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Chapter 13C - Emission Inspection

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 13C heading)
(Source: P.A. 94‑526, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (625 ILCS 5/13C‑1)
    Sec. 13C‑1. Short title. This Chapter may be cited as the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 2005.
(Source: P.A. 94‑526, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (625 ILCS 5/13C‑5)
    Sec. 13C‑5. Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter:
    "Affected counties" means Cook County; DuPage County; Lake County; those parts of Kane County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 60109, 60119, 60135, 60140, 60142, 60144, 60147, 60151, 60152, 60178, 60182, 60511, 60520, 60545, and 60554; those parts of Kendall County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 60447, 60450, 60512, 60536, 60537, 60541, those parts of 60543 that are not within the census defined urbanized area, 60545, 60548, and 60560; those parts of McHenry County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 60001, 60033, 60034, 60071, 60072, 60097, 60098, 60135, 60142, 60152, and 60180; those parts of Will County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 60401, 60407, 60408, 60410, 60416, 60418, 60421, 60442, 60447, 60468, 60481, 60935, and 60950; those parts of Madison County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 62001, 62012, 62021, 62026, 62046, 62058, 62061, 62067, 62074, 62086, 62088, 62097, 62249, 62275, 62281, and 62293; those parts of Monroe County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 62244, 62248, 62256, 62261, 62264, 62276, 62277, 62278, 62279, 62295, and 62298; and those parts of St. Clair County that are not included within any of the following ZIP code areas, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly: 62224, 62243, 62248, 62254, 62255, 62257, 62258, 62260, 62264, 62265, 62269, 62278, 62282, 62285, 62289, 62293, and 62298.
    "Board" means the Illinois Pollution Control Board.
    "Claim evaluation center" means an automotive diagnostic facility that meets the standards prescribed by the Agency for performing examinations of vehicle emissions inspection damage claims.
    "Contractor" means the vehicle emissions test contractor for official inspection stations described in Section 13C‑45.
    "Diagnostic code" means a code stored in a vehicle's on‑board diagnostic computer to indicate the occurrence of an emissions‑related condition or malfunction.
    "Inspection area" means Cook County, DuPage County, Lake County, and those portions of Kane, Kendall, Madison, McHenry, Monroe, Will, and St. Clair Counties included in the definition of "affected counties".
    "Malfunction indicator lamp" means a dashboard lamp designed to illuminate to alert the driver to the occurrence of a problem or condition resulting in excessive emissions.
    "On‑board diagnostic system" or "OBD system" means the computer‑based system built into all 1996 and newer light‑duty vehicles and trucks, as required by the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, that is designed to monitor the performance of major engine and emissions controls, to alert the operator to emissions‑related malfunctions, and to store diagnostic codes and other vehicle operating information useful in repairing the vehicle.
    "Official inspection station" means a structure or physical location where the Agency has authorized vehicle emissions testing to be conducted.
    "Owner" means the registered owner of the vehicle, as indicated on the vehicle's registration. In the case of an unregistered vehicle, "owner" has the meaning set forth in Section 1‑155 of this Code.
    "Program" means the vehicle emission inspection program established under this Chapter.
    "Readiness status" means an indication of whether a vehicle's on‑board diagnostic system has completed a periodic check of the performance of a monitored system or component.
    "Resident" includes natural persons, foreign and domestic corporations, partnerships, associations, and all other commercial and governmental entities. For the purpose of determining residence, the owner of a vehicle shall be presumed to reside at the address indicated on the vehicle's registration. A governmental entity, including the federal government and its agencies, and any unit of local government or school district, any part of which is located within an affected county, shall be deemed a resident of an affected county for the purpose of any vehicle that is owned by the governmental entity and regularly operated in an affected county.
    "Registration" of a vehicle means its registration under Article IV of Chapter 3 of this Code.
    "Vehicle age" means the numerical difference between the current calendar year and the vehicle model year.
(Source: P.A. 94‑526, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (625 ILCS 5/13C‑10)
    Sec. 13C‑10. Program.
    (a) The Agency shall establish a program to begin February 1, 2007, to reduce the emission of pollutants by motor vehicles. This program shall be a replacement for and continuation of the program established under the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Law of 1995, Chapter 13B of this Code.
    At a minimum, this program shall provide for all of the following:
        (1) The inspection of certain motor vehicles every 2
     years, as required under Section 13C‑15.
        (2) The establishment and operation of official
     inspection stations.
        (3) The designation of official test equipment and
     testing procedures.
        (4) The training and supervision of inspectors and
     other personnel.
        (5) Procedures to assure the correct operation,
     maintenance, and calibration of test equipment.
        (6) Procedures for certifying test results and for
     reporting and maintaining relevant data and records.
    (b) The Agency shall provide for the operation of a
     sufficient number of official inspection stations to prevent undue difficulty for motorists to obtain the inspections required under this Chapter. In the event that the Agency operates inspection stations or contracts with one or more parties to operate inspection stations on its behalf, the Agency shall endeavor to: (i) locate the stations so that the owners of vehicles subject to inspection reside within 12 miles of an official inspection station; and (ii) have sufficient inspection capacity at the stations so that the usual wait before the start of an inspection does not exceed 15 minutes.
(Source: P.A. 94‑526, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (625 ILCS 5/13C‑15)
    Sec. 13C‑15. Inspections.
    (a) Computer‑Matched Inspections and Notification.
        (1) The provisions of this subsection (a) are
     operative until the implementation of the registration denial inspection and notification mechanisms required by subsection (b). Beginning with the implementation of the program required by this Chapter, every motor vehicle that is owned by a resident of an affected county, other than a vehicle that is exempt under paragraph (a)(6) or (a)(7), is subject to inspection under the program.
        The Agency shall send notice of the assigned
     inspection month, at least 15 days before the beginning of the assigned month, to the owner of each vehicle subject to the program. An initial emission inspection sticker or initial inspection certificate, as the case may be, expires on the last day of the third month following the month assigned by the Agency for the first inspection of the vehicle. A renewal inspection sticker or certificate expires on the last day of the third month following the month assigned for inspection in the year in which the vehicle's next inspection is required.
        The Agency or its agent may issue an interim emission
     inspection sticker or certificate for any vehicle subject to inspection that does not have a currently valid emission inspection sticker or certificate at the time the Agency is notified by the Secretary of State of its registration by a new owner, and for which an initial emission inspection sticker or certificate has already been issued. An interim emission inspection sticker or certificate expires no later than the last day of the sixth complete calendar month after the date the Agency issued the interim emission inspection sticker or certificate.
        The owner of each vehicle subject to inspection shall
     obtain an emission inspection sticker or certificate for the vehicle in accordance with this paragraph (1). Before the expiration of the emission inspection sticker or certificate, the owner shall have the vehicle inspected and, upon demonstration of compliance, obtain a renewal emission inspection sticker or certificate. A renewal emission inspection sticker or certificate shall not be issued more than 5 months before the expiration date of the previous inspection sticker or certificate.
        (2) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3), vehicles
     shall be inspected every 2 years on a schedule that begins either in the second, fourth, or later calendar year after the vehicle model year. The beginning test schedule shall be set by the Agency and shall be consistent with the State's requirements for emission reductions as determined by the applicable United States Environmental Protection Agency vehicle emissions estimation model and applicable guidance and rules.
        (3) A vehicle may be inspected at a time outside of
     its normal 2‑year inspection schedule, if (i) the vehicle was acquired by a new owner and (ii) the vehicle was required to be in compliance with this Act at the time the vehicle was acquired by the new owner, but it was not then in compliance.
        (4) The owner of a vehicle subject to inspection
     shall have the vehicle inspected and shall obtain and display on the vehicle or carry within the vehicle, in a manner specified by the Agency, a valid unexpired emission inspection sticker or certificate in the manner specified by the Agency. A person who violates this paragraph (4) is guilty of a petty offense, except that a third or subsequent violation within one year of the first violation is a Class C misdemeanor. The fine imposed for a violation of this paragraph (4) shall be not less than $50 if the violation occurred within 60 days following the date by which a new or renewal emission inspection sticker or certificate was required to be obtained for the vehicle, and not less than $300 if the violation occurred more than 60 days after that date.
        (5) For a $20 fee, to be paid into the Vehicle
     Inspection Fund, the Agency may inspect:
            (A) A vehicle registered in and subject to the
         emission inspections requirements of another state.
            (B) A vehicle presented for inspection on a
         voluntary basis.
        Any fees collected under this paragraph (5) shall
     not offset Motor Fuel Tax Funds normally appropriated for the program.
        (6) The following vehicles are not subject to
            (A) Vehicles not subject to registration under
         Article IV of Chapter 3 of this Code, other than vehicles owned by the federal government.
            (B) Motorcycles, motor driven cycles, and
         motorized pedalcycles.
            (C) Farm vehicles and implements of husbandry.
            (D) Implements of warfare owned by the State or
         federal government.
            (E) Antique vehicles, custom vehicles, street
         rods, and vehicles of model year 1967 or before.
            (F) Vehicles operated exclusively for parade or
         ceremonial purposes by any veterans, fraternal, or civic organization, organized on a not‑for‑profit basis.
            (G) Vehicles for which the Secretary of State,
         under Section 3‑117 of this Code, has issued a Junking Certificate.
            (H) Diesel powered vehicles and vehicles that are
         powered exclusively by electricity.
            (I) Vehicles operated exclusively in organized
         amateur or professional sporting activities, as defined in Section 3.310 of the Environmental Protection Act.
            (J) Vehicles registered in, subject to, and in
         compliance with the emission inspection requirements of another state.
            (K) Vehicles participating in an OBD continuous
         monitoring program operated in accordance with procedures adopted by the Agency.
            (L) Vehicles of model year 1995 or earlier that
         do not have an expired emissions test sticker or certificate on February 1, 2007.
        The Agency may issue temporary or permanent exemption
     stickers or certificates for vehicles temporarily or permanently exempt from inspection under this paragraph (6). An exemption sticker or certificate does not need to be displayed.
        (7) According to criteria that the Agency may adopt,
     a motor vehicle may be exempted from the inspection requirements of this Section by the Agency on the basis of an Agency determination that the vehicle is located and primarily used outside of the affected counties or in other jurisdictions where vehicle emission inspections are not required. The Agency may issue an annual exemption sticker or certificate without inspection for any vehicle exempted from inspection under this paragraph (7).
        (8) Any owner or lessee of a fleet of 15 or more
     motor vehicles that are subject to inspection under this Section may apply to the Agency for a permit to establish and operate a private official inspection station in accordance with rules adopted by the Agency.
        (9) Pursuant to Title 40, Section 51.371 of the Code
     of Federal Regulations, the Agency may establish a program of on‑road testing of in‑use vehicles through the use of remote sensing devices. In any such program, the Agency shall evaluate the emission performance of 0.5% of the subject fleet or 20,000 vehicles, whichever is less. Under no circumstances shall on‑road testing include any sort of roadblock or roadside pullover or cause any type of traffic delay. If, during the course of an on‑road inspection, a vehicle is found to exceed the on‑road emissions standards established for the model year and type of vehicle, the Agency shall send a notice to the vehicle owner. The notice shall document the occurrence and the results of the on‑road exceedance. The notice of a second on‑road exceedance shall indicate that the vehicle has been reassigned and is subject to an out‑of‑cycle follow‑up inspection at an official inspection station. In no case shall the Agency send a notice of an on‑road exceedance to the owner of a vehicle that was found to exceed the on‑road emission standards established for the model year and type of vehicle, if the vehicle is registered outside of the affected counties.
    (b) Registration Denial Inspection and Notification.
        (1) No later than January 1, 2008, every motor
     vehicle that is owned by a resident of an affected county, other than a vehicle that is exempt under paragraph (b)(8) or (b)(9), is subject to inspection under the program.
        The owner of a vehicle subject to inspection shall
     have the vehicle inspected and obtain proof of compliance from the Agency in order to obtain or renew a vehicle registration for a subject vehicle.
        The Secretary of State shall notify the owner of a
     vehicle subject to inspection of the requirement to have the vehicle tested at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the month in which the vehicle's registration is due to expire. Notwithstanding the preceding, vehicles with permanent registration plates shall be notified at least 30 days prior to the month corresponding to the date the vehicle was originally registered. This notification shall clearly state the vehicle's test status, based upon the vehicle type, model year and registration address.
        The owner of each vehicle subject to inspection shall
     have the vehicle inspected and, upon demonstration of compliance, obtain an emissions compliance certificate for the vehicle.
        (2) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3), (b)(4),
     and (b)(5), vehicles shall be inspected every 2 years on a schedule that begins in the fourth calendar year after the vehicle model year. Even model year vehicles shall be inspected and comply in order to renew registrations expiring in even calendar years and odd model year vehicles shall be inspected and comply in order to renew registrations expiring in odd calendar years.
        (3) A vehicle shall be inspected and comply at a time
     outside of its normal 2‑year inspection schedule if (i) the vehicle was acquired by a new owner and (ii) the vehicle had not been issued a Compliance Certificate within one year of the date of application for the title or registration, or both, for the vehicle.
        (4) Vehicles with 2‑year registrations shall be
     inspected every 2 years at the time of registration issuance or renewal on a schedule that begins in the fourth year after the vehicle model year.
        (5) Vehicles with permanent vehicle registration
     plates shall be inspected every 2 years on a schedule that begins in the fourth calendar year after the vehicle model year in the month corresponding to the date the vehicle was originally registered. Even model year vehicles shall be inspected and comply in even calendar years, and odd model year vehicles shall be inspected and comply in odd calendar years.
        (6) The Agency and the Secretary of State shall
     endeavor to ensure a smooth transition from test scheduling from the provisions of subsection (a) to subsection (b). Passing tests and waivers issued prior to the implementation of this subsection (b) may be utilized to establish compliance for a period of one year from the date of the emissions or waiver inspection.
        (7) For a $20 fee, to be paid into the Vehicle
     Inspection Fund, the Agency may inspect:
            (A) A vehicle registered in and subject to the
         emissions inspections requirements of another state.
            (B) A vehicle presented for inspection on a
         voluntary basis.
        Any fees collected under this paragraph (7) shall not
     offset Motor Fuel Tax Funds normally appropriated for the program.
        (8) The following vehicles are not subject to
            (A) Vehicles not subject to registration under
         Article IV of Chapter 3 of this Code, other than vehicles owned by the federal government.
            (B) Motorcycles, motor driven cycles, and
         motorized pedalcycles.
            (C) Farm vehicles and implements of husbandry.
            (D) Implements of warfare owned by the State or
         federal government.
            (E) Antique vehicles, custom vehicles, street
         rods, and vehicles of model year 1967 or before.
            (F) Vehicles operated exclusively for parade or
         ceremonial purposes by any veterans, fraternal, or civic organization, organized on a not‑for‑profit basis.
            (G) Vehicles for which the Secretary of State,
         under Section 3‑117 of this Code, has issued a Junking Certificate.
            (H) Diesel powered vehicles and vehicles that are
         powered exclusively by electricity.
            (I) Vehicles operated exclusively in organized
         amateur or professional sporting activities, as defined in Section 3.310 of the Environmental Protection Act.
            (J) Vehicles registered in, subject to, and in
         compliance with the emission inspection requirements of another state.
            (K) Vehicles participating in an OBD continuous
         monitoring program operated in accordance with procedures adopted by the Agency.
            (L) Vehicles of model year 1995 or earlier that
         do not have an expired emissions test sticker or certificate on February 1, 2007.
        The Agency may issue temporary or permanent exemption
     certificates for vehicles temporarily or permanently exempt from inspection under this paragraph (8). An exemption sticker or certificate does not need to be displayed.
        (9) According to criteria that the Agency may adopt,
     a motor vehicle may be exempted from the inspection requirements of this Section by the Agency on the basis of an Agency determination that the vehicle is located and primarily used outside of the affected counties or in other jurisdictions where vehicle emissions inspections are not required. The Agency may issue an annual exemption certificate without inspection for any vehicle exempted from inspection under this paragraph (9).
        (10) Any owner or lessee of a fleet of 15 or more
     motor vehicles that are subject to inspection under this Section may apply to the Agency for a permit to establish and operate a private official inspection station in accordance with rules adopted by the Agency.
        (11) Pursuant to Title 40, Section 51.371 of the Code
     of Federal Regulations, the Agency may establish a program of on‑road testing of in‑use vehicles through the use of remote sensing devices. In any such program, the Agency shall evaluate the emission performance of 0.5% of the subject fleet or 20,000 vehicles, whichever is less. Under no circumstances shall on‑road testing include any sort of roadblock or roadside pullover or cause any type of traffic delay. If, during the course of an on‑road inspection, a vehicle is found to exceed the on‑road emissions standards established for the model year and type of vehicle, the Agency shall send a notice to the vehicle owner. The notice shall document the occurrence and the results of the on‑road exceedance. The notice of a second on‑road exceedance shall indicate that the vehicle has been reassigned and is subject to an out‑of‑cycle follow‑up inspection at an official inspection station. In no case shall the Agency send a notice of an on‑road exceedance to the owner of a vehicle that was found to exceed the on‑road emissions standards established for the model year and type of vehicle, if the vehicle is registered outside of the affected counties.
(Source: P.A. 94‑526, eff. 1‑1‑06; 94‑848, eff. 6‑9‑06.)

    (625 ILCS 5/13C‑20)
    Sec. 13C‑20. Rules and standards.
    (a) The rules and emission standards adopted under subsection (a) of Section 13B‑20 of this Code shall apply to the program established under this Chapter and continue in effect until amended or repealed by the Board under this subsection.
    The Agency shall propose any other standards necessary to achieve reductions in the emission of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen from motor vehicles subject to inspection under this Chapter. Within 120 days after the Agency proposes those standards, the Board shall adopt any necessary rules establishing standards for the emission of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen from motor vehicles subject to inspection under this Chapter. The rules may be amended from time to time pursuant to Agency proposals. The Board shall set standards necessary to achieve the reductions in vehicle hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen emissions, as determined by the applicable vehicle emission estimation model and rules developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, that are required by the federal Clean Air Act. A predetermined rate of failure shall not be used in determining standards necessary to achieve the reductions in vehicle hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen emissions. The emission standards established by the Board for vehicles of model year 1981 or later shall be identical in substance, as defined in Section 7.2(a) of the Environmental Protection Act, to the emission standards promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
    Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, subsection (b) of Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act and the rulemaking provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act do not apply to rules adopted by the Board under this subsection. Challenges to the validity of rules adopted by the Board under this subsection or subsection (a) of Section 13B‑20 may be brought only by filing a petition for review in the Appellate Court under Section 29 of the Environmental Protection Act within 35 days after the rule is filed with the Secretary of State.
    (b) The procedures established by the Agency under subsection (b) of Section 13B‑20 of this Code shall apply to the program established under this Chapter and remain in effect until amended or repealed under this subsection. The Agency may at any time amend or repeal those procedures and may establish additional procedures designed to implement this Chapter.
(Source: P.A. 94‑526, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (625 ILCS 5/13C‑25)
    Sec. 13C‑25. Performance of inspections.
    (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the inspection of vehicles required under this Chapter shall be performed only: (i) by inspectors who have been certified by the Agency after successfully completing a course of training and successfully passing a written test; (ii) at official inspection stations, including on‑road inspection sites established under this Chapter; and (iii) with equipment that has been approved by the Agency for these inspections.
    (b) The requirements of subdivisions (a)(i) and (a)(ii) of this Section do not preclude the performance of inspections (1) at self‑service official inspection stations, (2) using Agency‑approved wireless communication interfaces, and (3) using systems designed to perform remote on‑board diagnostic inspections.
    (c) Except as provided in subsection (d), the inspection shall consist of an on‑board diagnostic system test. The owner of the vehicle or the owner's agent shall be entitled to an emission inspection certificate issued by the Agency only if all required tests are passed at the time of the inspection.
    (d) A steady‑state idle exhaust gas analysis and the evaporative system integrity test may be substituted for the on‑board diagnostic system test in the following cases:
        (1) On any heavy duty vehicle with a manufacturer
     gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,500 pounds not equipped at the time of manufacture with an on‑board diagnostic system meeting federal OBD‑II specifications.
        (2) On any vehicle for which on‑board diagnostic
     testing is not possible due to the vehicle's originally certified design or its design as modified in accordance with federal law and regulations, and on any vehicle with known on‑board diagnostic communications or software problems, as determined by the Agency.
    (e) The exhaust gas analysis shall consist of a test of
     an exhaust gas sample to determi

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