Division 1 - General Powers Of County - Designation Of County Highways
(605 ILCS 5/Art. 5 Div. 1 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101)
Sec. 5‑101. The county board of each county shall have the powers and duties stated in Sections 5‑101.1 to 5‑101.11, inclusive.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 1000.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.1)
Sec. 5‑101.1. To have general supervision of all county highways in the county, subject to the provisions of Section 4‑101.1.
(Source: P.A. 85‑853.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.2) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.2)
Sec. 5‑101.2. To levy taxes and expend funds, either general or special, in accordance with law for highway purposes.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.3) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.3)
Sec. 5‑101.3. To construct any county highway, including the lighting thereof, in the discretion of the county board out of any funds available for such purpose, and to construct State highways, provided that any construction of a State highway shall be according to plans and specifications approved by the Department.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.4) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.4)
Sec. 5‑101.4. To appropriate funds to aid in the construction of township and district highways in any part of the county.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.5) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.5)
Sec. 5‑101.5. When in any county of 500,000 inhabitants or more bonds of the county have been authorized by vote of the people of the county for the purpose of aiding in the construction of highways, to employ the proceeds of such bonds in aiding in the construction or widening of any highways in such county, including State and county highways therein.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.6) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.6)
Sec. 5‑101.6. To appoint a county superintendent of highways in the manner provided by Division 2 of this Article.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.7) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.7)
Sec. 5‑101.7. To accept, receive and use as county funds for the purpose of constructing county highways money turned over to the county by a road district as provided by Section 5‑606 of this Code, or by a municipality, or by any person; and to accept and use donations from any source for the purpose of constructing any highway within the county.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.8) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.8)
Sec. 5‑101.8. Whenever any county highway is laid out, widened or altered in accordance with this Article, to cause a plat thereof to be made and recorded in the office of the recorder of the county (or in the office of the registrar of titles for the county if appropriate) in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to plats", approved March 21, 1874, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 83‑358.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.9) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.9)
Sec. 5‑101.9. To exercise any other power and perform any other duty prescribed in this Code.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.10) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.10)
Sec. 5‑101.10. To place, erect and maintain on county highways all traffic control devices and signs authorized by this Code or by "The Illinois Vehicle Code", approved September 29, 1969, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 83‑333.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑101.11) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑101.11)
Sec. 5‑101.11. Whenever it considers such purchase or lease advisable, to purchase or lease highway construction and maintenance equipment under contracts providing for payment in installments over a period of time of not more than 10 years with interest on the unpaid balance owing not to exceed the amount permitted pursuant to "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 85‑293.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑102) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑102)
Sec. 5‑102. Upon the effective date of this Code the highways comprising the county highway system in each county are those highways that, on such date, are defined as county highways by Section 2‑102 and 2‑204 of this Code.
Additions to and deletions from the county highway system may be made in the manner prescribed in this Code. Highways added to the county highway system shall be as nearly as possible highways connecting the principal municipalities and trading points in each county with each other, and also with the principal municipalities and trading points in other counties.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑103) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑103)
Sec. 5‑103. Immediately after the effective date of this Code, the Department shall indicate the highways in each county highway system under the provisions of this Code on such effective date by marking them upon a map which shows the public roads and section lines in the county and shall file such map with the county clerk. The county clerk shall enter the map among his official records, and no changes in the county highway routes indicated thereon shall be made except when a change has been made in the county highway system in accordance with the provisions of Section 5‑‑105 of this Code or when a county highway or part of it is vacated or relocated in accordance with Sections 5‑‑109 or 5‑‑110 of this Code.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3388.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑104) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑104)
Sec. 5‑104. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no mileage shall be added to a county highway system after the effective date of this Code, if such addition causes the total mileage of highways in the county highway system of the county to exceed 35% of the total rural public highway mileage in a county having less than 500,000 inhabitants or 75% of the total rural public highway mileage in a county having 500,000 inhabitants or more. When 80% of the maximum permissible county highway system mileage in a county is of proper width and alignment and has been satisfactorily improved with oiled earth, gravel, macadam, portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete or brick on a portland cement concrete base, or other hard‑surfaced type of pavement, patented or otherwise, (including surface or subsurface drainage, grading, bridges and culverts thereon having adequate design and roadway width and satisfactory horizontal and vertical alignment and capable of sustaining highway traffic with safety), as determined by the Department, such county may, in the manner provided by Section 5‑105, add to its existing highways in the county highway system, additional highway mileage to the extent of 10% of the permissible highway mileage of county highways in the county.
The total rural public highway mileage in a county shall be determined and published by the Department.
In determining the maximum permissible county highway system mileage of any county under this Section the mileage of county highways within the corporate limits of a municipality shall not be considered.
(Source: P.A. 85‑784; 85‑832; 85‑854.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑105) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑105)
Sec. 5‑105. Temporary closings of county highways, or changes in highways making up a part of the county highway system, including additions to and deletions from such system, may be made by resolution of the county board, subject to the approval of the Department. Highways permanently removed from the county highway system which do not become part of the State highway system shall become part of the township and district road system if in a rural area, or the municipal street system if in a municipality. Such permanent changes shall be indicated on the map provided for by Section 5‑‑103 of this Code or a corrected map may be substituted therefor. The provisions of this Section do not apply to the vacation or relocation of a county highway or part of it pursuant to Sections 5‑‑107, 5‑‑109 or 5‑‑110 of this Code. However, a change occasioned by the vacation or relocation of a county highway or part of it pursuant to Sections 5‑‑107, 5‑‑109 or 5‑‑110 of this Code shall be indicated on the map provided for by Section 5‑‑103 in the same manner as changes made under this Section.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3388.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑106) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑106)
Sec. 5‑106. The county board may, by resolution approved by the Department, designate a route on existing streets in a municipality as a municipal extension of a county highway or may designate a route for a municipal extension of a county highway on a new location in a municipality. Such designation shall be made so as to form a continuous route for a county highway through the municipality or so as to end a route for a county highway at a point within the municipality, as the case may be, as will best serve traffic needs.
Routes designated as municipal extensions of a county highway as provided in this Section shall not, by virtue of such designation, become a part of the county highway system. However, for the purposes of preparing plans and specifications, acquisition of right‑of‑way, the performance of all things necessary to the commencement of a construction or improvement project on a part or all of such a route by the county and the use of county highway or motor fuel tax funds therefor, such route shall be treated and considered as though it were then a part of the county highway system.
Upon the commencement by the county of a construction or improvement project on a part or all of a route so designated as such a municipal extension, the part so to be constructed or improved shall thereupon become a part of the county highway system.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑107)
(from Ch. 121, par. 5‑107)
Sec. 5‑107.
Relocations of county highways may be made during the improvement thereof according to plans approved by the county board and the Department. Upon completion of the relocated highway and its opening to public travel, the new location shall become the location of the county highway and the county shall have full authority over the relocated highway and that portion of the original location not incorporated into the new location. For any portion of the original location not incorporated into the new location, the county board, by the process established by law, may transfer road jurisdiction to another highway authority or vacate, transfer, or sell the property interest.
Pending the completion and opening of the relocation, the county board shall have full authority over the existing county highway and shall also have power to lay out the relocation, acquire rights‑of‑way, by condemnation or otherwise, and take whatever action is necessary to effect the laying out, improving, and opening of the county highway upon the relocation.
(Source: P.A. 96‑1001, eff. 1‑1‑11.)
(605 ILCS 5/5‑108) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑108)
Sec. 5‑108. The Department shall assign a number to each county highway in each county and all county highways shall always be designated by a number. The Department may from time to time renumber such county highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑109) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑109)
Sec. 5‑109. When the county board determines that the public and economic interest is served by vacating a county highway or part of it, it may vacate that highway or part of it by resolution adopted by the favorable vote of 2/3 of the members of the county board, subject to the approval of the Department. The vote of each member shall be entered on the records of the county board. Prior to acting on such vacation resolution, the county board shall give at least 10 days' notice of the time and place of the county board meeting at which said resolution is to be considered, by publication in at least one newspaper published in the township or road district, or in the absence of such published newspaper, in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the township or road district, or in the absence of such generally circulated newspaper at the time prescribed for notice, by posting notices in 5 of the most public places in the township or road district in the vicinity of the road to be vacated.
The resolution may provide that it is not effective until the owners of property abutting on the highway or part of it to be vacated pay compensation in an amount which, in the judgment of the county board, is not in excess of the fair market value of a similar acreage abutting the highway. If there are public service facilities on the highway or part of it, the resolution shall reserve to the public body or public utility owning the facilities, the property, rights of way and easements existing at the time of vacating the highway for the maintenance, renewal and reconstruction of the same.
The determination of the county board that the nature and extent of the public and economic interest to be served warrants the vacation, reconstruction or relocation pursuant to this Section or Section 5‑‑110 of the Code of any county highway or part of it, is conclusive, and the passage of the resolution is sufficient evidence of that determination, whether recited in the resolution or not. The relief to the public from further burden and responsibility of maintaining a highway or part of it constitutes a public and economic interest authorizing the vacation or relocation.
When property is damaged by the vacation of a county highway or part of it, the damage shall be ascertained and paid as provided by law.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3388.) |
(605 ILCS 5/5‑110) (from Ch. 121, par. 5‑110)
Sec. 5‑110. Upon the vacation of a county highway or part of it, the county board shall cause a legal description of the highway or the part of it vacated to be recorded in the office of the recorder. The recorder shall mark any recorded plat of the highway in a manner that shows the vacation and indicates the book and page number where the description is recorded.
The provisions of Section 5‑109 and this Section 5‑110 shall not apply where the county board has ordered a highway or part thereof to be closed for a specified period of time, to be reconstructed thereafter. The provisions of Section 5‑109 shall not apply where the county board has ordered a highway or part thereof to be vacated permanently to be reconstructed and dedicated in a new location.
(Source: P.A. 83‑358.) |
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