(735 ILCS 5/6‑101) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑101) Sec. 6‑101. Bringing action. An action of ejectment may be brought in the cases and manner heretofore accustomed, subject to the provisions contained in Article VI of this Act. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑102) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑102) Sec. 6‑102. Interest in land. It may also be brought to recover lands, tenements or hereditaments, and by any person claiming an estate therein, in fee for life or for years, whether as heir, legatee or purchaser. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑103) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑103) Sec. 6‑103. Lessee of United States or of this State. In all cases in which any person has heretofore entered upon and occupied or shall hereafter enter upon and occupy, any lands, tenements or hereditaments within this state, by virtue of any lease or permit from the United States or this state, such person, his, her or their legatees, executors, administrators, heirs or assigns, may have and maintain an action of ejectment against any person who has or may enter upon such lands, tenements or hereditaments without the consent of such lessee, his, her or their legatees, executors, administrators, heirs or assigns, and proof of the right of possession shall be sufficient to authorize a recovery. (Source: P.A. 83‑707.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑104) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑104) Sec. 6‑104. Interest of plaintiff. No person shall recover in ejectment unless he or she has, at the time of commencing the action, a valid subsisting interest in the premises claimed, and a right to recover the same, or to recover the possession thereof, or of some share, interest or portion thereof, to be proved and established at the trial. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑105) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑105) Sec. 6‑105. Joinder of plaintiffs. Any two or more persons claiming the same premises as joint tenants or tenants in common, may join in an action for the recovery thereof, or any one may sue alone for his or her share. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑106) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑106) Sec. 6‑106. Joinder of defendants. If the premises for which the action is brought are actually occupied by any person, such actual occupant shall be named defendant in the action; and all other persons claiming title or interest to or in the same may also be joined as defendants. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑107) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑107) Sec. 6‑107. Vacant land. If the premises are not occupied, the action shall be brought against some person exercising ownership on the premises claimed, or claiming title thereto, or some interest therein, at the commencement of the action. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑108) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑108) Sec. 6‑108. Pleading as in other civil cases. The time of filing complaints in actions of ejectment shall be the same as in other civil cases; and the rules of pleading and practice in other civil cases shall apply to actions of ejectment, so far as they are applicable, and except as is otherwise provided by Article VI of this Act. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑109) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑109) Sec. 6‑109. Allegations in complaint. It shall be sufficient for the plaintiff to allege in the complaint that (on some day therein to be specified, and which shall be after his or her title accrued), he or she was possessed of the premises involved (describing them as hereinafter provided), and, being so possessed thereof, that the defendant afterwards (on some day to be stated) entered into such premises, and that he or she unlawfully withholds from the plaintiff the possession thereof, to his or her damage any nominal sum the plaintiff deems proper to state. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑110) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑110) Sec. 6‑110. Description of premises. The premises so claimed shall be described in such complaint with convenient certainty, so that, from such description, possession of the premises claimed may be delivered. If the plaintiff claims any undivided share of interest in any premises, he or she shall state the same particularly in the complaint; but the plaintiff, in any case, may recover such part, share or interest in the premises as he or she shall appear on the trial to be entitled to. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑111) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑111) Sec. 6‑111. Interest claimed. The plaintiff shall state whether he or she claims in fee, or whether he or she claims for his or her own life, or the life of another, or for a term of years, specifying such life or the duration of such term. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑112) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑112) Sec. 6‑112. Limited to matters which are germane. The complaint may contain several counts, and several parties may be named as plaintiffs, jointly in one count and separately in others. Except as provided in this Article, no matters not germane to the distinctive purpose of the action shall be introduced by joinder, counterclaim or otherwise. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑113) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑113) Sec. 6‑113. Summons as in other civil cases. Summons shall be issued, tested, served and returned as summons in other civil cases. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑114) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑114) Sec. 6‑114. Notice to landlord. Every tenant who is sued in ejectment by any person other than his or her landlord, shall forthwith give notice thereof to his or her landlord, or to his or her agent or attorney, under the penalty of forfeiting 2 years' rent of the premises involved, or the value thereof, to be recovered by such landlord by civil action. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑115) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑115) Sec. 6‑115. Landlord as defendant. The landlord, whose tenant is sued in ejectment, may, upon his or her own motion or that of the plaintiff, be made defendant in such action, upon such terms as may be ordered by the court. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑116) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑116) Sec. 6‑116. Pleading by defendant. The defendant may file any appropriate motion as in ordinary civil cases, and may answer as hereinafter provided by way of general denial, or specific denial or affirmative defense, and such motion or answer shall constitute an appearance in the case. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑117) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑117) Sec. 6‑117. General denial. Under a general denial which alleges generally that the defendant is not guilty of unlawfully withholding the premises claimed by the plaintiff, the defendant may offer in evidence any matter that may tend to defeat the plaintiff's action, except that it shall not put in issue the possession of the premises by the defendant or that he or she claims title or interest in the premises. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑118) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑118) Sec. 6‑118. Plaintiff's proof. It is not necessary for the plaintiff to prove that the defendant was in possession of the premises, or claims title or interest therein at the time of bringing the action, or that the plaintiff demanded the possession of the premises, unless the defendant in his or her answer verified by affidavit specifically denies that he or she was in such possession, or claims title or interest therein, or that demand of possession was made. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑119) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑119) Sec. 6‑119. Plaintiff's proof ‑ Continued. It is not necessary for the plaintiff to prove an actual entry under title, nor the actual receipt of any of the profits of the premises demanded; but it shall be sufficient for the plaintiff to prove a right to the possession of such premises at the time of the commencement of the action, as heir, legatee, purchaser or otherwise. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑120) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑120) Sec. 6‑120. Evidence. It is not necessary on the trial for the defendant to admit, nor for the plaintiff to prove lease, entry and ouster, or either of them, except in actions by one or more tenants in common, or joint tenants against their co‑tenants; but this section shall not be construed to impair, nor in any way to affect, any of the rules of evidence now in force in regard to the maintenance and defense of the action. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑121) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑121) Sec. 6‑121. Claim of title through common source. If the plaintiff, or his or her agent or attorney, states under oath that he or she claims title through a common source with the defendant, it is sufficient for the plaintiff to show title from such common source, unless the defendant, or his or her agent or attorney, denies, on oath, that he or she claims title through such source, or swears that he or she claims title through some other source. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑122) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑122) Sec. 6‑122. Action against co‑tenants. If the action is brought by one or more tenants in common, or joint tenants against their co‑tenants, the plaintiff, in addition to all other evidence which he or she may be bound to introduce, shall be required to prove, on the trial of the cause, that the defendant actually ousted the plaintiff, or did some other act amounting to a total denial of his or her right as such co‑tenant. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑123) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑123) Sec. 6‑123. Proof of interest. It is not an objection to a recovery in an action of ejectment that any one of several plaintiffs do not prove any interest in the premises claimed, but those entitled shall have judgment, according to their rights, for the whole or such part or portion as he, she or they might have recovered if he, she or they had sued in his, her or their name or names only. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑124) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑124) Sec. 6‑124. Action against several. If the action is against several, and the plaintiff is entitled to recover, he or she shall recover against all who are in joint possession or claim the title, whether they have pleaded separately or jointly. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑125) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑125) Sec. 6‑125. Proof of occupancy. When the action is against several defendants, if it is proved on the trial that any of them occupy distinct parcels in severalty or jointly, the plaintiff shall elect, at the trial, against which he or she will proceed; and such election shall be made before the evidence in the action is closed, and the action shall be dismissed as to the defendants not so proceeded against. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑126) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑126) Sec. 6‑126. Specificity of verdict. In the following cases, if tried by a jury, the verdict shall be rendered as follows: 1. If it is proved on the trial that all the plaintiffs have a right to recover the possession of the premises, the verdict shall be for the plaintiffs generally. 2. If it is proved that one or more of the plaintiffs has a right to the possession of the premises, and that one or more does not have such right, the verdict shall specify for which plaintiff the jury finds, and as to which plaintiff the jury finds for the defendant. 3. If the verdict is for any plaintiff, and there are several defendants, the verdict shall be rendered against such of them as were in possession of the premises or as claimed title thereto at the commencement of the action. 4. If the verdict is for all the premises claimed, as specified in the complaint, it shall, in that respect, be for such premises generally. 5. If the verdict is for a part of the premises described in such complaint, the verdict shall particularly specify such part, as the same was proved, with the same certainty hereinbefore required in the description of the premises claimed. 6. If the verdict is for an undivided share or interest in the premises claimed, it shall specify such share or interest; and if for an undivided share in a part of the premises claimed, it shall specify such share, and shall describe such part of the premises as hereinbefore required. The verdict shall also specify the estate which has been established on the trial, by the plaintiff in whose favor it is rendered, whether such estate is in fee or for his or her own life or for the life of another, stating such lives, or whether it is for a term of years, and specifying the duration of such term. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑127) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑127) Sec. 6‑127. Expiration of plaintiff's right or termination of plaintiff's title before trial. If the right of a plaintiff in ejectment expires or the plaintiff's title terminates after the commencement of the action, but before trial, the verdict, if tried by a jury, shall be returned according to the fact, and judgment shall be entered that the plaintiff recover his or her damages by reason of the withholding of the premises, by the defendant, to be assessed, and that as to the premises claimed, the action shall be dismissed; and such damages may be thereupon assessed by the court or jury trying the case. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑128) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑128) Sec. 6‑128. Suggestion of death. If there are several plaintiffs in an action of ejectment, and any of them die before final judgment, the death of such party may be suggested of record, and the executor, administrator, heir or legatee of the deceased party shall be allowed to proceed with the action jointly with the survivor, in the same manner as if he or she had originally joined with him or her in commencing the action. (Source: P.A. 83‑707.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑129) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑129) Sec. 6‑129. Judgment. In cases where no other provision is made, the judgment in the action, if the plaintiff prevails, shall be that the plaintiff recover the possession of the premises, according to the verdict of the jury, if there was such a verdict, or the finding of the court, if the case is tried without a jury, or according to the description thereof in the complaint, with costs to be taxed, if the judgment is by default. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑130) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑130) Sec. 6‑130. Recovery of rents and profits. The plaintiff recovering judgment in ejectment in any of the cases in which such action may be maintained, shall also be entitled to recover damages against the defendant for the rents and profits of the premises recovered. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑131) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑131) Sec. 6‑131. Conclusiveness of judgment. Every judgment in the action of ejectment shall be conclusive as to the title established in such action upon the party against whom the same is rendered, and against all persons claiming from, through or under such party, by title accruing after the commencement of such action, subject to the exceptions hereinafter named. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑132) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑132) Sec. 6‑132. New trial as in other civil cases. The court may grant a new trial before or after final judgment, as in other civil cases. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑133) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑133) Sec. 6‑133. Petition for damages. Instead of a separate action for the recovery of mesne profits, the plaintiff seeking to recover such damages shall, within one year after the entering of the judgment, file a petition in the ejectment action. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑134) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑134) Sec. 6‑134. Petition stands as complaint. Such petition shall be substantially in the same form as is now in use in other civil cases for complaints and the same rules of pleading shall be observed as in other civil cases. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑135) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑135) Sec. 6‑135. Service of copy of petition. Upon the filing of such petition, the defendant shall be served with a copy thereof. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑136) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑136) Sec. 6‑136. Pleadings. The pleadings following the filing of the petition and the proceedings thereon shall be the same as in ordinary civil actions, but no matters shall be pleaded or presented which were or might have been denied in such action of ejectment. The defendant may plead a recovery by such defendant, or any other person, of the same premises, or of part thereof, subsequent to the verdict of the jury if tried by a jury, or to the finding of the court if tried without a jury, in such action of ejectment, in bar or in mitigation of the damages claimed by the plaintiff. (Source: P.A. 82‑280.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑137) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑137) Sec. 6‑137. Issue of fact on petition. If any issue of fact is presented on such petition, it shall be tried as in other civil cases; and if such issue is found for the plaintiff, or if demand for trial by jury has been made in accordance with law, a jury may assess damages in the amount of the mesne profits received by the defendant since he or she entered into possession of the premises, subject to the restrictions contained in Article VI of this Act. (Source: P.A. 84‑1043.) |
(735 ILCS 5/6‑138) (from Ch. 110, par. 6‑138) Sec. 6‑138. Extent of recovery. On the trial of such issue, the plaintiff is required to establish and the defendant may deny, the time when such defendant entered into the possession of the premises, the time during which he or she enjoyed the mesne profits thereof, and the value of such profits; and the record of the recovery in the action of ejectment shall not be evidence of such time. On such trial, the defendant shall have the same right to set off any improvements made on the premises, to the amount of the plaintiff's claim, as is now or shall hereafter be judicially allowed; and in estimating the plaintiff's damages, the value of the use by the defendant of any improvements made by him or her shall not be allowed to the plaintiff. (Source: P.A. 83‑707.) |