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Division 29 - City and Village Tuberculosis Sanitariums

      (65 ILCS 5/Art. 11 Div. 29 heading)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑1) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑1)
    Sec. 11‑29‑1. The corporate authorities of every city and village in the manner provided in this Division 29, may establish and maintain a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis, including the establishment and maintenance of a public sanitarium and branches, dispensaries, and other auxiliary institutions connected therewith within or without the corporate limits of the city or village, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the city or village for the treatment and care of persons afflicted with tuberculosis. When, in cities and villages which have a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants and which maintain a public sanitarium under the provisions of this Division 29, part of the facilities of the sanitarium are vacant and therefor not needed for the care and treatment of tuberculosis inhabitants of such city or village, such vacant facilities may be used for the care and treatment of such inhabitants who are convalescent or chronically ill, or both, provided such facilities shall be separate so that tuberculosis patients shall be isolated from convalescent or chronically ill patients.
    When a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis has been established by a vote of the people in the manner provided in this Division 29 or in the manner provided by law at the time of its establishment, the corporate authorities of such a city or village may levy a tax annually thereafter, without submitting the question to a vote of the people, not to exceed .025% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, on all taxable property in such a city or village with a population of less than 75,000 and not to exceed .05% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, on all taxable property in such a city or village, with a population of 75,000 or more but not exceeding 500,000 and not to exceed a rate that will produce, when extended, the sum of $9,000,000 per year on all taxable property in such city or village with a population of more than 500,000. Upon the filing in the office of the county clerk of a duly certified copy of an ordinance levying such tax the county clerk shall extend such tax in the manner provided for the extension of city and village taxes.
    All taxes specified in this Section or in Sections 11‑29‑17 through 11‑29‑22, shall be levied and collected in like manner with the general taxes of the city or village and shall be known as tuberculosis sanitarium fund. These taxes shall be in addition to all other taxes which the city or village is now or hereafter may be authorized to levy upon all property within the city or village, and shall be in addition, to the amount authorized to be levied for general purposes as provided by Section 8‑3‑1.
    The corporate authorities of every city or village which levies an annual tax for the establishment and maintenance of a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis shall appropriate from the tuberculosis sanitarium fund and include in the annual appropriation ordinance such sums of money as may be deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities in carrying out the program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1509.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑2) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑2)
    Sec. 11‑29‑2. Whenever 100 electors of a city or village present a petition to the municipal clerk of the city or village, asking that an annual tax be levied for the establishment and maintenance of a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis in the city or village, the municipal clerk shall certify the proposition to the proper election authority for submission at an election in accordance with the general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form:

    Shall an annual tax be levied
 in the city (or village) of ....      YES
 for the care and treatment        
 of persons afflicted with             NO

    If the majority of all the votes cast upon the proposition is in favor of the tax levy, the corporate authorities thereafter shall levy annually a tax at not to exceed the respective rates and amounts prescribed in Section 11‑29‑1, unless the tax levy is increased as provided in Sections 11‑29‑17 through 11‑29‑22.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1489.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑3) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑3)
    Sec. 11‑29‑3. When the corporate authorities of a city or village of less than 500,000 population have decided to establish and maintain a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis under this Division 29, the mayor or president, with the approval of the corporate authorities, shall appoint a board of 3 directors, one of whom in municipalities having a board of health or a public health board shall be from that board, and the other 2 from the citizens at large. In such a city or village that has a board of 3 directors in existence on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1965, or in such a city or village establishing a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis after such effective date, the mayor or president, with the approval of the corporate authorities may appoint 2 additional directors. In a city or village of more than 500,000 population which has established and maintains a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis under this Division 29, the mayor or president, with the approval of the corporate authorities, shall appoint a board of 5 directors, one of whom in municipalities having a board of health or a public health board, shall be from that board, and the other 4 from the citizens at large. The directors shall be chosen with reference to their special fitness for that office.
(Source: Laws 1968, p. 82.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑4) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑4)
    Sec. 11‑29‑4. Directors; term of office; removal.
    (a) The directors appointed in a city or village of less than 500,000 population shall hold office one for one year, one for 2 years, and one for 3 years from the first day of July following their appointment, and at their first regular meeting shall cast lots for the respective terms. The 2 additional directors appointed to a board of 3 directors in existence on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1965 shall hold office one until July 2, 1967, and the other until July 2, 1968. The 2 additional directors initially appointed to a board established after that effective date shall hold office one for one year and one for 2 years. Annually thereafter, the mayor or president before the first day of July each year shall appoint, as before, one director to take the place of each retiring director. This appointee shall hold office for 3 years and until his or her successor is appointed.
    (b) In a city or village of 500,000 or more population that has established and maintains a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis, the directors appointed shall hold office one for one year, one for 2 years, one for 3 years, one for 4 years, and one for 5 years from the first day of July following their appointment. Annually thereafter, the mayor or president before the first day of July each year shall appoint, as before, one director to take the place of the retiring director. This appointee shall hold office for 5 years and until his successor is appointed. The mayor or president may remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty in the manner provided in Section 3.1‑35‑10.
(Source: P.A. 87‑1119.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑5) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑5)
    Sec. 11‑29‑5. Vacancies in the board of directors however occasioned, shall be filled for the unexpired term in like manner as original appointments. No director shall receive compensation for serving as a director. No director shall be interested, either directly or indirectly, in the purchase or sale of any supplies to be used in the program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis.
(Source: Laws 1968, p. 82.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑6) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑6)
    Sec. 11‑29‑6. Immediately after their appointment the directors shall meet and organize by the election of one of their number as president and one as secretary and by election of such other officers as they may deem necessary. They shall adopt such by‑laws, rules and regulations for their own guidance in carrying out the program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis and for the operation of the sanitarium and the branches, dispensaries, and auxiliary institutions and activities consistent with this Division 29 and the ordinances of the city or village except that in cities of 500,000 or more population, the board of directors shall be governed by the provisions of Division 10 of Article 8 in relation to the letting of contracts and purchase orders in carrying out the program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis and of any such sanitarium, its branches, dispensaries, auxiliary institutions and activities, and in relation to the powers, functions and authority of the purchasing agent, the board of standardization and corporate authorities of such cities.
    They shall have the exclusive control of all money collected to the credit of the tuberculosis sanitarium fund. All money received in carrying out the program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis shall be deposited to the credit of the tuberculosis sanitarium fund. All money in such fund received from taxes authorized to be levied by this Division 29 shall be used exclusively to provide care and treatment for tuberculosis patients. The money in such fund received on account of care and treatment provided for convalescent or chronically ill patients or both may be used to provide care and treatment for such patients. It shall be drawn upon by the proper municipal officer upon the properly authenticated vouchers of the sanitarium board except that in cities of 500,000 or more population, vouchers drawn upon such fund pursuant to the provisions of Division 10 of Article 8 may be accepted by the city comptroller in payment for purchases made for or services rendered in the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis, without authentication by the sanitarium board, if the board, or the officer or employee thereof duly certified under the provisions of Division 10 of Article 8 certifies that the materials, supplies, commodities or services to which such vouchers pertain have been received.
    The board has the power to purchase or lease ground within or without the corporate limits of the city or village, and to purchase, lease, or erect appropriate buildings for the use of the sanitariums, branches, dispensaries, and other auxiliary institutions and activities connected therewith with the approval of the corporate authorities. It has the exclusive control of the construction of the sanitarium building or other buildings appropriate for its branches, dispensaries, and other auxiliary institutions and activities in connection with the institution, and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms, or buildings constructed, leased or purchased for that purpose. The board has the power to appoint suitable superintendents or matrons or both and all necessary assistants and other employes, to fix their compensation, and to remove such appointees. The board in general shall carry out the spirit and intent of this Division 29 in establishing and maintaining a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis. At least one of the directors shall visit and examine the sanitarium at least twice each month and make monthly reports of its condition to the corporate authorities.
    In any city which has adopted or hereafter adopts Division 1 of Article 10, all appointments with the exception of superintendents and the removal of matrons and other assistants shall be made pursuant to the provisions of that civil service law and not otherwise. But where in any city persons are occupying any of these positions pursuant to appointment and certification thereon by the civil service commission of the city made after examination, those persons shall hold their positions as though duly appointed after examination under the provisions of the civil service law. All other matrons and assistants not so appointed after examination shall have the status of temporary appointees under the civil service law. All officers and employes engaged in providing care and treatment to persons afflicted with tuberculosis shall be deemed officers or employes, as the case may be of the city or village which established the tuberculosis care and treatment program.
(Source: Laws 1968, p. 82.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑7) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑7)
    Sec. 11‑29‑7. The board of directors may adopt and equip a sanitarium building or buildings or part thereof to fit the same for the accommodation, reception, detention, care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis and who require care and treatment therefor who may be committed to, placed in or directed to be received by, the sanitarium or the managing officer thereof for care and treatment by or under any lawful authority or process. The board of directors may receive, detain, care for and treat such afflicted persons in the sanitarium or any sanitarium building in pursuance of and subject to such authority or process, but in no event after a cure has been effected. The board of directors may authorize the managing officer, superintendents, assistants and other employees and appointees to do such things as may be necessary or helpful in receiving, detaining and providing care and treatment for such persons. However, no such persons afflicted with tuberculosis shall be received, given care and treatment, or kept in the sanitarium or any of the sanitarium buildings if there shall be any inhabitants of the city or village afflicted with tuberculosis in need of care and treatment in the sanitarium. Any commitment, placing or direction to be received, above set forth, shall be in accordance with due process of law.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑8) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑8)
    Sec. 11‑29‑8. Every sanitarium board established under this Act shall provide sanitarium care and clinical and follow‑up services free for the benefit of the inhabitants of the city or village which established it, if they are afflicted with tuberculosis. They shall be entitled to occupancy, nursing, care, medicines, and attendance according to the rules and regulations prescribed by the board of directors. The board of directors may adopt reasonable rules and regulations concerning the use of the facilities established pursuant to this Act in order to render the use of these facilities of the greatest benefit to the greatest number, and the board may exclude from the use of the sanitarium those inhabitants and other persons who wilfully violate the board's rules and regulations. The board may not, however, prescribe rules and regulations which conflict with Section 11‑29‑8.1 of this Act, and a determination of whether a person is an inhabitant or resident of the city or village for purposes of this Act shall be based on Section 11‑29‑8.1. Except as authorized and permitted by Section 11‑29‑7, no person so afflicted with tuberculosis may be compelled to enter the sanitarium, or any of its branches, dispensaries, or other auxiliary institutions without first giving his written consent, or in case of a minor or one under legal disability, the written consent of the parents or, guardian, as the case may be.
    The board upon request or by consent of persons afflicted, or the legal guardians, or parents thereof, shall extend the benefits and privileges of the institution, under proper rules and regulations, into the homes of the persons afflicted with tuberculosis, shall furnish nurses, instruction, medicines, attendance, and all other aid necessary to effect a cure, and shall do all things in and about the treatment and care of persons so afflicted which will have a tendency to effect a cure of the persons afflicted with tuberculosis and to eradicate tuberculosis in that city or village, including the discovery of undiagnosed tuberculosis. No person shall be compelled to undergo an examination or test for tuberculosis if he or she objects thereto on the ground that it is contrary to his or her religious convictions, unless there is probable cause to suspect that he or she is infected with tuberculosis in a communicable stage.
    Boards of directors shall provide out‑patient clinical and follow‑up services to tuberculosis patients, in accordance with minimum standards prescribed therefor, by the director of the Department of Public Health.
    The board of directors may make such arrangements and agreements with public or private health agencies for cooperation and assistance in providing case‑finding services and out‑patient clinical and follow‑up services as it considers necessary or desirable.
    The board may extend the privileges and use of the sanitarium and treatment to afflicted persons who reside outside of the city or village, upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe by its rules and regulations consistent with Section 11‑29‑8.1.
    In cities and villages which have a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants, the board may also extend the privileges and use of the sanitarium to the inhabitants of such city or village who are afflicted with chronic pulmonary diseases other than tuberculosis, and inhabitants who are convalescent or chronically ill, or both, and provide care and treatment for such persons when part of the facilities of the sanitarium are vacant and not needed for care and treatment of tuberculosis inhabitants of such city or village, upon such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe by its rules and regulations, provided such facilities shall be separate so that tuberculosis patients shall be isolated from those afflicted with chronic pulmonary diseases other than tuberculosis, and those who are convalescent or chronically ill patients. However, if care and treatment is provided for such persons, the charge for providing such care and treatment shall not be less than the actual cost of providing such care and treatment.
    The board may use funds secured from taxes levied under the provisions of this Act in providing sanitarium care of tuberculosis patients in private or public sanitariums.
(Source: P.A. 83‑706.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑8.1) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑8.1)
    Sec. 11‑29‑8.1. For the purposes of this Act, a person is a resident of and entitled to receive the benefits provided for in Section 11‑29‑8 from the city or village
    (a) in which he has resided for at least 3 months or who has demonstrated the intent to become a resident at the time he is first diagnosed as having tuberculosis, or suspected of having tuberculosis, for the period from the time of that diagnosis until his case becomes inactive or he has resided outside of that city or village for 6 months, whichever first occurs;
    (b) in which he has resided for at least 6 months with a known case of tuberculosis after moving from the city or village where the case was first diagnosed; or
    (c) in which he has resided for at least 6 months with a known, but inactive, case of tuberculosis which subsequently is reactivated.
    The board of directors may provide hospitalization to any person afflicted with tuberculosis regardless of his residence.
    A person suffering from tuberculosis who does not meet the residency requirements under paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this Section may be hospitalized in a tuberculosis sanitarium maintained by the Department of Public Health.
    The board of directors shall provide out‑patient diagnostic, treatment and observation services to all persons residing in its city or village regardless of the length of time of that residence.
(Source: Laws 1968. p. 82.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑8.2) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑8.2)
    Sec. 11‑29‑8.2. "Person afflicted with tuberculosis", for the purposes of this Act, means any individual who is diagnosed as suffering from clinical tuberculosis, or any individual who, in the opinion of the board of directors, is suspected of suffering from clinical tuberculosis, and for whom hospitalization is deemed necessary to establish the diagnosis.
(Source: Laws 1968, p. 82.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑9) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑9)
    Sec. 11‑29‑9. When such a sanitarium is established, the physicians, nurses, attendants, the persons sick therein, and all persons approaching or coming within the limits of the sanitarium or the grounds thereof, and all furniture and other articles used or brought there, shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the board of directors may prescribe. These rules and regulations shall extend to all branches, dispensaries, and other auxiliary institutions located within or without the corporate limits of the city or village and to all employees therein and to all employees sent to the homes of the afflicted as provided for in Section 11‑29‑8.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑10) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑10)
    Sec. 11‑29‑10. The board of directors, in the name of the city or village, may receive from any person any donation of money or property. The board shall pay over to the municipal treasurer all money thus received as often as once in each month and shall take the treasurer's receipt therefor. At the next regular meeting of the corporate authorities, the board shall report to the corporate authorities the names of the persons from whom any donation has been received and the amount and nature of the money or property so received from each and the date when received.
    Any person desiring to make any donation or legacy of any money or property to be used for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis may vest the title to the money or property in the board of directors created under this Division 29. That board shall hold and control this money or property, when accepted, according to the terms of the donation or legacy and shall be a trustee of the money and property.
(Source: P.A. 83‑388.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑11) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑11)
    Sec. 11‑29‑11. On or before the second Monday in June of each year, the board of directors shall make an annual report to the corporate authorities stating (1) the condition of their trust on the first day of June of that year, (2) the various sums of money received from the tuberculosis sanitarium fund and from other sources and how that money has been expended and for what purposes, (3) the number of patients, and (4) such other statistics, information, and suggestions as they may deem of general interest.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑12) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑12)
    Sec. 11‑29‑12. All reputable physicians shall have equal privileges in treating patients in such a sanitarium.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑13) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑13)
    Sec. 11‑29‑13. Whenever the board of directors recommends, in writing, to the corporate authorities, the discontinuance of any public tuberculosis sanitarium, stating in its report the reasons therefor, the corporate authorities may pass an ordinance for the discontinuance of that public tuberculosis sanitarium. A board of directors, upon whose recommendation the corporate authorities have closed the sanitarium, shall continue in existence and provide out‑patient clinical and follow‑up services to the residents of the city or village. The board of directors shall make such arrangements as are necessary to secure in‑patient care for residents of the city or village in other private or public sanitariums of this State. Any of the sanitarium equipment, facilities and other property which is required or useful in providing those services may be retained by the board of directors and applied to that use. The corporate authorities may use the remaining facilities for other city or village purposes, may lease them to public or private agencies, or may sell them. If the tuberculosis sanitarium facilities are leased to a public or private agency other than the city or village or are sold, then such leasing or sale must be for a consideration at least equal to the fair market value or fair rental value. If the corporate authorities use such facilities for other city or village purposes, then the use shall be for a consideration acceptable to the board of directors. Proceeds from the use, leasing or sale of sanitarium facilities under this Section shall be paid into the Tuberculosis Sanitarium Fund of the city or village for use as provided in this Act. The proceeds paid into the Tuberculosis Sanitarium Fund shall be used to pay the costs of providing the out‑patient clinical and follow‑up services, including, but not limited to, the construction and maintenance of an out‑patient clinic and acquisition of equipment therefor. Any balance of the proceeds from the disposition of the sanitarium facilities remaining after payment of the costs of out‑patient clinical and follow‑up services under this Section may be used to reduce the rate of tax necessary to provide this in‑patient care and the out‑patient clinical and follow‑up services.
(Source: Laws 1968, p.82.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑14) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑14)
    Sec. 11‑29‑14. Whenever the board of directors recommends, in writing, to the corporate authorities, the discontinuance of a program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis, the corporate authorities may pass an ordinance for the discontinuance of that program. If such an ordinance is passed, the question whether the program for the care and treatment of persons afflicted with tuberculosis who reside in the city or village shall be discontinued shall be certified by the clerk and submitted to the electors of the city or village by the proper election authority at an election in accordance with the general election law. The ordinance shall become effective if the discontinuance is approved by a majority of the electors voting upon the question.
    Alternatively, the corporate authorities may discontinue the program by adopting a resolution to discontinue the program, if:
    (a) the municipality is located in a county of less than 500,000 population;
    (b) there also exists in the county a tuberculosis sanitarium district established under "An Act to provide for the creation and management of tuberculosis sanitarium districts", approved May 21, 1937, as amended;
    (c) there exists a county or multiple‑county health department serving the entire county and the board of health of that department has affirmed its willingness to assume responsibility for tuberculosis care and treatment programs by adopting a resolution by a majority vote and transmitting a copy thereof to the corporate authorities and the sanitarium board; and
    (d) the resolution adopted by the corporate authorities provides that:
    (1) all assets and liabilities of the sanitarium board be transferred to the county board of health; and
    (2) the board of health assume responsibility for the outpatient care and treatment of individuals diagnosed as having tuberculosis and for follow‑up and prophylactic treatment of persons who have had contact with a diagnosed case of tuberculosis consistent with the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health, but not be responsible for inpatient treatment.
(Source: P.A. 86‑619.)

    (65 ILCS 5/11‑29‑15) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑29‑15)
    Sec. 11‑29‑15. The question shall be in substantially the following form:

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