.) |
(520 ILCS 5/1.12) (from Ch. 61, par. 1.12) Sec. 1.12. The Department shall use the most modern conservation methods to manage wildlife on State controlled lands or waters for propagation