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705 ILCS 305/ Jury Act.

    (705 ILCS 305/0.01) (from Ch. 78, par. 0.01)
    Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Jury Act.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1324.)

    (705 ILCS 305/1) (from Ch. 78, par. 1)
    Sec. 1. The county board of each county, except those counties which have a jury administrator or jury commissioners as provided in the Jury Commission Act, shall, at or before the time of its meeting, in September, in each year, or at any time thereafter, when necessary for the purpose of this Act, make a list of the legal voters and the Illinois driver's license, Illinois Identification Card, and Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card holders of the county, giving the place of residence of each name on the list, to be known as a jury list. The list shall be made by choosing every tenth name, or other whole number rate necessary to obtain the number required, from the latest voter registration and drivers license, Illinois Identification Card, and Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card holders lists of the county. In compiling the jury list, duplication of names shall be avoided to the extent practicable.
    As used in this Act, "jury administrator" is defined as under Section 0.05 of the Jury Commission Act.
(Source: P.A. 90‑482, eff. 1‑1‑98.)

    (705 ILCS 305/1a) (from Ch. 78, par. 1a)
    Sec. 1a. Driver's license, Illinois Identification Card, and Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card lists. Driver's license, Illinois Identification Card, and Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card holder's lists used for the preparation of jury lists, as provided in Section 1 of this Act, shall be furnished to either the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, or the county board of each county, except those counties which have jury commissioners as provided in the Jury Commission Act, by the Secretary of State from records in his office. The lists shall contain a list of the persons in that county holding valid driver's licenses, Illinois Identification Cards, or Illinois Disabled Person Identification Cards who are 18 years of age or older and shall be arranged alphabetically, by county, and shall contain the name, age and address of each driver's license, Illinois Identification Card, or Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card holder on the list, and the date of issuance of each license.
(Source: P.A. 88‑27.)

    (705 ILCS 305/1b) (from Ch. 78, par. 1b)
    Sec. 1b. The combination of the lists of registered voters and driver's license, Illinois Identification Card, or Illinois Disabled Person Identification Card holders and the preparation of jury lists under this Act shall, when requested by the Chief Judge or his designee, be accomplished through the services of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts.
(Source: P.A. 88‑27.)

    (705 ILCS 305/2) (from Ch. 78, par. 2)
    Sec. 2. At the September meeting of the county board in each year in the respective counties in this State, except those that have jury commissioners, the board shall select from the list the number of persons as the judges of the circuit courts, to be held in the county during the succeeding year, may by joint action determine to serve as petit jurors. In counties having jury commissioners, the persons to serve as petit jurors shall be selected by the jury commissioners, as provided by law. County boards, a jury administrator, and jury commissioners may utilize the services of the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts in making these selections. Jurors in all counties in Illinois must have the legal qualifications herein prescribed. Jurors must be:
    (1) Inhabitants of the county.
    (2) Of the age of 18 years or upwards.
    (3) Free from all legal exception, of fair character, of approved integrity, of sound judgment, well informed, and able to understand the English language, whether in spoken or written form or interpreted into sign language.
    (4) Citizens of the United States of America.
(Source: P.A. 90‑482, eff. 1‑1‑98.)

    (705 ILCS 305/3) (from Ch. 78, par. 3)
    Sec. 3. If, for any reason, the list or the selection provided for in the foregoing sections of this act shall not be made at the meeting of the board held at the time specified, such list or selection shall be made at any meeting to be held as soon thereafter as may be.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 630.)

    (705 ILCS 305/4.1) (from Ch. 78, par. 4.1)
    Sec. 4.1. Jury duty; notice to employer; right to time off.
    (a) Any person who is not legally disqualified to serve on juries, and has been duly summoned for jury duty for either petit or grand jury service, shall be given time off from employment to serve upon the jury for which such employee is summoned, regardless of the employment shift such employee is assigned to at the time of service of such summons. An employee shall give his employer reasonable notice of required jury service. An employer may not deny an employee time off for jury duty because such employee is then assigned to work a night shift of employment, that is, an employer cannot require a night shift worker to work while such employee is doing jury duty in the daytime.
    (b) No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, intimidate or coerce any employee by reason of the employee's jury service, or the attendance or scheduled attendance in connection with such service, in any court of this State.
    (c) If an employee gives reasonable notice of required jury service, any employer who violates the provisions of this Section:
        (1) may be charged with contempt of court. In such
     an event, the State's Attorney shall file a petition for civil contempt, criminal contempt, or both, against the employer to be prosecuted by the State's Attorney; and
        (2) shall be liable for damages for any loss of
     wages or other benefits suffered by an employee by reason of the violation; and
        (3) may be enjoined from further violations of this
     Section and ordered to reinstate any employee discharged by reason of jury service.
    As used in this Section, "reasonable notice of required jury service" means that the employee summoned for jury duty must deliver to the employer a copy of the summons within 10 days of the date of issuance of the summons to the employee.
    (d) Any individual who is reinstated to a position of employment in accordance with this Section shall be considered as having been on furlough or leave of absence during his period of jury service, shall be reinstated to his position of employment without loss of seniority, and shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits offered by the employer under established rules and practices relating to employees on furlough or leave of absence in effect with the employer at the time the individual entered upon jury service.
    (e) In any action or proceeding under this Section, the court may award a prevailing employee who brings the action by retained counsel a reasonable attorney's fee.
    (f) Any right or remedy provided in this Section is in addition to any right or remedy otherwise provided by law to an employee.
    (g) No employer shall be obligated to compensate an employee for time taken off for jury duty.
    (h) The official responsible for issuing the summons may advise the juror of his rights under this Act by printed insert with the summons or on the summons itself.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1395; 87‑616.)

    (705 ILCS 305/5) (from Ch. 78, par. 5)
    Sec. 5. At the time of making such selection, the name of the person selected shall be checked off from such list, and shall not be again selected as a juror till every person named upon such list qualified to serve as a juror has been selected; and all subsequent selections of jurors by such board shall be made from such list until all persons thereon qualified to serve have been selected, or until a new list is made: Provided, if any person who has been selected as a juror shall not have been drawn, or have served upon a jury during the year for which he was selected, he shall, if qualified, be selected for the next year.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1053.)

    (705 ILCS 305/6) (from Ch. 78, par. 6)
    Sec. 6. As often as such jury list shall have been exhausted, another such list shall be furnished as hereinbefore provided; and as often as such selection shall have been exhausted another selection shall be made as provided in Section 2 of this Act, at any meeting of the county board in the respective counties in this State except those which have jury commissioners; such subsequent selection so to be made shall consist of the names of such number of persons as the judges of the circuit court, to be held between the time of such selection and the next September meeting of such board, may by joint action determine. The clerk of the circuit courts at such times as the respective judges of such courts may direct, shall furnish the county clerk a list of all persons who have served as jurors in their respective courts.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 3574.)

    (705 ILCS 305/7) (from Ch. 78, par. 7)
    Sec. 7. A list of jurors so selected shall be kept in the office of the county clerk, who shall write the name and residence of each person selected upon a separate ticket and put the whole into a box to be kept for that purpose.
(Source: R.S. 1874, p. 630.)

    (705 ILCS 305/8) (from Ch. 78, par. 8)
    Sec. 8. (a) Upon a day designated by the judge of the court, which shall be at least 20 days before the first day for which any of the panel then to be drawn is summoned, the clerk of such court shall repair to the office of the county clerk, and in the presence of a judge and of such county clerk, after the box containing the names has been well shaken by the county clerk, and being blindfolded shall, without partiality, draw from such box the names of a sufficient number of such persons, then residents of the county, not less than 30 for each 2 weeks that such court will probably be in session for the trial of common law cases, to constitute the petit jurors for the time being and where there is an additional judge in such court, a like number for each additional judge requiring a jury, unless the court shall otherwise order: Provided, that the clerk shall at any time, when directed by an order of the court draw in the manner above provided, such number of persons then residents of the county, as shall be required by the order to act as petit jurors in such court for such time as may be fixed in such order: And provided, that should the clerk draw from the box the name of a person who is known to be dead, to have been selected as a grand juror, a non‑resident, absent from the State, unable to attend in consequence of illness, or that he is legally disqualified to serve as a juror, the clerk shall report the name of such person to the county clerk, and the clerk of such court shall draw other names until the required number have been selected: Provided, also that whenever there is pending for trial in any of the courts, any criminal cause wherein the defendant is charged with a felony, and the judge holding such court is convinced from the circumstances of the case that a jury cannot be obtained from the regular panel to try the cause, the judge may in his discretion, prior to the day fixed for the trial of the cause, direct the clerk to draw (in the same manner as the regular panel is drawn,) not exceeding 100 names as a special panel from which a jury may be selected to try the cause.
    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), names of jurors may be randomly drawn by computer.
(Source: P.A. 86‑1053.)

    (705 ILCS 305/9) (from Ch. 78, par. 9)
    Sec. 9. In other than single county circuits, if a grand jury is required by law or by the order of the judge for any court, the county board in each of the counties in this State wherein such court is directed to be held, at least 20 days before the time of appearance specified in the summons hereinafter mentioned shall select 16 persons possessing the qualifications provided in Section 2 of this Act, by lot from the jury list, to serve as grand jurors; the panel of the 16 persons so selected to be known as the regular panel; and shall at the same time, in like manner, select 12 additional persons possessing such qualifications, the panel of the 12 additional persons so selected to be known as the supplemental panel; and cause their clerk within 5 days thereafter to certify the 2 panels properly identified as the regular panel and supplemental panel, respectively, to the clerk of the court for which they are selected, who shall issue a summons to each of the 16 persons so selected for the regular panel, at least 10 days before the time hereinafter mentioned, commanding him to appear before such court at or before 11:00 a. m. upon the date of appearance of the grand jurors established pursuant to Section 112‑3 of the "Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963", approved August 14, 1963, as now and hereafter amended, to constitute a grand jury. The clerk of the court issuing such summons shall follow the procedure he selects or is directed by the court to select from among those permitted by this Section.
    The issuing clerk may use first class mail as the initial form of summons, incorporating any reasonable form of request for acknowledgement which is deemed practical and which would provide a reliable proof of service. One permissible method is the use of a duplex card properly addressed to the person summoned to be a juror and requesting the person so summoned to detach and return to the issuing clerk the part of the duplex card which is attached for his acknowledgement with his signature thereon. As used in this Section, a "duplex card" means any postcard with 2 mailable parts with a summons on one part and a detachable acknowledgement of receipt of such summons on the other part.
    The issuing clerk may use certified mail as the initial means of service or as a secondary means of service in case the acknowledgement requested in a summons delivered by first class mail is not returned in the time period required. The certified mail may or may not be marked for delivery to the addressee only. The certificate of the issuing clerk that he has sent the summons in pursuance of this Section is evidence that he has done so. If the person summoned to be a juror does not return the acknowledgement of the summons in the time period requested, such prospective juror shall not be deemed guilty of contempt of court.
    If service of summons cannot be made by the type of mail service selected, the clerk of the court issuing such summons shall, as soon as such fact is determined, re‑issue such summons and deliver it to the sheriff of the county wherein the court is to be held, at least 10 days before the time of appearance hereinafter mentioned a summons commanding him to summon the person named therein so selected for the regular panel to appear before such court at or before the hour of 11:00 a. m. upon the date of appearance of the grand jurors established pursuant to Section 112‑3 of the "Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963", approved August 14, 1963, as now and hereafter amended, to constitute a grand jury or at such time and date as the court may order for such re‑issued summons. The sheriff shall serve such summons in the manner provided in Section 11 of this Act, for service of summons by the sheriff on petit jurors, and for any refusal or neglect so to do, shall be deemed guilty of contempt of court and may be fined therefor as provided in Section 11 of this Act, for default in summoning petit jurors. If for any reason the panel is not full at the opening of such court, the judge shall direct the sheriff to summon, at random, such number of persons named in the supplemental panel as the judge may determine to make available to fill the panel of grand jurors, and if the supplemental panel be exhausted without filling the grand jury panel, the judge shall select by lot from the jury list and direct the sheriff to summon a sufficient number of persons having the qualifications of jurors, as provided by this Act, to fill the panel; however, the court or judge may direct the clerk, at any time prior to the issuance of the summons for the regular panel, to include in the summons any specified number of the names listed on the supplemental panel, in the order in which they appear, starting with the first and counting consecutively, so that the persons so designated may be available in court for the filling of the grand jury panel, in which case the clerk shall also summon such supplemental panelist as is provided in this Section for service on regular panel selections. In counties having jury commissioners, the names of the persons to constitute the regular and supplemental panels shall be drawn in the manner provided for the drawing of names of persons to serve as petit jurors in such counties; the 16 names to provide the regular panel shall be first drawn, and thereupon 12 names for the supplemental panel shall be drawn and listed on that panel in the order in which they are drawn.
(Source: P.A. 85‑690.)

    (705 ILCS 305/9.1) (from Ch. 78, par. 9.1)
    Sec. 9.1. In single county circuits, if a grand jury is required by law or by the order of the judge for any court, the county board in each of the counties in this State wherein such court is directed to be held, at least 20 days before the time of appearance specified in the summons hereinafter mentioned shall select 16 persons possessing the qualifications provided in Section 2 of this Act, by lot from the jury list, to serve as grand jurors; the panel of the 16 persons so selected to be known as the regular panel; and shall at the same time, in like manner, select 12 additional persons possessing such qualifications, the panel of the 12 additional persons so selected to be known as the supplemental panel; and cause their clerk within 5 days thereafter to certify the 2 panels properly identified as the regular panel and supplemental panel, respectively, to the clerk of the court for which they are selected, who shall issue a summons to each of the 16 persons so selected for the regular panel at least 10 days before the time hereinafter mentioned, commanding him to appear before such court at an hour directed by the judge upon the date of appearance of the grand jurors established pursuant to Section 112‑3 of the "Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963", approved August 14, 1963, as now and hereafter amended, to constitute a grand jury. The clerk of the court issuing such summons shall follow the procedure he selects or is directed by the court to select from among those permitted by this Section.
    The issuing clerk may use first class mail as the initial form of summons, incorporating any reasonable form of request for acknowledgement which is deemed practical and which would provide a reliable proof of service. One permissible method is the use of a duplex card properly addressed to the person summoned to be a juror and requesting the person so summoned to detach and return to the issuing clerk the part of the duplex card which is attached for his acknowledgement with his signature thereon. As used in this Section, a "duplex card" means any postcard with 2 mailable parts with a summons on one part and a detachable acknowledgement of receipt of such summons on the other part.
    The issuing clerk may use certified mail as the initial means of service or as a secondary means of service in case the acknowledgement requested in a summons delivered by first class mail is not returned in the time period required. The certified mail may or may not be marked for delivery to the addressee only. The certificate of the issuing clerk that he has sent the summons pursuant to this Section is evidence that he has done so. If the person summoned to be a juror does not return the acknowledgement of the summons in the time period requested, such prospective juror shall not be deemed guilty of contempt of court.
    If service of summons cannot be made by the type of service selected the clerk of the court issuing such summons shall as soon as such fact is determined reissue such summons and deliver it to the sheriff of the county. At least 10 days before the time of appearance hereinafter mentioned the sheriff shall serve such summons on the person named therein so selected for the regular panel to appear before such court at an hour directed by the judge upon the date of appearance of the grand jurors established pursuant to Section 112‑3 of the "Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963", approved August 14, 1963, as now or hereafter amended, to constitute a grand jury or at such time and date as the court may order for such reissued summons.
    The sheriff shall serve such summons in the manner provided in Section 11 of this Act, for service of summons on petit jurors, and for any refusal or neglect so to do, shall be deemed guilty of contempt of court and may be fined therefor as provided in Section 11 of this Act, for default in summoning petit jurors. If for any reason the panel is not full at the opening of such court, the judge shall direct the sheriff to summon, at random, such number of persons named in the supplemental panel as the judge may determine to make available to fill the panel of grand jurors, and if the supplemental panel be exhausted without filling the grand jury panel, the judge shall select by lot from the jury list and direct the sheriff to summon a sufficient number of persons having the qualifications of jurors, as provided by this Act, to fill the panel; however, the court or judge may direct the clerk, at any time prior to the issuance of the summons for the regular panel, to include in the summons any specified number of the names listed on the supplemental panel, in the order in which they appear, starting with the first and counting consecutively, so that the persons so designated may be available in court for the filling of the grand jury panel. In counties having jury commissioners, the names of the persons to constitute the regular and supplemental panels shall be drawn in the manner provided for the drawing of names of persons to serve as petit jurors in such counties; the 16 names to provide the regular panel shall be first drawn and thereupon 12 names for the supplemental panel shall be drawn and listed on that panel in the order in which they are drawn.
(Source: P.A. 85‑690.)

    (705 ILCS 305/10) (from Ch. 78, par. 10)
    Sec. 10. In other than single county circuits, the clerk of the court shall, within 5 days after such drawing, issue summons for a sufficient number of petit jurors, not less than 30 of the persons so drawn, giving their residences and commanding them, to appear at the place of holding such court, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. of such day as the judge shall direct, and a like number to appear at the same place and hour 2 weeks after the time at which the former number of jurors were summoned to appear, and the same number for each 2 weeks thereafter the court will probably be in session, which summons shall be served before the sitting of the court by the issuing clerk as provided in this Section.
    The issuing clerk may use first class mail as the initial form of summons, incorporating any reasonable form of request for acknowledgement which is deemed practical and which would provide a reliable proof of service. One permissible method is the use of a duplex card properly addressed to the person summoned to be a juror and requesting the person so summoned to detach and return to the issuing clerk the part of the duplex card which is attached for his acknowledgement with his signature thereon. As used in this Section, a "duplex card" means any postcard with 2 mailable parts with a summons on one part and a detachable acknowledgement of receipt of such summons on the other part.
    The issuing clerk may use certified mail as the initial means of service or as a secondary means of service in case the acknowledgement requested in a summons delivered by first class mail is not returned in the time period required. The certified mail may or may not be marked for delivery to the addressee only. If the person summoned to be a juror does not return the acknowledgement of the summons in the time period requested, such prospective juror shall not be deemed guilty of contempt of court.
    The certificate of the issuing clerk that he has sent the summons in pursuance of this Section is evidence that he has done so. If service of summons cannot be made by the type of mail service selected, the issuing clerk, shall re‑issue such summons that has been returned undelivered and deliver it to the sheriff of the county wherein the court is to be held and he shall make service and return thereof to such issuing clerk of the court.
(Source: P.A. 80‑780.)

    (705 ILCS 305/10.1) (from Ch. 78, par. 10.1)
    Sec. 10.1. In single county circuits, the clerk of the court shall, within 5 days after such drawing, issue summons for a sufficient number of petit jurors, not less than 30 of the persons so drawn, giving their residences, and commanding them to appear at the place of holding such court, at an hour of such day as the judge shall direct, and a like number to appear at the same place and hour at which the former number of jurors were summoned to appear, and the same number for each period thereafter the court will probably be in session, which summons shall be served before the sitting of the court by the issuing clerk.
    The clerk issuing such summons shall follow the procedure he selects or is directed by the court to select among those permitted by this Section.
    The issuing clerk may use first class mail as the initial form of summons, incorporating any reasonable form of request for acknowledgment which is deemed practical and which would provide a reliable proof of service. One permissible method is the use of a duplex card properly addressed to the person summoned to be a juror and requesting the person so summoned to detach and return to the issuing clerk the part of the duplex card which is attached for his acknowledgment with his signature thereon. As used in this Section, a "duplex card" means any postcard with 2 mailable parts with a summons on one part and a detachable acknowledgment of receipt of such summons on the other part. If the person summoned to be a juror does not return the acknowledgment of the summons in the time period requested, such prospective juror shall not be deemed guilty of contempt of court.
    The issuing clerk may use certified mail as the initial means of service or as a secondary means of service in case the acknowledgment requested in a summons delivered by first class mail is not returned in the time period required. The certified mail may or may not be marked for delivery to the addressee only.
    The certificate of the issuing clerk that he has sent the summons pursuant to this Section is evidence that he has done so. If service of summons cannot be made by the type of mail service selected, the issuing clerk shall reissue such summons and deliver it to the sheriff and he shall make service and return thereof to such issuing clerk of the court.
(Source: P.A. 80‑1495.)

    (705 ILCS 305/10.2) (from Ch. 78, par. 10.2)
    Sec. 10.2. Excusing prospective jurors; hardship.
    (a) The county boards of the respective counties, the jury commissioners for those counties which have been appointed under the Jury Commission Act, or a jury administrator shall submit questionnaires to prospective jurors to inquire as to their qualifications for jury service and as to the hardship that jury service would pose to the prospective jurors. Upon prior approval by the chief judge of the judicial circuits in which a county board, jury administrator, or jury commissioners are situated, the county board, jury administrator, or jury commissioners shall excuse a prospective juror from jury service if the prospective juror shows that such service would impose an undue hardship on account of the nature of the prospective juror's occupation, business affairs, physical health, family situation, active duty in the Illinois National Guard or Illinois Naval Militia, or other personal affairs, and cause his or her name to be returned to the jury list or general jury list.
    (b) When an undue hardship caused by a family situation is due to the prospective juror being the primary care giver of a person with a mental or physical disability, a person with a medically diagnosed behavior problem, or a child under age 12, then the county board, jury commissioners or jury administrator shall excuse such a prospective juror, if it finds that no reasonable alternative care is feasible which would not impose an undue hardship on the prospective juror or the person for whom the prospective juror is providing care, or both.
(Source: P.A. 90‑482, eff. 1‑1‑98; 91‑264, eff. 7‑23‑99.)

    (705 ILCS 305/10.3)
    Sec. 10.3. Excusing prospective jurors; nursing mothers. Any mother nursing her child shall, upon request, be excused from jury service.
(Source: P.A. 94‑391, eff. 1‑1‑06.)

    (705 ILCS 305/11) (from Ch. 78, par. 11)
    Sec. 11. In other than single county circuits, where the sheriff serves the summons provided for in this Act it shall be the duty of the sheriff to execute the summons by reading the same or delivering a copy thereof to, or at the usual place of abode of, each of the persons directed to be summoned to constitute the jury as aforesaid, and to make return thereof on or before the return day, to the clerk of the court in which said jurors are to serve, with an endorsement thereon, certifying on whom it has been executed, and the time when; and in default of so doing, such sheriff or other officer shall be considered as guilty of a contempt, and may be fined, for the use of the proper county, in any sum not less than $10 nor more than $200; and it shall be the duty of the court, upon the return of such summons, to inquire into the cause of any failure to serve any such juror, and unless he shall find that the sheriff has used proper diligence to serve such juror, he shall inflict the fine aforesaid. In a copy of said summons it shall not be necessary to enter the names and residences of all the jurors, but shall be sufficient to recite the name and residence of the person to be served by such copy, and adding thereto: Among others, as set forth in the original summons.
(Source: P.A. 78‑520.)

    (705 ILCS 305/11.1) (from Ch. 78, par. 11.1)
    Sec. 11.1.
    In single county circuits, it shall be the duty of the sheriff to execute the summons by reading the same or delivering a copy thereof to, or at the usual place of abode of, each of the persons directed to be summoned to constitute the jury as aforesaid, and to make return thereof on or before the return day, to the clerk of the court in which said jurors are to serve, with an endorsement thereon, certifying on whom it has been executed, and the time when; and in default of so doing, such sheriff or other officer shall be considered as guilty of a contempt, and may be fined, for the use of the proper county, in any sum not less than $10 nor more than $200; and it shall be the duty of the court, upon the return of such summons, to inquire into the cause of any failure to serve any such juror, and unless he shall find that the sheriff has used proper diligence to serve such juror, he shall inflict the fine aforesaid. In a copy of said summons it shall not be necessary to enter the names and residences of all the jurors, but shall be sufficient to recite the name and residence of the person to be served by such copy, and adding thereto: Among others, as set forth in the original summons.
(Source: P. A. 78‑520.)

    (705 ILCS 305/12) (from Ch. 78, par. 12)
    Sec. 12. The judge shall examine the jurors who appear, and if more than twenty‑four petit jurors who are qualified and not subject to any of the disqualifications provided in this Act, shall appear and remain after all excuses are allowed, the court may discharge by lot the number in excess of twenty‑four. If for any reason the panel of petit jurors shall not be full at any time the clerk of such court may again repair to the office of the county clerk and draw in the same manner as at the first drawing, such number of jurors as the court shall direct, to fill such panel, who shall be summoned in the same manner as the others, and if necessary, jurors may continue to be so drawn and summoned from time to time until the panel is filled. In case a jury is required in such court for trial of any cause, before the panel is filled in the manner herein provided, the court shall direct the sheriff to summon from the bystanders, or from the body of the county, a sufficient number of persons having the qualifications of jurors, as provided in this Act, to fill the panel in order that a jury to try such cause may be drawn therefrom, and when such jury is drawn, the persons selected from the bystanders or from the body of the county to fill the panel and not chosen on the jury, shall be discharged from the panel and those who are chosen to serve on such jury shall also be discharged from the panel at the conclusion of the trial: Provided, that persons selected from the bystanders, as provided in this section, shall not thereby be disqualified or exempt from service as jurors, when regularly drawn by the clerk for that purpose, in the manner provided in this Act.
(Source: P.A. 85‑407.)

    (705 ILCS 305/13) (from Ch. 78, par. 13)
    Sec. 13. When by reason of challenge in the selection of a jury for the trial of any cause, or by reason of the sudden sickness or absence of any juror for any cause, the regular panel is exhausted, the court may direct the sheriff to summon a sufficient number of persons having the qualifications of jurors to fill the panel for the pending trial, but upon objection by either party to the cause to the sheriff summoning a sufficient number of persons to fill the panel, the court shall appoint a special bailiff to summon such person: Provided, the same person shall not be appointed special bailiff more than once in sixty days. Any person who seeks the position of a juror, or who asks any attorney or other officer of the court or other person to secure his selection as a juryman, shall be deemed guilty of a contempt of court, and be fined not exceeding twenty dollars ($20), and shall thereby be disqualified from serving as a juror for sixty days thereafter, and such fact shall be sufficient ground for challenge. Any attorney or party to a suit pending for trial who shall request or solicit the placing of any person upon a jury, shall be deemed guilty of a contempt of the court and be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the person so sought to be put upon the jury shall be disqualified to serve as a juror for sixty days.
(Source: Laws 1933, p. 684.)

    (705 ILCS 305/14) (from Ch. 78, par. 14)
    Sec. 14.

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