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Chapter 18c - Illinois Commercial Transportation Law

      (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 18C heading)

      (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 18C Sub‑ch. 1 heading)

      (625 ILCS 5/Ch 18C Sub 1 Art I heading)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1101) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1101)
    Sec. 18c‑1101. Short Title. This Chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Illinois Commercial Transportation Law".
(Source: P.A. 84‑796.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1102) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1102)
    Sec. 18c‑1102. Legislative Intent. The General Assembly finds that:
        (a) a comprehensive recodification of existing
     transportation regulatory statutes is needed to delete obsolete provisions and facilitate a coordinated approach to regulation of motor carriers, rail carriers, and brokers;
        (b) the accelerating pace of change in the
     transportation industry, as an outgrowth of changing economic conditions and federal legislation, necessitates the streamlining of regulatory procedures to allow for prompt action to protect the interests of the people of the State of Illinois; and
        (c) an increasing incidence of unlawful activity by
     unlicensed carriers and others has rendered existing enforcement mechanisms inadequate.
     Where the language of any provision in this Chapter is substantially similar to the language in the predecessor statute, the legislative intent expressed in this Chapter shall be the same as the legislative intent embodied in the predecessor statute as construed by the courts of this State and, where appropriate, reports of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Laws Commission.
(Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1103) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1103)
    Sec. 18c‑1103. State Transportation Policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State of Illinois to actively supervise and regulate commercial transportation of persons and property within this state. This policy shall be carried out in such manner as to: (a) promote adequate, economical, efficient and responsive commercial transportation service, with adequate revenues to carriers and reasonable rates to the public, and without discrimination; (b) recognize and preserve the inherent advantages of, and foster sound economic conditions in, the several modes of commercial transportation in the public interest; (c) develop and preserve a commercial transportation system properly supportive of the broad economic development goals of the State of Illinois; (d) create economic and employment opportunities in commercial transportation and affected industries through economic growth and development; (e) encourage fair wages and safe and suitable working conditions in the transportation industry; (f) protect the public safety through administration of a program of safety standards and insurance; (g) insure a stable and well‑coordinated transportation system for shippers, carriers and the public; and (h) cooperate with the federal government, the several states, and with the organizations representing states and commercial transportation service providers and consumers.
(Source: P.A. 84‑796.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1104) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1104)
    Sec. 18c‑1104. Definitions. The following terms, when used in this Chapter, have the hereinafter designated meanings unless their context clearly indicates otherwise:
    (1) "Broker" means any person other than a motor carrier of property, that arranges, offers to arrange, or holds itself out, by solicitation, advertisement, or otherwise, as arranging or offering to arrange for‑hire transportation of property or other service in connection therewith by a motor carrier of property which holds or is required to hold a license issued by the Commission.
    (2) "Carrier" means any motor carrier or rail carrier other than a private carrier.
    (3) "Certificate" means a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this Chapter to common carriers of household goods.
    (4) "Commission" means the Illinois Commerce Commission.
    (5) "Commission regulations and orders" means rules and regulations adopted and orders or decisions issued by the Commission pursuant to this Chapter; any certificate, permit, broker's license or other license or registration issued pursuant to such rules, regulations, orders and decisions; and all terms, conditions, or limitations thereof.
    (6) (Blank).
    (7) (Blank).
    (8) (Blank).
    (9) "Discrimination" means undue discrimination in the context of the particular mode of transportation involved.
    (10) "Farm crossing" means a crossing used for agricultural and livestock purposes only.
    (11) "For‑hire" means for compensation or hire, regardless of the form of compensation and whether compensation is direct or indirect.
    (12) "Freight forwarder" means any person other than a motor carrier, rail carrier, or common carrier by pipeline which holds itself out as a common carrier to provide transportation of property, for compensation or hire, which, in the rendition of its services:
        (a) Undertakes responsibility for the consolidation
     (where applicable), transportation, break‑bulk (where applicable), and distribution of such property from the point of receipt to the point of delivery; and
        (b) Utilizes, for the transportation of such
     property, the services of one or more motor carriers or rail carriers.
    (13) "Hazardous material" means any substance or material in a quantity and form determined by the federal Office of Hazardous Materials and the Federal Railroad Administration to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property when transported in commerce.
    (13.1) "Household goods" means:
        (A) Personal effects and property used or to be used
     in a dwelling when a part of the equipment or supply of such dwelling; except that this subdivision (13.1) shall not be construed to include property moving from a factory or store, except such property as the householder has purchased with intent to use in his or her dwelling and that is transported at the request of, and the transportation charges paid to the carrier by, the householder;
        (B) Furniture, fixtures, equipment, and the property
     of stores, offices, museums, institutions, hospitals, or other establishments, when a part of the stock, equipment, or supply of such stores, offices, museums, institutions, hospitals, or other establishments; except that this subdivision (13.1) shall not be construed to include the stock‑in‑trade of any establishment, whether consignor or consignee, other than used furniture and used fixtures, except when transported as an incident to the moving of the establishment, or a portion thereof, from one location to another; and
        (C) Articles, including, but not limited to, objects
     of art, displays, and exhibits, which, because of their unusual nature or value, require the specialized handling and equipment usually employed in moving household goods; except that this subdivision (13.1) shall not be construed to include any article, whether crated or uncrated, that does not, because of its unusual nature or value, require the specialized handling and equipment usually employed in moving household goods.
    (13.2) "Household goods carrier" means a motor carrier of property authorized to transport household goods.
    (13.3) "Household goods common carrier" means any household goods carrier engaged in transportation for the general public over regular or irregular routes. Household goods common carriers may also be referred to as "common carriers of household goods".
    (13.4) "Household goods contract carrier" means any household goods carrier engaged in transportation under contract with a limited number of shippers (that shall not be freight forwarders, shippers' agents or brokers) that either (a) assigns motor vehicles for a continuing period of time to the exclusive use of the shipper or shippers served, or (b) furnishes transportation service designed to meet the distinct need of the shipper or shippers served. Household goods contract carriers may also be referred to as "contract carriers of household goods".
    (14) "Interstate carrier" means any person engaged in the for‑hire transportation of persons or property in interstate or foreign commerce in this State, whether or not such transportation is pursuant to authority issued to it by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
    (15) "Intrastate carrier" means any person engaged in the for‑hire transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce in this State.
    (16) "Interstate commerce" means commerce between a point in the State of Illinois and a point outside the State of Illinois, or between points outside the State of Illinois when such commerce moves through Illinois, or between points in Illinois moving through another state in a bona fide operation that is either exempt from federal regulation or moves under a certificate or permit issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission authorizing interstate transportation, whether such commerce moves wholly by motor vehicle or partly by motor vehicle and partly by any other regulated means of transportation where the commodity does not come to rest or change its identity during the movement, and includes commerce originating or terminating in a foreign country moving through the State of Illinois.
    (17) "Intrastate commerce" means commerce moving wholly between points within the State of Illinois, whether such commerce moves wholly by one transportation mode or partly by one mode and partly by any other mode of transportation.
    (18) "License" means any certificate, permit, broker's license, or other license issued under this Chapter. For purposes of Article III of Sub‑chapter 4 of this Chapter, "license" does not include a "public carrier certificate".
    (19) "Motor carrier" means any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers, or both, for hire, over the public roads of this State, by motor vehicle. Motor carriers engaged in the transportation of property are referred to as "motor carriers of property"; motor carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers are referred to as "motor carriers of passengers" or "bus companies".
    (20) "Motor vehicle" means any vehicle, truck, trucktractor, trailer or semitrailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used upon the highways of the State in the transportation of property or passengers.
    (21) "Non‑relocation towing" means the:
        (a) For‑hire transportation of vehicles by use of
     wrecker or towing equipment, other than the removal of trespassing vehicles from private property subject to the provisions of Chapter 18a of this Code, and other than transportation exempted by Section 18c‑4102; and
        (b) For‑hire towing of wheeled property other than
    (22) "Notice" means with regard to all proceedings except enforcement proceedings instituted on the motion of the Commission, and except for interstate motor carrier registrations, public notice by publication in the official state newspaper, unless otherwise provided in this Chapter.
    (23) "Official state newspaper" means the newspaper designated and certified to the Commission annually by the Director of Central Management Services of the State of Illinois, or, if said Director fails to certify to the Commission the name and address of the official newspaper selected by the Director prior to expiration of the previous certification, the newspaper designated in the most recent certification.
    (24) "Party" means any person admitted as a party to a Commission proceeding or seeking and entitled as a matter of right to admission as a party to a Commission proceeding.
    (25) "Permit" means a permit issued under this Chapter to contract carriers of property by motor vehicle.
    (26) "Person" means any natural person or legal entity, whether such entity is a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, or other entity, and, where a provision concerns the acts or omissions of a person, includes the partners, officers, employees, and agents of the person, as well as any trustees, assignees, receivers, or personal representatives of the person.
    (27) "Private carrier by motor vehicle" means any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers by motor vehicle other than for hire, whether the person is the owner, lessee or bailee of the lading or otherwise, when the transportation is for the purpose of sale, lease, or bailment and in furtherance of the person's primary business, other than transportation. "Private carriers by motor vehicle" may be referred to as "private carriers". Ownership, lease or bailment of the lading is not sufficient proof of a private carrier operation if the carrier is, in fact, engaged in the transportation of property for‑hire.
    (27.1) "Public carrier" means a motor carrier of property, other than a household goods carrier.
    (27.2) "Public carrier certificate" means a certificate issued to a motor carrier to transport property, other than household goods, in intrastate commerce. The issuance of a public carrier certificate shall not be subject to the provisions of Article I of Sub‑chapter 2 of this Chapter.
    (28) "Public convenience and necessity" shall be construed to have the same meaning under this Chapter as it was construed by the courts to have under the Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Law, with respect to motor carriers of property, and the Public Utilities Act with respect to motor carriers of passengers and rail carriers.
    (29) "Public interest" shall be construed to have the same meaning under this Chapter as it was construed by the courts to have under the Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Law.
    (30) "Rail carrier" means any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers for hire by railroad, together with all employees or agents of such person or entity, and all property used, controlled, or owned by such person or entity.
    (31) "Railroad" means track and associated structures, including bridges, tunnels, switches, spurs, terminals and other facilities, and equipment, including engines, freight cars, passenger cars, cabooses, and other equipment, used in the transportation of property or passengers by rail.
    (32) "Rail yard" means a system of parallel tracks, cross‑overs and switches where cars are switched and made up into trains, and where cars, locomotives, and other rolling stock are kept when not in use or awaiting repairs. A "rail yard" may also be referred to as a "yard".
    (33) "Rate" means every individual or joint rate, fare, toll, or charge of any carrier or carriers, any provisions relating to application thereof, and any tariff or schedule containing rates and provisions. The term "tariff" refers to a publication or document containing motor common carrier rates and provisions or rates and provisions applicable via rail carrier under contracts established pursuant to 49 U.S. Code 10713. The term "schedule" refers to a publication or document containing motor contract carrier rates and provisions.
    (34) "Registration" means a registration issued to an interstate carrier.
    (35) "Shipper" means the consignor or consignee.
    (36) "Terminal area" means, in addition to the area within the corporate boundary of an incorporated city, village, municipality, or community center, the area (whether incorporated or unincorporated) within 10 air miles of the corporate limits of the base city, village, municipality, or community center, including all of any city, village or municipality which lies within such area.
    (37) "Transfer" means the sale, lease, consolidation, merger, acquisition or change of control, or other transfer of a license, in whole or in part.
    (38) "Transportation" means the actual movement of property or passengers by motor vehicle (without regard to ownership of vehicles or equipment used in providing transportation service) or rail together with loading, unloading, and any other accessorial or ancillary service provided by the carrier in connection with movement by motor vehicle or rail, which is performed by or on behalf of the carriers, its employees or agents, or under the authority or direction of the carrier or under the apparent authority or direction and with the knowledge of the carrier. Transportation of property by motor vehicle includes driveaway or towaway delivery service.
    (39) "Towing" means the pushing, towing, or drawing of wheeled property by means of a crane, hoist, towbar, towline, or auxiliary axle.
    (40) "Wrecker or towing equipment" means tow trucks or auxiliary axles, when used in relation to towing accidentally wrecked or disabled vehicles; and roll‑back carriers or trailers, when used in relation to transporting accidentally wrecked or disabled vehicles. Wrecker or towing equipment does not include car carriers or trailers other than roll‑back car carriers or trailers.
(Source: P.A. 89‑42, eff. 1‑1‑96; 89‑444, eff. 1‑25‑96; 90‑14, eff. 7‑1‑97.)

      (625 ILCS 5/Ch 18C Sub 1 Art II heading)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1201) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1201)
    Sec. 18c‑1201. Jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the Commission under this Chapter shall extend to for‑hire transportation by motor carrier and rail carrier, the activities of brokers, and to other activities specifically enumerated herein, within the State of Illinois, and except as otherwise provided elsewhere in this Chapter shall extend only to intrastate commerce.
(Source: P.A. 89‑42, eff. 1‑1‑96.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1202) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1202)
    Sec. 18c‑1202. Enumeration of Powers. The Commission shall have the power to:
    (1) Administer and enforce provisions of this Chapter;
    (2) Regulate the entry, exit, and services of carriers; as to public carriers, this power is limited to matters relating to insurance and safety standards;
    (3) Regulate rates and practices of household goods carriers, rail carriers, passenger carriers, and common carriers by pipeline;
    (4) Establish and maintain systems of accounting as well as reporting and record‑keeping requirements for household goods carriers, rail carriers, passenger carriers, and common carriers by pipeline;
    (5) Establish and maintain systems for the classification of carriers, commodities and services;
    (6) Regulate practices, terms and conditions relating to the leasing of equipment and to the interchange of equipment among carriers; as to public carriers, this power is limited to matters relating to insurance and safety standards;
    (7) Protect the public safety through insurance and safety standards;
    (8) Regulate brokers in accordance with provisions of this Chapter;
    (9) Adopt appropriate regulations setting forth the standards and procedures by which it will administer and enforce this Chapter, with such regulations being uniform for all modes of transportation or different for the different modes as will, in the opinion of the Commission, best effectuate the purposes of this Chapter;
    (10) Conduct hearings and investigations, on its own motion or the motion of a person;
    (11) Adjudicate disputes, hear complaints or other petitions for relief, and settle such matters by stipulation or agreement;
    (12) Create special procedures for the receipt and handling of consumer complaints;
    (13) Issue certificates describing the extent to which a person is exempt under the provisions of this Chapter;
    (14) Construe this Chapter, Commission regulations and orders, except that the rule of ejusdem generis shall not be applicable in the construction or interpretation of any license, certificate or permit originally issued under the Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Law and now governed by subchapter 4 of this Chapter or issued under subchapter 4 of this Chapter prior to July 1, 1989;
    (15) Employ such persons as are needed to administer and enforce this Chapter, in such capacities as they are needed, whether as hearings examiners, special examiners, enforcement officers, investigators, or otherwise;
    (16) Create advisory committees made up of representatives of the various transportation modes, shippers, receivers, or other members of the public;
    (17) Initiate and participate in proceedings in the federal or State courts, and in proceedings before federal or other State agencies, to the extent necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Chapter, provided that participation in specific proceedings is directed, in writing, by the Commission;
    (18) Direct any telecommunications carrier to disconnect the telephone number published in any commercial listing of any household goods carrier that does not have a valid license issued by the Commission.
(Source: P.A. 89‑444, eff. 1‑25‑96.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1203) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1203)
    Sec. 18c‑1203. Initial Decisions.
    (1) Delegation of Authority.
        (a) General Delegation. The power to make an
     initial decision in all matters under this Chapter and Chapter 18a which are interlocutory or which are not the subject of an active controversy between parties, except in motor carrier of property licensing cases and cases assigned for hearing, is delegated to one or more staff members who shall be designated by the Commission.
        (b) Delegation to Examiners. The power to make
     initial decisions shall be vested in the examiner, in all cases assigned for hearing, except in household goods carrier licensing cases.
    (2) Form of Decisions. Decisions under this Section shall be by letter notice or directive, signed by the person authorized to make the initial decision. Such notice or directive shall be effective and enforceable in the same manner as an order of the Commission.
    (3) Appeal of Initial Decisions. All initial decisions rendered under this Section may be appealed to the Commission. Appeal of interlocutory decisions by an examiner in a case assigned for hearing shall be in accordance with the Commission's Rules of Practice. Appeal of other initial decisions shall be by motion for reconsideration in accordance with Section 18c‑2110 of this Chapter.
    (4) Enforcement. An initial decision which has not been administratively appealed or the administrative appeal of which has been denied shall be effective and enforceable in the same manner as an order of the Commission.
(Source: P.A. 89‑444, eff. 1‑25‑96.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1204) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1204)
    Sec. 18c‑1204. Transportation Division.
    (1) Establishment. There shall be established within the staff of the Commission a Transportation Division in which primary staff responsibility for the administration and enforcement of this Chapter and Chapter 18a shall be vested. The Transportation Division shall be headed by a division manager responsible to the executive director.
    (2) Structure. The Transportation Division shall consist of 4 programs and 2 offices. The 4 programs shall be Compliance, Review and Examination, Docketing and Processing, and Rail Safety. Each program shall be headed by a program director and responsible to the division manager, except that in the Compliance Program the 3 staff supervisors shall each be responsible to the division manager. The 2 offices shall be the Office of Transportation Counsel and the Office of the Division Manager. The Office of Transportation Counsel shall be headed by a Chief Counsel responsible to the Division Manager. The Division Manager shall coordinate the activities and responsibilities of the Office of Transportation Counsel with the executive director and the personal assistant serving as staff counsel to the executive director in the office of the executive director, and with the Commission.
        (a) The Compliance Program.
            (i) The Compliance Program shall consist of a
         police staff, a rate auditing staff, and a civil penalties staff. These staffs shall be headed by a Chief of Police, a Supervisor of Tariffs and Audits, and a Supervisor of Civil Penalties, respectively.
            (ii) The police staff shall be divided into
         districts with a field office in each district. Each district shall be headed by a working supervisor responsible to the Chief of Police. All staff responsibility for enforcement of this Chapter, except with regard to rail safety, shall be vested in the Compliance Program.
        (b) The Review and Examination Program.
            (i) Staff responsibility for review of all
         nonhearing matters under this Chapter and Chapter 18a and examination of all matters assigned for hearing under this Chapter and Chapter 18a shall be vested in the Review and Examination Program, except as otherwise provided in Section 18c‑1204b.
            (ii) Hearing examiners in the program shall have
         responsibility for developing a full, complete and impartial record on all issues to be decided in a proceeding; recommending disposition of the issues or making an initial decision on them, as provided in this Chapter; and setting forth in writing the basis for their recommendations or initial decisions. The program director shall be the chief hearing examiner for matters under this Chapter and Chapter 18a with responsibility to insure consistency of recommendations and initial decisions.
        (c) The Processing and Docketing Program. All staff
     responsibility for docketing and processing filings, accounting of receipts and expenditures, issuing, file maintenance and other processing functions under this Chapter and Chapter 18a shall be vested in the Processing Program.
        (d) The Rail Safety Program. Staff responsibility
     for administration and enforcement of the rail safety provisions of this Chapter shall be vested in the Rail Safety Program.
        (e) The Office of Transportation Counsel.
            (i) All Commission staff responsibility for
         provision of legal services in connection with any matter under this Chapter, excepting any matter under subchapters 7 and 8 of this Chapter, or in connection with any matter under Chapter 18a shall, except with regard to functions vested in the review and examination program under paragraph (b) of this subsection, be vested exclusively in the Office of Transportation Counsel.
            (ii) The Office of Transportation Counsel shall,
         when directed through the division manager to do so, represent the Commission or Commission staff in administrative or judicial proceedings and render staff advisory opinions to the executive director and the Commission.
        (f) Levels of Administration. No additional levels
     of administration, supervision or authority shall be superimposed, or remain superimposed, between levels prescribed under this Section, and no organizational units may be created within the Transportation Division except as prescribed under this Section.
    (3) Additional Functions. Staff functions relating to rulemaking, policy recommendations and advisory committees under this Chapter and Chapter 18a shall be vested in the Transportation Division.
    The staff shall prepare and distribute to the General Assembly, in April of each year, a report on railway accidents in Illinois which involve hazardous materials. The report shall include the location, substance involved, amounts involved, and the suspected reason for each accident. The report shall also reveal the rail line and point of origin of the hazardous material involved in each accident.
(Source: P.A. 88‑415.)

    (625 ILCS 5/18c‑1204a) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑1204a)
    Sec. 18c‑1204a. Docketing Procedures. (1) Mandatory Docketing Requirement. All pleadings filed with the Commission under this Chapter and Chapter 18a shall be docketed in a timely manner.
    (2) Staff Objections. If staff believes a pleading filed with the Commission under this Chapter and Chapter 18a to be defective in any respect, it may file its objection with the Commission in writing, provided a copy of the objection is simultaneously served on the person who filed the pleading and 15 days are allowed for the filing of a reply. The Commission may, if it finds that the pleading is defective, either dismiss the proceeding or permit amendment of the pleading, provided that intervenors are

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