(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6101) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6101) Sec. 18c‑6101. Scope of Commission Jurisdiction. Except as provided in Section 18c‑6102 of this Chapter, the jurisdiction of the Commission shall extend to all motor carriers of passengers operating within the State of Illinois. (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6102) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6102) Sec. 18c‑6102. Exemptions From Commission Jurisdiction. The provisions of this Sub‑chapter shall not, except as provided in Section 18c‑6501 of this Chapter, apply to: (1) carriers owned by any political subdivision, school district, institution of higher education, or municipality, and operated either by such political subdivision, institution of higher education, or municipality or its lessee or agent; (2) commuter vans as defined in this Code; (3) carriers transporting passengers without fixed routes or schedules and charging on a time or distance basis, including taxicabs, charter operations, and contract bus operations; (4) carriers transporting passengers with fixed routes and schedules and charging on a per passenger fixed charge basis and which do not include an airport as a point to be served on the route, in whole or in part; (5) transportation in vehicles with a manufacturer's rated seating capacity of less than 8 persons, including the driver; (6) transportation subject to the Ridesharing Arrangements Act; (7) commuter buses offering short‑haul for‑hire regularly scheduled passenger transportation service within metropolitan and suburban areas, over regular routes with fixed schedules, and utilized primarily by passengers using reduced‑fare, multiple‑ride, or commutation tickets during morning and evening peak periods in travelling to and from their places of employment; and (8) those persons owning and operating school buses, as defined in this Code, and regulated by other provisions of this Code. (Source: P.A. 90‑407, eff. 8‑15‑97; 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6103) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6103) Sec. 18c‑6103. Unlawful Operations. Except as provided in Article I of this Sub‑chapter, and subject to the provisions stated herein, no person shall: (1) Operate as a motor carrier of passengers unless the person possesses a valid license authorizing such operations. (2) Provide service at rates other than those contained in lawfully applicable tariffs for such service; (3) Otherwise operate as a motor carrier of passengers in violation of any provision of this Chapter, Commission regulations and orders, or any other law of this state; or (4) Aid or abet any other person in a violation of this Chapter, Commission regulations or orders, by soliciting or receiving, or by compensating service from a person not authorized to provide such service, or at other than lawful rates for such service, or otherwise. (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6201) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6201) Sec. 18c‑6201. Requirements for Issuance of Licenses. (1) General Requirements. Except as provided in subsection (2) of this Section, the Commission shall grant an application for a motor carrier of passengers license, in whole or in part, to the extent that it finds that the application was properly filed, a need for the proposed service exists, the applicant if fit, willing, and able to provide the service in compliance with this Chapter, Commission regulations and orders, absent a showing that issuance of the license would be inconsistent with the public interest. Otherwise, the application shall be denied. In determining whether issuance of a motor carrier of passengers license would be inconsistent with the public interest, the Commission shall consider: (a) The value of competition which would result from issuance to the travelling public; (b) The effect of issuance on motor carrier of passengers service to small communities; (c) The effect of issuance on the ability of any other carrier to provide a substantial portion of the passenger service such carrier provides over its entire system, except that diversion of revenue or traffic from a carrier in and of itself shall not be sufficient to support a finding that issuance of the license would impair the ability of the other carrier to provide a substantial portion of the passenger service such carrier provides over its entire system; and (d) Any other factor relevant to the public interest. (2) Motor Carriers of Passengers Providing Service to or from Airports. The Commission shall grant an application for a motor carrier of passengers license authorizing service along any route where an airport is a point to be served on the route, in whole or in part, to the extent that it finds that the application was properly filed, a need for the proposed service exists, the applicant is fit, willing, and able to provide the service in compliance with this Chapter, Commission regulations and orders, and the public convenience and necessity requires issuance of the license. Otherwise, the application shall be denied. The provisions of this subsection shall be construed to impose the same entry requirements as were previously applicable under Section 55 of "An Act concerning public utilities", approved June 29, 1921, as amended. (Source: P.A. 85‑553.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6202) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6202) Sec. 18c‑6202. Other Provisions Relating to Licensing and Registration. Provisions in Articles II, III, and IV of Sub‑chapter 4 of this Chapter, governing the suspension, revocation, and transfer of motor carrier of property licenses, the registration of interstate motor carriers of property shall likewise govern motor carriers of passengers as if all references therein were to motor carriers of passengers. (Source: P.A. 85‑553.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6301) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6301) Sec. 18c‑6301. General Provisions. No motor common carrier of passengers shall add to, change, reduce, or discontinue service to any point along a route over which the carrier is authorized to provide intrastate service, except in accordance with the provisions of this Article. (Source: P.A. 85‑553.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6302) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6302) Sec. 18c‑6302. Definitions. The following terms, when used in this Article, shall have the hereinafter designated meanings. (1) "Addition" to service means the institution of new scheduled service. (2) "Change" in service means a change in the time or times of scheduled service which does not constitute a reduction or discontinuance of service. (3) "Reduction" of service means any reduction in the level of scheduled service which does not constitute discontinuance of the carrier's service. (4) "Discontinuance" of service means total discontinuance of service to any point along a route over which the carrier is authorized to provide service or reduction in the level of service to any such point to less than one round trip per weekday (Monday through Friday). (Source: P.A. 90‑655, eff. 7‑30‑98.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6303) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6303) Sec. 18c‑6303. Schedule Changes and Reductions in Service. Any motor common carrier of passengers may add to, change, or reduce the level of its service to any point along a route over which the carrier is authorized to provide service, provided that the addition, change or reduction does not constitute discontinuance of service to any point along a route over which the carrier is authorized to serve, after the carrier has served notice in accordance with Commission regulations adopted pursuant to this Article, and without prior authorization. (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6304) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6304) Sec. 18c‑6304. Discontinuances. No motor common carrier of passengers shall discontinue service to any point along a route over which the carrier is authorized to provide service except in accordance with provisions of Section 18c‑6305 of this Chapter. (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6305) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6305) Sec. 18c‑6305. Prior Notice and Petition for Authorization. (1) Annual and Amended Lists of Points Under Consideration for Discontinuance. By March of each calendar year, each motor carrier of passengers shall submit to the Commission a list of routes and points which it is authorized to serve which the carrier has under consideration for discontinuance within the following 12 months. A carrier may amend its list on the 1st day of each subsequent month. (2) Notice of Intent to Discontinue. Not less than 30 days after a point appears on a list of points under consideration for discontinuance, the carrier may serve on the Commission the carrier's Notice of Intent to discontinue service. Such notice shall be for the purpose of alerting the Commission and allowing a period of time during which alternatives to discontinuance, or alternative service, may be explored. (3) Petitions to Discontinue. Not less than 60 nor more than 90 days after the filing of a Notice of Intent to discontinue, the carrier may formally propose discontinuance by filing in accordance with such requirements as to form and content as the Commission may prescribe. The Commission may investigate the proposal, and may suspend the discontinuance pending the outcome of the investigation for a period not to exceed 90 days from the date the proposal is filed. The Commission shall determine, after considering the public need for service, revenues (both those which have been received and those which might be received, by subsidy or otherwise) and variable costs associated with the service, and the availability of reasonable alternative transportation service whether the public convenience and necessity requires continuation of the service proposed to be discontinued. If the Commission determines that the public convenience and necessity requires continuation, it shall so order; otherwise, the proceeding shall be dismissed. (4) Waiver or Notice. Prior notice requirements under this Section may be waived for good cause or where the carrier has made substantial compliance with such prior notice requirements or compliance is not necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Chapter. (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6401) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6401) Sec. 18c‑6401. Ratemaking. The Commission may exercise, with respect to rate regulation of motor carriers of passengers, any and all power which it may exercise with respect to rate regulation of motor carriers of property. Motor carriers of passengers shall be in all respects subject to provisions of this Chapter governing ratemaking for motor carriers of property, except as provided in 49 U.S. Code 11501(e). (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6501) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6501) Sec. 18c‑6501. Hours of Service for Drivers. No motor carrier of passengers shall operate any vehicle with a manufacturer's rated seating capacity of more than 8 persons, including the driver, except in compliance with federal hours of service regulations codified at 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 395, Hours of Service of Drivers, as amended. (Source: P.A. 84‑796.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6502) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6502) Sec. 18c‑6502. Report and Investigation of Accidents. (1) Reports. Every motor carrier of passengers shall report to the Commission, by the speediest means possible, whether telephone, telegraph, or otherwise, every accident involving its equipment which resulted in loss of life to any person. In addition to reports required to be filed with the Department of Transportation, under Article IV of Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 of this Code, such carrier shall file a written report with the Commission, in accordance with regulations adopted hereunder, of any accident which results in injury or loss of life to any employee, or damage to the person or property of any member of the public. The Commission and the Department of Transportation may adopt, by reference, such state or federal reporting requirements as will effectuate the purposes of this Section and promote uniformity in bus accident reporting. (2) Investigations. The Commission and the Department of Transportation may investigate any bus accident reported to it or of which it acquires knowledge independent of reports made by motor carriers of passengers, and shall have the power to enter such orders and adopt such regulations as will minimize the risk of future accidents. (Source: P.A. 84‑1246.) |
(625 ILCS 5/18c‑6503) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 18c‑6503) Sec. 18c‑6503. Insurance. The provisions of Article IX of Subchapter 4 of this Chapter regarding insurance for motor carriers of property shall apply to motor carriers of passengers subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission under this Subchapter as if all references in Article IX were to motor carriers of passengers. (Source: P.A. 84‑1025.) |