(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑1) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑1) Sec. 11‑58‑1. Subject to the provisions of Section 11‑58‑3, the corporate authorities of any municipality with a population of less than 500,000 have the power to levy and collect a tax to provide for the payment of the costs imposed by law upon the municipality for grade separations whenever, in the manner provided by law, (1) separation of the grade of the roadbed and tracks of any railroad from the grade of any public street or other public place has been found to be required for public safety, necessity, and convenience, and (2) a plan for a grade separation has been adopted and the proportion of the costs of the grade separation to be paid by the municipality has been prescribed. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.) |
(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑2) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑2) Sec. 11‑58‑2. The corporate authorities of such a municipality shall exercise the power conferred by this Division 58 by passing an ordinance which (1) shall set forth the estimated total sum required to pay the prescribed proportion of the total costs of grade separations, together with all interest charges, and all other costs incident and necessary to the levying and collecting of the tax and of the payment by the municipality of its proportion of the costs of grade separations, (2) shall describe the general plan and nature of the grade separations and set forth the railroads and the public streets, or other public places, to be affected thereby, and (3) shall provide for levying and collecting a direct annual tax for not exceeding 10 successive years, sufficient to create a fund to pay in annual installments, the total sum so estimated and set forth in the ordinance. However, this tax shall not exceed in any one year the rate of .50% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all the taxable property within the municipality. This tax shall be levied and collected with and in like manner as the general tax in the municipality and shall be known as the grade separation tax. (Source: P.A. 81‑1509.) |
(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑3) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑3) Sec. 11‑58‑3. No such tax shall be levied or collected by such a municipality unless the electors of the municipality have approved an ordinance providing therefor as provided in Section 2 of "An Act to enable cities, villages and incorporated towns having less than two hundred thousand inhabitants, to provide for defraying whatever portion may be imposed upon them by law of the costs and expenses of separation of the grades of railroads and of public streets and public places, and to provide for a direct annual tax therefor," approved June 17, 1929, as amended, or until the question of the adoption of the ordinance specified in Section 11‑58‑2 has been certified by the clerk and submitted to the electors of the municipality at any election in the municipality designated in the ordinance and in accordance with the general election law. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall an ordinance of the City (Village or Incorporated Town, as the case may be) of .... passed on the .... day of .... providing for the YES levy of a tax of ....% each year for the term of .... years on all taxable property in the city for the purpose of providing a fund to pay
the proportion imposed by law upon the city of the costs of separating the grades of the roadbed and tracks of the .... Railroad Company from public streets and public places in NO the city (village or incorporated town), specified in the ordinance, be approved?
(Source: P.A. 81‑1489 .) |
(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑4) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑4) Sec. 11‑58‑4. The levy of such a grade separation tax is authorized if the majority of the votes cast on the specified proposition are in favor thereof. The county clerk thereafter shall extend the tax upon the books of the collector of taxes in each of the years of the term specified in the ordinance in the manner provided by law for the extension of the taxes of the municipality, whether or not the tax in each of those years is included in the municipality's annual tax levy ordinance, as that tax levy ordinance is passed by the corporate authorities of the municipality and certified to the county clerk. This annual tax shall be exclusive of and in addition to the aggregate amount of taxes authorized by Section 8‑3‑1. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.) |
(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑5) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑5) Sec. 11‑58‑5. The tax levied and collected as provided in this Division 58 shall be deposited in a special municipal fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying the proportion that is lawfully imposed upon the municipality, of the costs of the grade separations designated and described in the specified ordinance. Lawful changes and alterations in the plans of these grade separations incidental and necessary thereto and lawful changes in the costs thereof shall in no way prevent the levy and collection of the tax or the payment of the proportion of the costs lawfully imposed upon the municipality out of the tax so levied and collected. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.) |
(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑6) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑6) Sec. 11‑58‑6. If at any time during the making of such grade separations, it appears to the satisfaction of the corporate authorities of the municipality, that the total sum of the tax authorized by the specified ordinance to be levied and collected will be insufficient to pay the proportion of the costs lawfully imposed upon the municipality, of those grade separations, the corporate authorities have the power, by ordinance, to set forth the total sum of the estimated deficiency and to provide for levying and collecting a direct annual tax, for not exceeding 5 successive years, sufficient to create a fund to pay, in annual installments, the estimated deficiency. However, this supplemental tax shall not exceed in any one year the rate of 1.25% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all the taxable property in the municipality. The ordinance levying and collecting this supplemental tax, except as provided in this Section, shall be subject to all the conditions and limitations imposed by this Division 58 upon any original ordinance levying and collecting a grade separation tax. Before this supplemental tax shall be authorized, the supplemental ordinance shall be submitted to and approved by the electors of the municipality in the manner provided for in Section 11‑58‑3, unless the supplemental ordinance has been heretofore submitted to and approved by the electors of the municipality in the manner provided for in Section 2 of "An Act to enable cities, villages and incorporated towns having less than two hundred thousand inhabitants, to provide for defraying whatever portion may be imposed upon them by law of the costs and expenses of separation of the grades of railroads and of public streets and public places, and to provide for a direct annual tax therefor," approved June 17, 1929, as amended. (Source: P.A. 81‑1509.) |
(65 ILCS 5/11‑58‑7) (from Ch. 24, par. 11‑58‑7) Sec. 11‑58‑7. The word "costs", as used in this Division 58 means sums paid by way of compensation to any property owner for the actual taking or damaging of his property, and attorney's fees and court costs incurred as a result of, or incident to, any grade separation covered by this Division 58. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 576.) |