(60 ILCS 1/45‑5) Sec. 45‑5. Nominations by political parties. In all townships (other than townships of over 5,000 population that are co‑extensive with or included wholly within incorporated towns, villages, or cities not under the commission form of government), nominations by established political parties for candidates for township officers shall, except as otherwise provided in Section 45‑15, be held as provided in this Article. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑10) Sec. 45‑10. Political party caucus in township; notice. (a) On the second Tuesday in January preceding the date of the regular township election, a caucus shall be held by the voters of each established political party in a township to nominate its candidates for the various offices to be filled at the election. Notice of the caucus shall be given at least 10 days before it is held by publication in some newspaper having a general circulation in the township. Not less than 30 days before the caucus, the township clerk shall notify the chairman or membership of each township central committee by first‑class mail of the chairman's or membership's obligation to report the time and location of the political party's caucus. Not less than 20 days before the caucus, each chairman of the township central committee shall notify the township clerk by first‑class mail of the time and location of the political party's caucus. If the time and location of 2 or more political party caucuses conflict, the township clerk shall establish, by a fair and impartial public lottery, the time and location for each caucus. (b) Except as provided in this Section, the township board shall cause notices of the caucuses to be published. The notice shall state the time and place where the caucus for each political party will be held. The board shall fix a place within the township for holding the caucus for each established political party. When a new township has been established under Section 10‑25, the county board shall cause notice of the caucuses to be published as required by this Section and shall fix the place within the new township for holding the caucuses. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑15) Sec. 45‑15. Township central committee. The township central committee of the township, which is hereby created for the purposes of this Code, shall consist of (i) in all counties of 3,000,000 or less, the elected or appointed precinct committeemen of each established political party within the township or (ii) in counties of 3,000,000 or more, the elected or appointed township committeemen of each established political party. The committee, by a majority of those voting, shall promulgate rules of procedure under Section 45‑50. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑20) Sec. 45‑20. Caucus result; filing nomination papers; certifying candidates. (a) The township central committee shall canvass and declare the result of the caucus. (b) The chairman of the township central committee shall, not more than 78 nor less than 71 days before the township election, file nomination papers as provided in this Section. The nomination papers shall consist of (i) a certification by the chairman of the names of all candidates for office in the township nominated at the caucus and (ii) a statement of candidacy by each candidate in the form prescribed in the general election law. The nomination papers shall be filed in the office of the township clerk, except that if the township is entirely within the corporate limits of a city, village, or incorporated town under the jurisdiction of a board of election commissioners, the nomination papers shall be filed in the office of the board of election commissioners instead of the township clerk. (c) The township clerk shall certify the candidates so nominated to the proper election authorities not less than 61 days before the township election. The election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election law. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑25) Sec. 45‑25. Caucus in multi‑township district. (a) On the second Wednesday in January preceding the date of any election at which township officers are to be elected, a caucus shall be held by the voters of each established political party in a multi‑township district to nominate its candidates for township assessor. (b) For purposes of this Code, the multi‑township central committee of each established political party shall consist of the elected or appointed precinct committeemen of each established political party within the multi‑township district and shall promulgate rules of procedure under Section 45‑50. (c) The multi‑township central committee of each established political party shall cause notices of the caucuses to be published. The notices shall state the time and place where the caucus for each established political party will be held within the multi‑township district and shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the district 10 days before the caucuses are held. Not less than 30 days before the caucus, the multi‑township clerk shall notify the chairman or membership of each multi‑township central committee by first‑class mail of the chairman's or membership's obligation to report the time and location of the political party's caucus. Not less than 20 days before the caucus, each chairman of the multi‑township central committee shall notify the multi‑township clerk by first‑class mail of the time and location of the political party's caucus. If the time and location of 2 or more political party caucuses conflict, the multi‑township clerk shall establish, by a fair and impartial public lottery, the time and location for each caucus. (d) The result of the election shall be canvassed in the manner provided by the general election law. (e) The chairman of the multi‑township central committee shall, not more than 78 nor less than 71 days before the multi‑township election, file nomination papers as provided in this Section. The nomination papers shall consist of (i) a certification by the chairman of the names of all candidates for office in the township nominated at the caucus and (ii) a statement of candidacy by each candidate in the form prescribed in the general election law. The nomination papers shall be filed in the office of the election authority. The election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election law. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑30) Sec. 45‑30. Validity of nomination papers. (a) Nomination papers filed under this Article are not valid unless the candidate named in the papers files with the township clerk or the board of election commissioners, as the case may be, a receipt from the county clerk showing that the candidate has filed a statement of economic interests as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act in relation to the township within the period for the filing of nomination papers under this Article or within a year preceding the date on which the candidate's nomination papers were filed. The receipt shall be filed not later than the last day on which nomination papers may be filed. (b) Nomination papers filed under this Article on behalf of a candidate for the office of township or multi‑township assessor are not valid unless the candidate named in the papers files with the township clerk or the board of election commissioners, as the case may be, proof of the candidate's qualifications as provided in Section 2‑45 of the Property Tax Code. (Source: P.A. 88‑62; 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑35) Sec. 45‑35. Notice to candidates to file reports. The township clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may be, shall notify the person for whom such nomination papers are filed of the obligation to file statements of organization, reports of campaign contributions, and annual reports of campaign contributions and expenditures in the manner prescribed by the general election law. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑40) Sec. 45‑40. Assessor candidates; notice to file proof of qualifications. (a) In the case of candidates for the office of township or multi‑township assessor, the township clerk or board of election commissioners, as the case may be, shall notify the candidates of the obligation to file proof of their qualifications as provided in Section 2‑45 of the Property Tax Code. (b) In the case of candidates for the office of multi‑township assessor, the notification under subsection (a) shall be made to a candidate for that office by the election authority. (Source: P.A. 88‑62; 88‑670, eff. 12‑2‑94.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑45) Sec. 45‑45. Costs of caucus elections. The costs of caucus elections shall be borne by the township. (Source: P.A. 85‑694; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑50) Sec. 45‑50. Caucus procedures. (a) The rules of procedure for conducting a township or multi‑township caucus must be approved and may be amended by a majority vote of the qualified participants attending the caucus. No participant shall be able to participate or vote at any township or multi‑township caucus if the person is or was at anytime during the 12 months before the caucus any of the following: (1) An elected or appointed public official of | ||
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(2) An elected or appointed officer, director, | ||
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(3) A judge of election under Article 13 or 14 of | ||
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(4) A voter who voted in the primary election of | ||
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(b) The rules of procedure shall include the following: (1) No caucus shall commence earlier than 6:00 p.m. (2) The caucus shall commence at the place specified | ||
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(3) Procedures by which qualified caucus | ||
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(4) Nominations for selection as a candidate shall | ||
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(5) The method of voting (i.e., written ballot, | ||
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(6) Whether candidates will be selected as a slate | ||
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(7) Whether written notice of intent to be a caucus | ||
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(8) Other rules deemed necessary by the central | ||
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(c) Individuals participating at an established political party township or multi‑township caucus shall comply with each of the following: (1) A participant shall be registered under Article | ||
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(2) A participant shall be registered within the | ||
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(3) A participant shall sign an affidavit that he or | ||
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(4) A participant shall not take part in the | ||
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(5) A participant shall not sign a petition of | ||
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(6) A participant shall not become an independent | ||
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(d) The voters participating at an established political party township or multi‑township caucus shall not select for nomination more candidates than there are to be elected for each office. (e) No candidate for nomination at a township or multi‑township caucus shall be required to do either of the following: (1) Circulate and file nominating petitions to | ||
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(2) File a fee to become a candidate at the caucus. (Source: P.A. 92‑119, eff. 1‑1‑02.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑55) Sec. 45‑55. Nomination by primary election. In (i) counties having a population of more than 3,000,000, the township central committee of a political party composed of the elected township committeeman and his or her appointed precinct committeemen and (ii) townships with a population of more than 15,000 in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or less, the township central committee of a political party composed of the precinct committeemen may, with respect to any regular township election, determine that its candidates for township offices shall be nominated by primary in accordance with the general election law, rather than in the manner provided in Sections 45‑5 through 45‑45. If the township central committee makes that determination, it must file a statement of the determination with the county clerk no later than November 15 preceding the township election. If the township or any part of the township is within the jurisdiction of a board of election commissioners, the township central committee shall promptly notify the board of election commissioners of the determination. Upon the filing of the determination by the township central committee of a political party, the provisions of the general election law shall govern the nomination of candidates of that political party for township offices for the election with respect to which the determination was made. (Source: P.A. 82‑783; 88‑62.) |
(60 ILCS 1/45‑60) Sec. 45‑60. Nominations in certain other cases. Certain candidates for township offices may be nominated as provided in Article 10 of the Election Code. (Source: P.A. 88‑62.) |