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70 ILCS 2805/ Sanitary District Act of 1936.

    (70 ILCS 2805/0.1) (from Ch. 42, par. 411.99)
    Sec. 0.1. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Sanitary District Act of 1936".
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 948.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/1) (from Ch. 42, par. 412)
    Sec. 1. Incorporation; referendum.
    (a) Any area of contiguous territory within the limits of a single county and without the limits of any city, village or incorporated town may be incorporated as a sanitary district under this Act in the manner provided in this Section. Any 2 areas that (i) are not contiguous to each other, but each of which is contiguous by itself, and (ii) are less than 1 mile apart from each other, and (iii) are within the limits of a single county and without the limits of any city, village, or incorporated town may also be incorporated as a sanitary district under this Act in the manner provided for in this Section.
    (b) Any 20% of the legal voters residing within the limits of the proposed sanitary district may petition the Circuit Court in the county in which the proposed district is situated, to cause to be submitted to the legal voters of the proposed sanitary district the question of whether the proposed territory shall be organized as a sanitary district under this Act. The petition shall be addressed to the Circuit Court and shall contain a definite description of the boundaries of the territory to be embraced in the district and the name of the proposed sanitary district.
    (c) Upon filing of the petition in the office of the circuit clerk in the county in which the proposed sanitary district is situated, the Circuit Court shall name 3 judges of the court who shall constitute a board of commissioners, which shall have power and authority to consider the boundaries of the proposed sanitary district and whether the boundaries shall be as described in the petition or otherwise. The decision of 2 of the commissioners shall be conclusive and shall not be subject to review in any manner, directly or indirectly.
    (d) Notice shall be given by the Circuit Court of the time and place where the commissioners will meet, by a publication of notice at least 20 days prior to the meeting in one or more daily or weekly newspapers published in the proposed district or, if no such newspaper is published in the proposed district, then by the posting of at least 5 copies of the notice in the proposed district at least 20 days before the hearing.
    (e) At the meeting all persons who reside in the proposed district shall have an opportunity to be heard and to make suggestions regarding the location and boundary of the proposed district. The commissioners, after hearing statements, evidence and suggestions, shall fix and determine the boundaries of the proposed district, and for that purpose and to that extent they may alter and amend the petition. After the determination by the commissioners, or a majority of them, their determination shall be incorporated in an order, which shall be entered of record in the Circuit Court.
    (f) Upon the entering of the order, the Circuit Court shall certify the question of the organization and establishment of the proposed sanitary district, with the boundaries as determined by the commissioners, to the appropriate election authorities who shall submit the question at an election in accordance with the general election law. In addition to the requirements of the general election law, notice shall specify briefly the purpose of the election, with a description of the proposed sanitary district.
    (g) Each legal voter resident within the proposed sanitary district shall have the right to cast a ballot at the referendum. The question shall be in substantially the following form:

    For Sanitary District

    Against Sanitary District

    (h) The Circuit Court shall cause a statement of the result of the referendum to be entered of record in the Circuit Court. If a majority of the votes cast upon the question of the organization and establishment of the proposed sanitary district shall be in favor of the organization and establishment of the proposed sanitary district, the proposed sanitary district shall thenceforth be deemed to have been incorporated and to be an organized sanitary district under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 90‑655, eff. 7‑30‑98; 91‑925, eff. 7‑7‑00.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/2) (from Ch. 42, par. 413)
    Sec. 2. All courts in this State shall take judicial notice of the existence of all sanitary districts organized under this Act.
(Source: Laws 1935‑36, Fourth Sp. Sess., p. 16.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/3) (from Ch. 42, par. 414)
    Sec. 3. (a)A board of trustees, consisting of 3 members, for the government, control and management of the affairs and business of each sanitary district organized under this Act shall be created by appointment as provided in paragraph (b) of this Section or by election as provided in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
    (b) Within 60 days after the organization of a sanitary district, the presiding officer of the county board with the advice and consent of the county board shall appoint 3 trustees, all of whom shall be residents of such sanitary district, who shall hold their offices respectively, from the date of their appointment to the first Monday of the June of the first, second and third calendar years, respectively, next after their appointment and until their successors are elected and qualified. Thereafter, on or before the second Monday in May of each year the appointing authority in the county in which such sanitary district is situated shall appoint one trustee whose term shall be for 3 years commencing the first Monday in June of the year in which he is appointed. The respective terms of the first trustees shall be determined by lot at their first meeting. This paragraph does not apply in a sanitary district which has determined under Sections 3.1 and 3.2 to elect its trustees.
    (c) The appointing authority shall require each of the trustees to enter into bond, with security to be approved by the appointing authority, in such sum as the appointing authority may determine. In sanitary districts electing trustees, as provided in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, the bond required of each trustee shall be in such amount as is determined by the circuit court, with security approved by the circuit court.
    (d) A majority of the board of trustees shall constitute a quorum but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day. No trustee or employee of such sanitary district shall be directly or indirectly interested in any contract, work or business of the district, or the sale of any article, the expense, price or consideration of which is paid by such district; nor in the purchase of any real estate or property belonging to the district, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessments, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of such district. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting the appointment or selection of any person as trustee or employee whose only interest in the district is as an owner of real estate in the district or of contributing to the payment of taxes levied by such district. The trustees may provide and adopt a corporate seal for the district.
    (e) Whenever a vacancy in an appointive board of trustees occurs either from death, resignation, refusal to qualify, or for any other reason, the appointing authority in the county in which such sanitary district is situated may fill such vacancy by appointment. A vacancy occurring on a board of trustees elected under Sections 3.1 and 3.2 may be filled by appointment by the remaining trustees. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy on a board of trustees, whether appointive or elected, shall qualify for office in the manner stated in this Section and shall thereupon assume the duties of the office for the unexpired term to which he was appointed.
(Source: P.A. 79‑325.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/3.1) (from Ch. 42, par. 414.1)
    Sec. 3.1. Upon petition by at least 5% of the registered voters within the territory of a sanitary district, the circuit court of the county in which the district is located shall order a referendum on the question of whether the trustees of the district shall be elected, rather than appointed. Notice of the referendum shall be given and the election conducted in the manner provided in the general election law. The question shall be in substantially the following form:

    Shall the trustees of the....        YES
Sanitary District be elected      
rather than appointed?                   NO

    If a majority of the votes cast on the question are in favor of the election of trustees, trustees shall thereafter be elected as provided in Section 3.2.
    No petition may be filed under this Section within the 6 months immediately preceding the regular election at which trustees of such districts are to be elected under the general election law. The question of electing trustees may not be submitted more than once in any 47 month period.
(Source: P.A. 81‑1490.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/3.2) (from Ch. 42, par. 414.2)
    Sec. 3.2. When a district has voted, as provided in Section 3.1, to elect its trustees, 3 trustees shall be elected at the regular election provided by the general election law for the election of such officers, and every 4 years thereafter, to serve for terms of 4 years commencing on the first Monday in the month following the month of their election, and until their successors are elected and qualified except that at the first election of trustees of an existing district organized under this Act held after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1988 and at the first election of trustees of a district organized under this Act after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1988, 2 trustees shall be elected for 4 year terms and 1 trustee shall be elected for a 2 year term. The terms of office of all trustees in office on the date of that election are abolished on the first Monday in the month following the month of the first election of trustees.
    The election of trustees of the sanitary district shall be conducted in accordance with the general election law, provided that such election shall be nonpartisan and no party nominations, party labels, or party voting circles shall be permitted.
(Source: P.A. 85‑1342.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/4) (from Ch. 42, par. 415)
    Sec. 4. The trustees shall constitute a board of trustees for the sanitary district. The board of trustees is the corporate authority of the sanitary district, and may exercise all the powers and manage and control all the affairs and property of the district. The board of trustees at the beginning of each new term of office shall meet and elect one of their number as president, one of their number as vice‑president, and from or outside of their membership a clerk and an assistant clerk. In case of the death, resignation, absence from the state, or other disability of the president, the powers, duties and emoluments of the office of the president shall devolve upon the vice‑president, until such disability is removed or until a successor to the president is appointed and chosen in the manner provided in this Act. The board may select a treasurer, engineer and attorney for the district, who shall hold their respective offices during the pleasure of the board, and give such bond as may be required by the board. The board may appoint such other officers and hire such employees to manage and control the operations of the district as it deems necessary. The board may prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of all the officers and employees of the sanitary district. However, no member of the board of trustees shall receive more than $6,000 per year. The board of trustees has full power to pass all necessary ordinances, rules and regulations for the proper management and conduct of the business of the board and the sanitary district, and for carrying into effect the collection and disposal of sewage and the purposes for which the sanitary district was formed. Such ordinances may provide for a fine for each offense of not less than $100 or more than $1,000. Each day's continuance of such violation shall be a separate offense. Fines pursuant to this Section are recoverable by the sanitary district in a civil action. The sanitary district is authorized to apply to the circuit court for injunctive relief or mandamus when, in the opinion of the chief administrative officer, such relief is necessary to protect the sewerage system of the sanitary district. The board of trustees has the sole and exclusive authority for regulation and inspection of drainage lines to determine their adequacy and suitability for connection to the sewage system of the district.
(Source: P.A. 92‑219, eff. 1‑1‑02.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/4.1) (from Ch. 42, par. 415.1)
    Sec. 4.1. The board of trustees of any sanitary district may arrange to provide for the benefit of employees and trustees of the sanitary district group life, health, accident, hospital and medical insurance, or any one or any combination of such types of insurance. Such insurance may include provision for employees and trustees who rely on treatment by prayer or spiritual means alone for healing in accordance with the tenets and practice of a well recognized religious denomination. The board of trustees may provide for payment by the sanitary district of the premium or charge for such insurance.
    If the board of trustees do not provide for a plan pursuant to which the sanitary district pays the premium or charge for any group insurance plan, the board of trustees may provide for the withholding and deducting from the compensation of such of the employees and trustees as consent thereto the premium or charge for any group life, health, accident, hospital and medical insurance.
    The board of trustees may exercise the powers granted in this section only if the kinds of such group insurance are obtained from any insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Illinois or any other organization or service offering similar coverage. The board of trustees may enact an ordinance prescribing the method of operations of such insurance program.
(Source: P.A. 90‑655, eff. 7‑30‑98.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/4.2) (from Ch. 42, par. 415.2)
    Sec. 4.2. Within 60 days after the effective date of this Amendatory Act of 1977 every sanitary district organized under the "Sanitary District Act of 1936" shall file with the Secretary of State the official name of the district.
(Source: P.A. 80‑424.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/5) (from Ch. 42, par. 416)
    Sec. 5. All ordinances imposing any penalty or making any appropriations shall, within one month after they are passed, be published at least once in a daily or weekly newspaper published in the district or, if there is no newspaper published in the district, in a newspaper published in the county and having general circulation in such district. If no such newspaper is published in the district or county, by posting copies of the same in 3 public places in the district; and no such ordinance shall take effect until 10 days after it is so published. All other ordinances, orders and resolutions, shall take effect from and after their passage unless otherwise provided therein.
(Source: P.A. 91‑547, eff. 8‑14‑99.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/6) (from Ch. 42, par. 417)
    Sec. 6. All ordinances, orders and resolutions, and the date of publication thereof, may be proved by the certificate of the clerk under the seal of the corporation, and when printed in book or pamphlet form, and purporting to be published by the board of trustees, such book or pamphlet shall be received as evidence of the passage and legal publication of such ordinances, orders and resolutions, as of the dates mentioned in such book or pamphlet in all courts and places without further proof.
(Source: Laws 1935‑36, Fourth Sp. Sess., p. 16.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/6.1) (from Ch. 42, par. 417.1)
    Sec. 6.1. Actions to impose a fine or imprisonment for violation of a sanitary district ordinance or resolution adopted under authority of this Act shall be brought in the corporate name of the sanitary district as plaintiff. Such actions shall commence with a complaint or a warrant. A warrant may issue upon execution of an affidavit by any person alleging that he has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be named in the warrant has violated a sanitary district ordinance or resolution. A person arrested upon such a warrant shall be taken without unnecessary delay before the proper officer for trial.
    Fines for the violation of sanitary district ordinances or resolutions shall be established by ordinance or resolution and when collected shall be paid into the sanitary district treasury at such times and in a manner prescribed by ordinance or resolution.
(Source: P. A. 77‑2830.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/6.2) (from Ch. 42, par. 417.2)
    Sec. 6.2. The sanitary district, in addition to other powers vested in it, is authorized to enter into agreements with any city, village or incorporated town located partly within and partly without the territorial limits of the sanitary district and which has a sewage system to receive and dispose of all sewage of such city, village or incorporated town collected by its system; and for such purpose the sanitary district may extend its drains, ditches or sewers to connect with the sewage system of such city, village or incorporated town.
(Source: P.A. 85‑1136.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/7) (from Ch. 42, par. 418)
    Sec. 7. The board of trustees of any sanitary district organized under this Act shall have power to provide for the collection and disposal of the sewage thereof and the drainage of such district and to save and preserve the water supplied to the inhabitants of such district from contamination. For that purpose they may construct and maintain an enclosed conduit or conduits, main pipe or pipes, wholly or partially submerged, buried or otherwise, and by means of pumps or otherwise, cause such sewage to flow or to be forced through such conduit or conduits, pipe or pipes to and into any ditch or canal constructed and operated by any other sanitary district, city, village, county, public utility or incorporated town, after having first acquired the right so to do. Such board of trustees may co‑operate with and enter into contracts with any other sanitary district, city, village, county, public utility or incorporated town for the collection and disposal in whole or in part of the sewage and drainage (or either thereof) of such sanitary district organized under this Act and may enter into any and all joint enterprises and arrangements with such other sanitary district, city, village, county, public utility or incorporated town for the joint collection and disposal of the sewage and drainage of such contracting parties. Such board of trustees may provide for the collection and disposal of sewage and the drainage of such district by laying out, establishing, constructing and maintaining one or more channels, drains, ditches and outlets, for carrying off and disposing of the sewage and drainage of such district together with such adjuncts and additions thereto as may be necessary or proper to cause such channels or outlets to accomplish the end for which they are designed, in a satisfactory manner, including pumps and pumping stations and the operation of the same. Such board of trustees may also treat and purify such sewage so that when the same shall flow into any lake, river or other water course, it will not injuriously contaminate the waters thereof, and may adopt any other feasible method to accomplish the object for which such sanitary district may be created, and may also provide means whereby the said sanitary district may reach and procure supplies of water for diluting and flushing purposes. Nothing in this Act shall require a sanitary district to extend services to any individual residence or other building within the district, and it is the intent of the Illinois General Assembly that any construction contemplated by this Section shall be restricted to construction of works and main or interceptor sewers, conduits, channels and similar facilities, but not individual service lines. Nothing in this Act contained shall authorize said trustees to flow the sewage of such district into Lake Michigan.
(Source: P.A. 85‑480; 85‑782.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/8) (from Ch. 42, par. 419)
    Sec. 8. Every such sanitary district shall proceed as rapidly as is reasonably possible, by construction, purchase, lease or otherwise, to provide sewers and a plant or plants for the treatment and purification of its sewage, which plant or plants shall be of suitable kind and sufficient capacity to properly treat and purify such sewage so as to conduce to the preservation of the public health, comfort and convenience and to render said sewage harmless, in so far as is reasonably possible to animal, fish and plant life. Any violation of this proviso and any failure to observe and follow same, by any sanitary district organized under this Act, shall be held, and is hereby declared, to be a petty offense on the part of said sanitary district and the trustees thereof may be ousted from office as trustees of said district by an order of the court before whom the cause is heard. It shall be the duty of the Department of Public Health of the State to cause the foregoing provisions to be enforced; and upon the complaint of said Department of Public Health it shall be the duty of the Attorney General or State's Attorney of the County in which such violation may occur, to institute and prosecute such cause by indictment or information in the manner provided by law.
(Source: P. A. 77‑2409.)

    (70 ILCS 2805/8.1)
    Sec. 8.1. Private funding of public sewers; reimbursement; contract. If one or more persons pay for building a sewer to be dedicated to the sanitary district as a public sewer, and if the sewer will, in the opinion of the board of trustees, be used for the benefit of property whose owners did not contribute to the cost of the sewer's construction, the board of trustees may provide for reimbursement of some or all of the expenses of the persons who paid for the sewer as provided in this Section. The board of trustees may, by contract, agree to reimburse the persons who paid for the sewer, in whole or in part, for a portion of their costs. The reimbursement shall be made from fees collected from owners of property who did not contribute to the cost of the sewer when it was built. The contract shall describe the property that, in the opinion of the board of trustees, may reasonably be expected to use and benefit from the sewer and shall specify the amount of proportion of the cost of the sewer that is to be incurred primarily for the benefit of that property. The contract shall provide that the sanitary district shall collect the fees charged to owners of property not contributing to the cost of the sewer as a condition to the connection to and use of the se

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