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Part 16 - Reinstatement And Redemption

      (735 ILCS 5/Art. XV Pt. 16 heading)
Part 16. Reinstatement and Redemption

    (735 ILCS 5/15‑1601) (from Ch. 110, par. 15‑1601)
    Sec. 15‑1601. Waiver of Rights of reinstatement and Redemption. (a) Residential and Certain Agricultural Real Estate. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, no mortgagor of real estate which is residential real estate at the time of such attempted waiver may waive the mortgagor's rights of reinstatement and redemption, or either of them, and any such waiver shall be void. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this Section, no mortgagor of real estate which is agricultural real estate at the time of such attempted waiver may waive the mortgagor's rights of reinstatement and redemption, or either of them, and any such waiver shall be void.
    (b) Other Real Estate. Any corporation or any corporate trustee of any express trust who is a mortgagor of agricultural real estate may waive the mortgagor's right of redemption (i) by express waiver stated in the mortgage or (ii) by any other waiver in writing which has been acknowledged by the mortgagor and recorded. A mortgagor of real estate other than a mortgagor of residential real estate or other mortgagor who is not otherwise so prohibited by this Article may waive the mortgagor's right of redemption (i) by express waiver stated in the mortgage or (ii) by any other waiver in writing which has been acknowledged by the mortgagor and recorded.
    (c) Waiver After Commencement of Foreclosure. After commencement of a foreclosure proceeding under this Article a mortgagor of residential real estate or other mortgagor who is otherwise so prohibited may waive the mortgagor's rights of reinstatement and redemption, or either of them, if (i) the mortgagor expressly consents in writing to the entry of a judgment without such right of reinstatement or redemption, (ii) such written consent is filed with the clerk of the court, and (iii) the mortgagee consents and agrees to waive any and all rights to a deficiency judgment.
    (d) Prior Waivers. Nothing contained in this Section shall invalidate any waiver of any right of redemption made pursuant to Section 12‑124 or Section 12‑125 of the Code of Civil Procedure in effect prior to July 1, 1987 which is contained in any instrument executed prior to July 1, 1987.
(Source: P.A. 85‑907.)

    (735 ILCS 5/15‑1602) (from Ch. 110, par. 15‑1602)
    Sec. 15‑1602. Reinstatement. In any foreclosure of a mortgage executed after July 21, 1959, which has become due prior to the maturity date fixed in the mortgage, or in any instrument or obligation secured by the mortgage, through acceleration because of a default under the mortgage, a mortgagor may reinstate the mortgage as provided herein. Reinstatement is effected by curing all defaults then existing, other than payment of such portion of the principal which would not have been due had no acceleration occurred, and by paying all costs and expenses required by the mortgage to be paid in the event of such defaults, provided that such cure and payment are made prior to the expiration of 90 days from the date the mortgagor or, if more than one, all the mortgagors (i) have been served with summons or by publication or (ii) have otherwise submitted to the jurisdiction of the court. When service is made by publication, the first date of publication shall be used for the calculation. Upon such reinstatement of the mortgage, the foreclosure and any other proceedings for the collection or enforcement of the obligation secured by the mortgage shall be dismissed and the mortgage documents shall remain in full force and effect as if no acceleration or default had occurred. The relief granted by this Section shall not be exhausted by a single use thereof, but if the court has made an express written finding that the mortgagor has exercised its right to reinstate pursuant to this Section, such relief shall not be again available to the mortgagor under the same mortgage for a period of five years from the date of the dismissal of such foreclosure. The provisions of Section 9‑110 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be inapplicable with respect to any instrument which is deemed a mortgage under this Article. The court may enter a judgment of foreclosure prior to the expiration of the reinstatement period, subject to the right of the mortgagor to reinstate the mortgage under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 86‑974.)

    (735 ILCS 5/15‑1603) (from Ch. 110, par. 15‑1603)
    Sec. 15‑1603. Redemption.
    (a) Owner of Redemption. Except as provided in subsection (b) of Section 15‑1402, only an owner of redemption may redeem from the foreclosure, and such owner of redemption may redeem only during the redemption period specified in subsection (b) of Section 15‑1603 and only if the right of redemption has not been validly waived.
    (b) Redemption Period.
        (1) In the foreclosure of a mortgage of real estate
     which is residential real estate at the time the foreclosure is commenced, the redemption period shall end on the later of (i) the date 7 months from the date the mortgagor or, if more than one, all the mortgagors (A) have been served with summons or by publication or (B) have otherwise submitted to the jurisdiction of the court, or (ii) the date 3 months from the date of entry of a judgment of foreclosure.
        (2) In all other foreclosures, the redemption period
     shall end on the later of (i) the date 6 months from the date the mortgagor or, if more than one, all the mortgagors (A) have been served with summons or by publication or (B) have otherwise submitted to the jurisdiction of the court, or (ii) the date 3 months from the date of entry of a judgment of foreclosure.
        (3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), the
     redemption period shall end at the later of the expiration of any reinstatement period provided for in Section 15‑1602 or the date 60 days after the date the judgment of foreclosure is entered, if the court finds that (i) the value of the mortgaged real estate as of the date of the judgment is less than 90% of the amount specified pursuant to subsection (d) of Section 15‑1603 and (ii) the mortgagee waives any and all rights to a personal judgment for a deficiency against the mortgagor and against all other persons liable for the indebtedness or other obligations secured by the mortgage.
        (4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), the
     redemption period shall end on the date 30 days after the date the judgment of foreclosure is entered if the court finds that the mortgaged real estate has been abandoned. In cases where the redemption period is shortened on account of abandonment, the reinstatement period shall not extend beyond the redemption period as shortened.
    (c) Extension of Redemption Period.
        (1) Once expired, the right of redemption provided
     for in Sections 15‑1603 or 15‑1604 shall not be revived. The period within which the right of redemption provided for in Sections 15‑1603 or 15‑1604 may be exercised runs independently of any action by any person to enforce the judgment of foreclosure or effect a sale pursuant thereto. Neither the initiation of any legal proceeding nor the order of any court staying the enforcement of a judgment of foreclosure or the sale pursuant to a judgment or the confirmation of the sale, shall have the effect of tolling the running of the redemption period.
        (2) If a court has the authority to stay, and does
     stay, the running of the redemption period, or if the redemption period is extended by any statute of the United States, the redemption period shall be extended until the expiration of the same number of days after the expiration of the stay order as the number of days remaining in the redemption period at the time the stay order became effective, or, if later, until the expiration of 30 days after the stay order terminates. If the stay order terminates more than 30 days prior to the expiration of the redemption period, the redemption period shall not be extended.
    (d) Amount Required to Redeem. The amount required to redeem shall be the sum of:
        (1) The amount specified in the judgment of
     foreclosure, which shall consist of (i) all principal and accrued interest secured by the mortgage and due as of the date of the judgment, (ii) all costs allowed by law, (iii) costs and expenses approved by the court, (iv) to the extent provided for in the mortgage and approved by the court, additional costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the mortgagee, (v) all amounts paid pursuant to Section 15‑1505 and (vi) per diem interest from the date of judgment to the date of redemption calculated at the mortgage rate of interest applicable as if no default had occurred; and
        (2) The amount of other expenses authorized by the
     court which the mortgagee reasonably incurs between the date of judgment and the date of redemption, which shall be the amount certified by the mortgagee in accordance with subsection (e) of Section 15‑1603.
    (e) Notice of Intent to Redeem. An owner of redemption who intends to redeem shall give written notice of such intent to redeem to the mortgagee's attorney of record specifying the date designated for redemption and the current address of the owner of redemption for purposes of receiving notice. Such owner of redemption shall file with the clerk of the court a certification of the giving of such notice. The notice of intent to redeem must be received by the mortgagee's attorney at least 15 days (other than Saturday, Sunday or court holiday) prior to the date designated for redemption. The mortgagee shall thereupon file with the clerk of the court and shall give written notice to the owner of redemption at least three days (other than Saturday, Sunday or court holiday) before the date designated for redemption a certification, accompanied by copies of paid receipts or appropriate affidavits, of any expenses authorized in paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of Section 15‑1603. If the mortgagee fails to serve such certification within the time specified herein, then the owner of redemption intending to redeem may redeem on the date designated for redemption in the notice of intent to redeem, and the mortgagee shall not be entitled to payment of any expenses authorized in paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of Section 15‑1603.
    (f) Procedure for Redemption.
        (1) An owner of redemption may redeem the real
     estate from the foreclosure by paying the amount specified in subsection (d) of Section 15‑1603 to the mortgagee or the mortgagee's attorney of record on or before the date designated for redemption pursuant to subsection (e) of Section 15‑1603.
        (2) If the mortgagee refuses to accept payment or if
     the owner of redemption redeeming from the foreclosure objects to the reasonableness of the additional expenses authorized in paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of Section 15‑1603 and certified in accordance with subsection (e) of Section 15‑1603, the owner of redemption shall pay the certified amount to the clerk of the court on or before the date designated for redemption, together with a written statement specifying the expenses to which objection is made. In such case the clerk shall pay to the mortgagee the amount tendered minus the amount to which the objection pertains.
        (3) Upon payment to the clerk, whether or not the
     owner of redemption files an objection at the time of payment, the clerk shall give a receipt of payment to the person redeeming from the foreclosure, and shall file a copy of that receipt in the foreclosure record. Upon receipt of the amounts specified to be paid to the mortgagee pursuant to this Section, the mortgagee shall promptly furnish the mortgagor with a release of the mortgage or satisfaction of the judgment, as appropriate, and the evidence of all indebtedness secured by the mortgage shall be cancelled.
    (g) Procedure Upon Objection. If an objection is filed by an owner of redemption in accordance with paragraph (2) of subsection (f) of Section 15‑1603, the clerk shall hold the amount to which the objection pertains until the court orders distribution of those funds. The court shall hold a hearing promptly to determine the distribution of any funds held by the clerk pursuant to such objection. Each party shall pay its own costs and expenses in connection with any objection, including attorneys' fees, subject to Section 2‑611 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
    (h) Failure to Redeem. Unless the real estate being foreclosed is redeemed from the foreclosure, it shall be sold as provided in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 86‑974.)

    (735 ILCS 5/15‑1604) (from Ch. 110, par. 15‑1604)
    Sec. 15‑1604. Special Right to Redeem.
    (a) Circumstances. With respect to residential real estate, if (i) the purchaser at the sale was a mortgagee who was a party to the foreclosure or its nominee and (ii) the sale price was less than the amount specified in subsection (d) of Section 15‑1603, then, and only in such circumstances, an owner of redemption as specified in subsection (a) of Section 15‑1603 shall have a special right to redeem, for a period ending 30 days after the date the sale is confirmed, by paying to the mortgagee (i) the sale price, (ii) all additional costs and expenses incurred by the mortgagee set forth in the report of sale and confirmed by the court, and (iii) interest at the statutory judgment rate from the date the purchase price was paid or credited as an offset.
    (b) Procedure. Upon receipt of such amount, the mortgagee shall assign to the redeeming owner of redemption its certificate of sale or its right to such certificate or to a deed. The mortgagee shall give to the redeeming owner of redemption an executed duplicate of such assignment, marked "Duplicate", which duplicate the owner of redemption shall file with the court. If a deed has been issued to the mortgagee or its nominee, the holder of such deed, or such holder's successor in title, shall execute and deliver a deed conveying the mortgaged real estate to the redeeming owner of redemption subject only to those encumbrances that would normally arise on title if a redemption were made under Section 15‑1603, including a deficiency, if any, resulting from the foreclosure sale. Nothing contained herein shall affect the right to a personal or in rem deficiency judgment, and enforcement thereof shall be allowed as provided by law. Any deficiency judgment shall retain the same priority on title as did the mortgage from which it arose. The mortgagee, its nominee or its successors in title shall not permit encumbrances on title arising on or after the date of the deed to the mortgagee or nominee caused by or relating to the mortgagee or its nominee or its successors in title.
(Source: P.A. 86‑974.)

    (735 ILCS 5/15‑1605) (from Ch. 110, par. 15‑1605)
    Sec. 15‑1605. Equitable Right of Redemption. No equitable right of redemption shall exist or be enforceable under or with respect to a mortgage after a judicial sale of the mortgaged real estate pursuant to Section 15‑1507 or after entry of a judgment of foreclosure pursuant to Sections 15‑1402 or 15‑1403.
(Source: P.A. 84‑1462.)

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