(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑1) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑1) Sec. 10‑1‑1. The mayor of each municipality which adopts this Division 1 as hereinafter provided shall, not less than 40 nor more than 90 days after the taking effect of this Division 1 in such municipality, appoint 3 persons, who shall constitute and be known as the civil service commissioners of such municipality, one for 3 years, one for 2 years and one for one year from the time of appointment and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. In every year thereafter the mayor shall, in like manner, appoint one person as the successor of the commissioner whose term shall expire in that year to serve as such commissioner for 3 years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Two commissioners shall constitute a quorum. All appointments to the commission, both original and to fill vacancies, shall be so made that not more than 2 members shall, at the time of appointment, be members of the same political party. The commissioners shall hold no other lucrative office or employment under the United States, the State of Illinois, or any municipal corporation or political division thereof. No person shall be appointed a commissioner who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of this State or comparable laws of any other state or the United States. Each commissioner, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take the oath prescribed by the constitution of this state. However, in any municipality having the commission form of municipal government, the appointment of civil service commissioners shall be made by the corporate authorities, and the corporate authorities may, by ordinance, provide that 5 commissioners shall be so appointed, one for one year, 2 for 2 years and 2 for 3 years. The corporate authorities shall appoint, in a like manner, the successors of the commissioners whose terms expire in that year to serve as commissioners for 3 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Three members shall constitute a quorum, and no more than 3 of the commissioners shall be of the same political party. If such municipality has adopted this Division 1 prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1965, and subsequently provides, by ordinance, for 5 commissioners, 2 additional commissioners shall be so appointed, one for 2 years and one for 3 years, and successors shall be appointed in a like manner as commissions established after such effective date. (Source: P.A. 87‑423.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑2) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑2) Sec. 10‑1‑2. The mayor may, in his discretion, remove any commissioner for incompetence, neglect of duty or malfeasance in office. The mayor shall within 10 days report in writing any such removal to the corporate authorities, with the reasons therefor. Any vacancy in the office of commissioner shall be filled by appointment by the mayor or, if the municipality is under the commission form of municipal government, then by the corporate authorities. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑3) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑3) Sec. 10‑1‑3. The commissioners shall classify all the offices and places of employment in such municipality with reference to the examinations hereinafter provided for, except those offices and places excluded by Section 10‑1‑17. The offices and places so classified by the commission shall constitute the classified civil service of such municipality. No appointments to any of such offices or places shall be made except under and according to the rules hereinafter mentioned. The commissioners shall also classify all positions of employment in respect to employees whose employment is transferred to the municipality by virtue of "An Act in relation to the exchange of certain functions, property and personnel among cities, and park districts having coextensive geographic areas and populations in excess of 500,000," approved July 5, 1957, as heretofore and hereafter amended, and such positions of employment shall be included in the classified civil service of the municipality. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑4) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑4) Sec. 10‑1‑4. Persons transferred from the employment of a park district by virtue of "An Act in relation to the exchange of certain functions, property and personnel among cities, and park districts having coextensive geographic areas and populations in excess of 500,000," approved July 5, 1957, as heretofore and hereafter amended, shall, without examination, be assigned to positions in the classified civil service of the municipality, so far as may be practicable, having duties and responsibilities equivalent to their park district employment. For the purpose of establishing the civil service status of park policemen transferred to the municipality, any rank above the rank of captain shall not be recognized. As provided in said Act of 1957, the eligible registers and reemployment registers of the park district civil service board as to positions and persons so transferred shall remain in force and effect as eligible and reemployment registers of the civil service commission, subject to the authority of the commission, in its discretion, to cancel such eligible registers, or portions thereof, as have been in force more than 2 years. Employees so transferred shall have the same standing, grade, class or rank which they held in the classified service of the park district from which they were transferred. For the purpose of determining seniority in class, grade or rank, each employee shall be credited with the time served by him in the employment held by him on the date of such transfer. If this Division 1 exempts from its provisions any position held by an employee transferred under said Act of 1957, to the municipality, the employee so transferred shall be given a position in the classified civil service as nearly comparable in responsibilities and duties to his former employment as it may be possible to approximate. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑5) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑5) Sec. 10‑1‑5. The commission shall make rules to carry out the purposes of this Division 1, and for examinations, appointments and removals in accordance with its provisions, and the commission may, from time to time, make changes in the original rules. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑6) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑6) Sec. 10‑1‑6. All rules made as hereinabove provided and all changes therein shall forthwith be printed for distribution by the commission. The commission shall give notice of the places where the rules may be obtained by publication in one or more newspapers published in such municipality and if no newspaper is published in such municipality, then in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipality. In each such publication shall be specified the date, not less than 10 days subsequent to the date of such publication, when the rules shall go into operation. (Source: P. A. 77‑867.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑8) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑8) Sec. 10‑1‑8. In the event that any applicant for an office or place in the civil service (who has been found eligible for appointment and whose name has been placed upon the register provided for in this Division 1) has not been appointed to such office or place within 60 days from the date of his examination as to physical qualifications and health, the commission shall cause a second examination to be made of such applicant prior to his appointment and within 60 days of such appointment, which second examination shall be practical in character and shall relate to the cardiac, pulmonary, arterial, renal and sane condition of the applicant. If, upon such second examination, the physical, or mental condition of the applicant shall be found to be less than the minimum standard fixed by the rules of such commission, the applicant shall not be appointed. The name of such applicant shall be retained upon the register of candidates eligible for appointment and when again reached for certification and appointment such applicant shall be again examined as herein provided, and if the physical or mental condition of such applicant shall again be found to be less than the minimum standard fixed by the rules of such commission, such applicant shall not be appointed and the name of such applicant shall be removed from the register. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑9) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑9) Sec. 10‑1‑9. Every applicant who desires to take any civil service examination provided by this Division 1 may be required, at the time of making application, to pay to the municipality a fee, as hereinafter provided, to defray the expenses of such examination. If fees are required by the municipality for the taking of such examinations they shall be deposited in the general fund of the municipality and shall not exceed the following: Minimum salary of less than $1,200 annually
50 cents Minimum salary of $1,200 or over and less than $2,000 annually
$1 Minimum salary of $2,000 or over and less than $3,000 annually
$2 Minimum salary of $3,000 or more annually
$3 (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑10) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑10) Sec. 10‑1‑10. The provisions of Sections 10‑1‑7 through 10‑1‑9 relating to examinations and payment of examination fees shall be inapplicable to employees transferred to the employment of the municipality by virtue of "An Act in relation to an exchange of certain functions, property and personnel among cities, and park districts having coextensive geographic areas and populations in excess of 500,000", approved July 5, 1957, as heretofore and hereafter amended. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑11) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑11) Sec. 10‑1‑11. Notice of the time and place and general scope and fee of every examination shall be given by the commission by publication for 2 weeks preceding such examination in a newspaper of general circulation published in such municipality, but if no newspaper is published in such municipality, then in a newspaper of general circulation in such municipality. Such notice shall also be posted by the commission in a conspicuous place in its office for 2 weeks before such examination. Such further notice of examination may be given as the commission shall prescribe. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑13) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑13) Sec. 10‑1‑13. The commission shall, by its rules, provide for promotions in such classified service, on the basis of ascertained merit and seniority in service and examination and shall provide, in all cases where it is practicable, that vacancies shall be filled by promotion. All examinations for promotion shall be competitive among such members of the next lower rank as desire to submit themselves to such examination and the results thereof and the promotional eligible registers prepared therefrom shall be published by the commission within 60 days after any examinations are held. If two or more applicants achieve the identical final grade average, they shall be placed on the promotional eligible register in their order of seniority in the position from which they seek promotion. The commission shall submit to the appointing power the names of not more than 3 applicants for each promotion having the highest rating except that a commission in any municipality with more than 130,000 but less than 2,000,000 population may submit the names of not more than 5 applicants having the highest rating for each promotion, but in making his selection the appointing authority shall not pass over the person having the highest rating on the original register more than once and shall not pass over the person having the second highest rating in the original register more than twice. The commission shall strike off all names of applicants from a promotional eligible register after they have remained thereon no less than 2 years and no more than 3 years, provided that the commission shall notify the appointing power before the names are stricken and such appointing power shall fill any existing vacancies before all names are stricken from the promotional eligible register. The method of examination and the rules governing the same, and the method of certifying, shall be the same as provided for applicants for original appointment. This amendatory Act of 1971 does not apply to any municipality which is a home rule unit. (Source: P.A. 85‑462.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑15) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑15) Sec. 10‑1‑15. In any municipality subject to this Division 1 having a population of 500,000 or more, all sidewalk inspectors, chief street inspector, supervisors of payrolls and supervisors of pavement repairs who on July 26, 1951, have served in such capacity for 2 years or more shall have certified civil service status. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 3252.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑17) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑17) Sec. 10‑1‑17. Officers who are elected by the people, or who are elected by the corporate authorities pursuant to the municipal charter, or whose appointment is subject to confirmation by the corporate authorities, judges of election, members of any board of education, the superintendent and teachers of schools, the employees of any welfare department, heads of any principal department of the municipality, the chief librarian of the public library, members of the law department, police officers above the grade of captain, police cadets, a health officer appointed after July 1, 1953, seasonal employees which means those persons whose employment does not exceed 90 days in any calendar year, one deputy and one private secretary of each of the elected municipal officials and the municipal manager, and administrative assistants to the mayor or municipal manager, shall not be included in such classified service, except that the chief of the police department may be included in the classified service if the corporate authorities so provides by ordinance. Any position of employment in a public library that is operated under The Illinois Local Library Act and has an elected Board of Library Trustees may be excluded from the classified service by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Library Trustees. (Source: P.A. 85‑488.) |
(65 ILCS 5/10‑1‑18) (from Ch. 24, par. 10‑1‑18) Sec. 10‑1‑18.