(605 ILCS 5/9‑101) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑101) Sec. 9‑101. Nothing in this Code shall prevent the execution of cooperative agreements among governmental agencies. Any municipality may negotiate an agreement with the Department whereby the municipality may use such funds as are available to it for that purpose for the construction or maintenance of a State highway within its boundaries or with the corporate authority of a county or road district for the construction or maintenance of a highway on the county highway system or township or district road system outside of its municipal boundaries. The county board may negotiate an agreement with the Department whereby the county may use such funds as are available to it for that purpose for the construction or maintenance of a highway on the State highway system or with a municipality for the construction or maintenance of streets on the municipal street system of such municipality. (Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑101.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑101.1) Sec. 9‑101.1. Whenever the proper highway authority is about to construct or improve the drainage structures of a State highway, county highways, or county unit district road, the highway authority shall meet and consult with the authorities of any municipality adjacent to or through which such highway or road runs. The purpose of such meetings is to work out an agreement with such municipality and all other interested agencies and units of local government as to the extent of such drainage construction or improvement. If a county or State highway, in a county of under 1,000,000 population, adjoins a parcel of land proposed to be subdivided, the subdivider of the parcel shall notify the proper highway authority in writing of the proposed subdivision and provide the proper local authority that would approve the subdivision a copy of the notice. The notice shall request of the proper highway authority its need to have provided, at the cost of the highway authority or as otherwise provided by law, additional capacity in any stormwater detention facility to be constructed in the subdivision for the future availability of the highway authority for meeting the stormwater detention requirements of any future public construction on the highway. The highway authority shall within 30 days of receipt of the written notice provide written information to the proper local authority relative to the request. The parties may then work out by agreement the extent of the inclusion of those stormwater detention needs, if any, in the subdivision. The proper highway authority may provide to the subdivider any funds generally available for highway construction to provide for the highway authority's proportionate share of the design of the stormwater detention and the proportionate share of the cost of the property required for the stormwater detention including the impact of density changes on said parcel as the parties may agree within 60 days of the reply to the notice issued by the highway authority. In the event that the parties are not able to reach agreement within the 60 days the parcel may be subdivided as may be approved by the proper local authority without the inclusion of said stormwater detention needs identified by the highway authority. (Source: P.A. 88‑79.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑102) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑102) Sec. 9‑102. The proper highway authorities are authorized to keep vehicles of every kind off the public highways where necessary to properly construct or repair the same. Whenever any public highway including any bridge or culvert thereon is being constructed or repaired, the highway authorities having such work in charge shall, when they deem it necessary, erect or cause to be erected at such points as they deem desirable, suitable barriers, with signs thereon, stating that such highway is closed. Such authorities shall also erect or cause to be erected at such places as they deem best, detour signs directing travel around such construction or repair work. Such signs and barricades shall conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted by the Department. (Source: P.A. 90‑513, eff. 8‑22‑97.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑103) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑103) Sec. 9‑103. Removal or possession of control device or sign; penalty. Whenever a highway has been closed as provided in Section 9‑102 or wherever traffic control devices or signs have been erected on any public highway as provided under this Code it is unlawful for any person to remove or knowingly possess any such barrier, traffic control device or sign, or to deface or injure the same, or to walk, ride or drive upon any part of such highway so closed, except such persons as are duly authorized to do so. Whoever knowingly violates the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of at least $500, as well as any other penalty which may be imposed. In addition thereto, such person convicted shall be held liable for any and all damages caused to such highway, including, but not limited to, any bridge or culvert work, traffic control device or sign, by reason of such violation. The highway authorities or their duly authorized agents in direct charge of the work, are authorized to exercise in their respective jurisdictions, all the common law and statutory powers conferred upon sheriffs, and such highway authorities, or their duly authorized agents in direct charge of the work aforesaid, shall arrest without process any person who violates the provisions of this Section, and in so doing they shall be held to be acting for the State. Any person or persons so arrested shall be delivered by the person making the arrest to some judge, sheriff, or police officer at some station or place within the county in which the offense was committed, for trial, according to law. (Source: P.A. 88‑673, eff. 7‑1‑95.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑104) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑104) Sec. 9‑104. In grading highways corner stones marking sectional or other corners shall not be disturbed, except to lower such stones so that they will not rise above the surface of the highway. If a corner stone is covered to a depth greater than 12 inches or is covered with a highway surfacing material other than road oil, the location of the corner stone shall be preserved by setting a suitable monument over the stone which shall be level with the highway surface or by setting at least 3 offset monuments in locations where they will not be disturbed. When any corner stone is lowered or when a monument is set over a stone or when offset monuments are set it shall be done in the presence of and under the supervision of a Registered Illinois Land Surveyor who shall record the type and location of the reference monuments with respect to the corner stone in the office of the recorder in the county in which such stone is located. (Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑105) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑105) Sec. 9‑105. In constructing a public highway, if a ditch is made at the junction of highways, or at the entrance of gates or other openings of adjoining premises, the highway authorities shall construct good and sufficient culverts or other convenient crossings. New entrance culverts or crossings or additions to existing entrance culverts or crossings along an existing public highway or street where there is a ditch may be made with the consent of the highway authorities, provided the applicant for such entrance culvert or crossing constructs at the applicant's expense a good and sufficient culvert or other convenient crossing of the type and size specified by the highway authorities, which structure shall then become the property of the public. (Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑106) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑106) Sec. 9‑106. Wherever a highway, driveway, parking lot or other area open to traffic that has been freshly treated with road oil, liquid asphalt or similar material intersects with or is otherwise located or partially located within 300 feet of a durable all‑weather highway of any type except gravel or crushed stone, the highway authorities or any person responsible for applying such material shall cause such freshly treated highway, driveway, parking lot or other such area to be barricaded or covered with crushed aggregate or other suitable cover material so that traffic will not carry the fresh road oil, liquid asphalt or similar material onto the travel ways of the durable all‑weather highway. (Source: P.A. 80‑528.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑108) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑108) Sec. 9‑108. Where willow hedges, or a line of willow trees have been planted along the margin of a highway, so as to render tiling impracticable, the highway authority having jurisdiction of such highway may contract with the owner for their destruction; and they shall be destroyed before tiling. The planting of such hedges or trees hereafter on the margin of highways is declared to be a public nuisance. (Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑109) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑109) Sec. 9‑109. It is unlawful to construct any bridge or culvert upon any ravine, creek, drainage ditch or river upon a public highway in this State unless such bridge or culvert shall have the capacity of sustaining highway traffic with safety. Any person who violates the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a petty offense. The fact that any such bridge or culvert does not conform with the specifications of the Department in effect at the time when the contract for such bridge or culvert is let, is prima facie evidence that the bridge or culvert does not have the capacity of sustaining highway traffic with safety. (Source: P.A. 77‑2238.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑110) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑110) Sec. 9‑110. Any article, material or process covered by a patent granted by the United States government may be specified and used for constructing or maintaining any public highway if such specifications are drawn so as to provide for an alternative method or methods of construction or maintenance so that competition may be had between different types of materials answering the same general purpose. (Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑111) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑111) Sec. 9‑111. The highway authorities shall annually, at the proper season, to prevent the spread of noxious weeds as defined in the "Illinois Noxious Weed Law", approved August 17, 1971, as amended, destroy or cause to be destroyed, all such noxious weeds growing upon public highways under their respective jurisdictions. The highway authorities shall seasonably mow or manage all weeds and other vegetation growing along the highways under their respective jurisdictions. Any highway officer failing to comply with the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a petty offense and shall be liable to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $25 for each season in which he neglects such requirements. (Source: P.A. 83‑333.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑111.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑111.1) Sec. 9‑111.1. The highway authorities shall from time to time inspect the bridges and culverts on the public highways and streets under their respective jurisdictions which span streams and watercourses and shall remove driftwood and other materials accumulated within the right of way at such structures which obstruct the free flow of either low or highwater. Any general funds, and any forces and equipment available for maintenance of the public highways or streets may be used for the removal of such accumulated material. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 2627.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑112) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑112) Sec. 9‑112. At all grade crossings of public highways with railroads outside the corporate limits of any municipality, the highway authority having jurisdiction of such highways shall remove, or cause to be removed from the highway all removable obstructions to view at such grade crossings, such as unauthorized signs and billboards, brush and shrubbery, and shall trim, or cause to be trimmed, all hedges and trees upon the highway for a distance of not less than 300 feet from each side of such crossings. No person shall place, or cause to be placed, any sign or signal on a public highway within a distance of 300 feet of any grade crossing, except official traffic control devices authorized in an Act in relation to the regulation of traffic, approved July 9, 1935, as now or hereafter amended, any signs or signals required by law or the Illinois Commerce Commission for the protection of such crossings. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a petty offense and fined not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each offense. (Source: P. A. 77‑2238.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑112.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑112.1) Sec. 9‑112.1. No person shall place or cause to be placed any sign or billboard or any advertising of any kind or description upon any State highway or on any other highway outside the corporate limits of any municipality except as may be required by this Code or "The Illinois Vehicle Code", as now or hereafter amended. This provision also shall apply to signs, billboards, or any other advertising upon any bridge, other structure, wire, cable, or other device, over or above such highway, whether constructed by the Department or others except signs designating the name of the railroad and the clearance provided. This Section does not prohibit or prevent any public utility from placing upon, above, below or near any of its facilities any signs or markers giving notice of the existence, identification or location of such facilities located upon or adjacent to any such highway. Such signs or markers shall be limited in size and shape to the minimum necessary consistent with the safety of the public in accordance with rules and regulations as promulgated by the Department. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a petty offense and fined not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each offense. (Source: P.A. 81‑840.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑112.2) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑112.2) Sec. 9‑112.2. No person shall place, or cause to be placed upon or in view of any public highway any sign or billboard or any advertising of any kind or description which in wording, color or shape is similar to official traffic control signs or other official traffic control devices erected by the proper authority having jurisdiction over such highway in compliance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, as now or hereafter adopted by the Department. No person shall place, or cause to be placed upon any building or other structure, within 200 feet of any public highway, oscillating, rotating or flashing lights which are of such intensity, when illuminated, to be visible at any time from such highway. This prohibition does not apply to a pole‑supported business or brand identification sign with constant illumination and color and in which the only movement is a slow rotation of the entire body of the sign so as to be visible from all directions. This prohibition does not apply to airport lights. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a petty offense and fined not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each offense. (Source: P. A. 78‑255.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑112.3) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑112.3) Sec. 9‑112.3. Shelters for the convenience and comfort of persons waiting for buses or other public transportation may be placed and maintained within the right of way of any street or highway, including right of way for streets and highways within municipalities, after a license or permit for the shelter and location is obtained from the highway authority having jurisdiction. Placement and location of shelters on any street or highway within a municipality shall be subject to the approval of the corporate authorities of such municipality. The owners may place advertising on the shelters if authorized by the license or permit, provided, however, that no political advertising shall be placed on any shelter on any street or highway at any time and further provided that advertising on shelters shall be limited to one‑third of the vertical surface of the shelter. Shelters shall not be placed or maintained on that portion of the right of way designed and used for vehicle traffic and further shall not be so placed as to impair the street or highway or interfere with the free and safe flow of traffic. (Source: P.A. 81‑436.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑112.4) Sec. 9‑112.4. Signs on a State highway right of way located over sidewalks inside the corporate limits of a municipality that do not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, as determined by Department rule, shall not be removed by the Department. (Source: P.A. 88‑286.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑112.5) Sec. 9‑112.5. Signs, billboards, and advertising in commuter parking lots. Signs, billboards, and advertising, placed in a publicly owned and operated commuter parking lot servicing public transportation and adjoined on 2 sides by interstate highways, that do not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, as determined by Department rule, shall not be removed by the Department. (Source: P.A. 89‑319, eff. 1‑1‑96.) |
(605 ILCS 5/9‑113) (from Ch. 121, par. 9‑113) Sec. 9‑113. (a) No ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line or other equipment of any public utility company, municipal corporation or other public or private corporation, association or person shall be located, placed or constructed upon, under or along any highway, or upon any township or district road, without first obtaining the written consent of the appropriate highway authority as hereinafter provided for in this Section. (b) The State and county highway authorities are authorized to promulgate reasonable and necessary rules, regulations, and specifications for highways for the administration of this Section. In addition to rules promulgated under this subsection (b), the State highway authority shall and a county highway authority may adopt coordination strategies and practices designed and intended to establish and implement effective communication respecting planned highway projects that the State or county highway authority believes may require removal, relocation, or modification in accordance with subsection (f) of this Section. The strategies and practices adopted shall include but need not be limited to the delivery of 5 year programs, annual programs, and the establishment of coordination councils in the locales and with the utility participation that will best facilitate and accomplish the requirements of the State and county highway authority acting under subsection (f) of this Section. The utility participation shall include assisting the appropriate highway authority in establishing a schedule for the removal, relocation, or modification of the owner's facilities in accordance with subsection (f) of this Section. In addition, each utility shall designate in writing to the Secretary of Transportation or his or her designee an agent for notice and the delivery of programs. The coordination councils must be established on or before January 1, 2002. The 90 day deadline for removal, relocation, or modification of the ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment in subsection (f) of this Section shall be enforceable upon the establishment of a coordination council in the district or locale where the property in question is located. The coordination councils organized by a county highway authority shall include the county engineer, the County Board Chairman or his or her designee, and with such utility participation as will best facilitate and accomplish the requirements of a highway authority acting under subsection (f) of this Section. Should a county highway authority decide not to establish coordination councils, the 90 day deadline for removal, relocation, or modification of the ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment in subsection (f) of this Section shall be waived for those highways. (c) In the case of non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highways, the State highway authority shall not grant consent to the location, placement or construction of ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line or other equipment upon, under or along any such non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highway, which: (1) would require cutting the pavement structure | ||
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(2) would in the judgment of the State highway | ||
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(3) would, if installed longitudinally within the | ||
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(4) would be inconsistent with Federal law or with | ||
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(d) In the case of accommodations upon, under or along non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highways the State highway authority may charge an entity reasonable compensation for the right of that entity to longitudinally locate, place or construct ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line or other equipment upon, under or along such highway. Such compensation may include in‑kind compensation. Where the entity applying for use of a non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highway right‑of‑way is a public utility company, municipal corporation or other public or private corporation, association or person, such compensation shall be based upon but shall not exceed a reasonable estimate by the State highway authority of the fair market value of an easement or leasehold for such use of the highway right‑of‑way. Where the State highway authority determines that the applied‑for use of such highway right‑of‑way is for private land uses by an individual and not for commercial purposes, the State highway authority may charge a lesser fee than would be charged a public utility company, municipal corporation or other public or private corporation or association as compensation for the use of the non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highway right‑of‑way. In no case shall the written consent of the State highway authority give or be construed to give any entity any easement, leasehold or other property interest of any kind in, upon, under, above or along the non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highway right‑of‑way. Where the compensation from any entity is in whole or in part a fee, such fee may be reasonably set, at the election of the State highway authority, in the form of a single lump sum payment or a schedule of payments. All such fees charged as compensation may be reviewed and adjusted upward by the State highway authority once every 5 years provided that any such adjustment shall be based on changes in the fair market value of an easement or leasehold for such use of the non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highway right‑of‑way. All such fees received as compensation by the State highway authority shall be deposited in the Road Fund. (e) Any entity applying for consent shall submit such information in such form and detail to the appropriate highway authority as to allow the authority to evaluate the entity's application. In the case of accommodations upon, under or along non‑toll federal‑aid fully access‑controlled State highways the entity applying for such consent shall reimburse the State highway authority for all of the authority's reasonable expenses in evaluating that entity's application, including but not limited to engineering and legal fees. (f) Any ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment located, placed, or constructed upon, under, or along a highway with the consent of the State or county highway authority under this Section shall, upon written notice by the State or county highway authority be removed, relocated, or modified by the owner, the owner's agents, contractors, or employees at no expense to the State or county highway authority when and as deemed necessary by the State or county highway authority for highway or highway safety purposes. The notice shall be properly given after the completion of engineering plans, the receipt of the necessary permits issued by the appropriate State and county highway authority to begin work, and the establishment of sufficient rights‑of‑way for a given utility authorized by the State or county highway authority to remain on the highway right‑of‑way such that the unit of local government or other owner of any facilities receiving notice in accordance with this subsection (f) can proceed with relocating, replacing, or reconstructing the ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment. If a permit application to relocate on a public right‑of‑way is not filed within 15 days of the receipt of final engineering plans, the notice precondition of a permit to begin work is waived. However, under no circumstances shall this notice provision be construed to require the State or any government department or agency to purchase additional rights‑of‑way to accommodate utilities. If, within 90 days after receipt of such written notice, the ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment have not been removed, relocated, or modified to the reasonable satisfaction of the State or county highway authority, or if arrangements are not made satisfactory to the State or county highway authority for such removal, relocation, or modification, the State or county highway authority may remove, relocate, or modify such ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment and bill the owner thereof for the total cost of such removal, relocation, or modification. The scope of the project shall be taken into consideration by the State or county highway authority in determining satisfactory arrangements. The State or county highway authority shall determine the terms of payment of those costs provided that all costs billed by the State or county highway authority shall not be made payable over more than a 5 year period from the date of billing. The State and county highway authority shall have the power to extend the time of payment in cases of demonstrated financial hardship by a unit of local government or other public owner of any facilities removed, relocated, or modified from the highway right‑of‑way in accordance with this subsection (f). This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit the State or county highway authority from paying any part of the cost of removal, relocation, or modification where such payment is otherwise provided for by State or federal statute or regulation. At any time within 90 days after written notice was given, the owner of the drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment may request the district engineer or, if appropriate, the county engineer for a waiver of the 90 day deadline. The appropriate district or county engineer shall make a decision concerning waiver within 10 days of receipt of the request and may waive the 90 day deadline if he or she makes a written finding as to the reasons for waiving the deadline. Reasons for waiving the deadline shall be limited to acts of God, war, the scope of the project, the State failing to follow the proper notice procedure, and any other cause beyond reasonable control of the owner of the facilities. Waiver must not be unreasonably withheld. If 90 days after written notice was given, the ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment have not been removed, relocated, or modified to the satisfaction of the State or county highway authority, no waiver of deadline has been requested or issued by the appropriate district or county engineer, and no satisfactory arrangement has been made with the appropriate State or county highway authority, the State or county highway authority or the general contractor of the building project may file a complaint in the circuit court for an emergency order to direct and compel the owner to remove, relocate, or modify the drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line, or other equipment to the satisfaction of the appropriate highway authority. The complaint for an order shall be brought in the circuit in which the subject matter of the complaint is situated or, if the subject matter of the complaint is situated in more than one circuit, in any one of those circuits. (g) It shall be the sole responsibility of the entity, without expense to the State highway authority, to maintain and repair its ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line or other equipment after it is located, placed or constructed upon, under or along any State highway and in no case shall the State highway authority thereafter be liable or responsible to the entity for any damages or liability of any kind whatsoever incurred by the entity or to the entity's ditches, drains, track, rails, poles, wires, pipe line or other equipment. (h) Except as provided in subsection (h‑1), upon receipt of an application therefor, consent to so use a highway may be granted subject to such terms and conditions not inconsistent with this Code as the highway authority deems for the best interest of the public. The terms and conditions required by the appropriate highway authority may include but need not be limited to participation by the party granted consent in the strategies and practices adopted under subsection (b) of this Section. The petitioner shall pay to the owners of property abutting upon the affected highways established as though by common law plat all damages the owners may sustain by reason of such use of the highway, such damages to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by law for the exercise of the right of eminent domain. (h‑1) With regard to any public utility, as defined in Section 3‑105 of the Public Utilities Act, engaged in public water or public sanitary sewer service that comes under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission, upon receipt of an application therefor, consent to so use a highway may be granted subject to such terms and conditions not inconsistent with this Code as the highway authority deems for the best interest of the public. The terms and conditions required by the appropriate highway authority may include but need not be limited to participation by the party granted consent in the strategies and practices adopted under subsection (b) of this Section. If the highway authority does not have fee ownership of the property, the petitioner shall pay to the owners of property located in the highway right‑of‑way all damages the owners may sustain by reason of such use of the highway, such damages to be ascertained and paid in the manner provided by law for the exercise of the right of eminent domain. The consent shall not otherwise relieve the entity granted that consent from obtaining by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise the necessary approval of any owner of the fee over or under which the highway or road is located, except to the extent that no such owner has paid real estate taxes on the property for the 2 years prior to the grant of the consent. Owners of property that abuts the right‑of‑way but who acquired the property through a conveyance that either expressly excludes the property subject to the right‑of‑way or that describes the property conveyed as ending at the right‑of‑way or being bounded by the right‑of‑way or road shall not be considered owners of property located in the right‑of‑way and shall not be entitled to damages by reason of the use of the highway or road for utility purposes, except that this provision shall not relieve the public utility from the obligation to pay for any physical damage it causes to improvements lawfully located in the right‑of‑way. Owners of abutting property whose descriptions include the right‑of‑way but are made subject to the right‑of‑way shall be entitled to compensation for use of the right‑of‑way. If the property subject to the right‑of‑way is not owned by the owners of the abutting property (either because it is expressly excluded from the property conveyed to an abutting property owner or the property as conveyed ends at or is bounded by the right‑of‑way or road), then the petitioner shall pay any damages, as so calculated, to the person or persons who have paid real estate taxes for the property as reflected in the county tax records. If no person has paid real estate taxes, then the public interest permits the installation of the facilities without payment of any damages. This provision of this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly is intended to clarify, by codification, existing law and is not intended to change the law. (i) Such consent shall be granted by the Department in the case of a State highway; by the county board or its designated county superintendent of highways in the case of a county highway; by either the highway commissioner or the county superintendent of highways in the case of a township or district road, provided that if consent is granted by the highway commissioner, the petition shall be filed with the commissioner at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of the beginning of construction, and that if written consent is not given by the commissioner within 30 days after receipt of the petition, the applicant may make written application to the county superintendent of highways for consent to the construction. This S