(75 ILCS 5/3‑1) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑1) Sec. 3‑1. In any city of 500,000 or fewer inhabitants, the corporate authorities shall levy a tax for library purposes of not to exceed .15% of the value of all the taxable property in the city, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue. If the annual public library tax rate of an established library was increased above .12% up to .20% prior to 1972 as provided in this Act, the corporate authorities shall then levy up to an additional .03% above the increased rate approved at the election. If, however, the corporate authorities desire to increase the tax rate but not in excess of .60% of value for such purposes, the corporate authorities may, by ordinance, stating the tax rate desired, direct that a proposition be submitted to the voters of the city at any regular election. The proposition shall be in substantially the form prescribed in Section 3‑3. If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in favor thereof, the corporate authorities may thereafter levy annually a tax for library purposes at the authorized increased rate. Any tax levied pursuant to Section 3‑9 shall be disregarded in applying the provisions of this Section. The corporate authorities may also levy an additional tax of .02% of the value of all the taxable property in the city, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for the purchase of sites and buildings, for the construction and equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and for maintenance, repairs and alterations of library buildings and equipment. In any year in which the corporate authorities propose to levy such additional .02% tax, the corporate authorities shall adopt a resolution determining to levy such tax. Within 15 days after the adoption of the resolution, it shall be published at least once in one or more newspapers published in the city, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation within the city. In a city in which no newspaper is published, publication may instead be made by posting a notice in three prominent places within the city. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the city; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum. The city clerk shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one. If no petition is filed with the corporate authorities within 30 days after publication or posting of the resolution, or if all petitions so filed are determined to be invalid or insufficient the city shall then be authorized to levy the tax. However, if within the 30 day period, a petition is filed with the corporate authorities, signed by electors of the city equal in number to 10% or more of the total number of registered voters in the city, asking that the question of levying such a .02% tax be submitted to the electors of the city, the question shall be submitted at an election. Notice of this referendum shall be given as provided by the general election laws of the state, and the referendum shall be held in all respects in accordance with those laws. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form: "Shall the corporate authorities of (name of city) be authorized to levy an additional tax of ....% for the construction of buildings, provision of sites, etc., as determined by resolution dated (insert date)?". If a majority of votes cast upon the proposition are in favor thereof, the corporate authorities may levy the additional tax. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑2) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑2) Sec. 3‑2. The corporate authorities of any city of over 500,000 population may levy a tax for library maintenance and operation for the years 1970 and 1971 of not to exceed .10% and for the years thereafter of not to exceed .12% of the value of all taxable property in the city, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue. The corporate authorities may also levy an additional tax of .02% of the value of all the taxable property in the city, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for the purchase of sites and buildings, for the construction and equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and for maintenance, repairs and alterations of library buildings and equipment. If, however, the corporate authorities desire to levy a tax for any year after 1971 in excess of .12% but not in excess of .20% of value for library maintenance and operation, the corporate authorities may, by ordinance, stating the tax rate desired, cause a proposition for an assent thereto to be submitted to the voters of the city at a general election to be held in November of even numbered years. The proposition shall be in substantially the form prescribed in Section 3‑3. If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in favor thereof, the corporate authorities may thereafter levy annually a tax for library maintenance and operation at the authorized increased rate. Any tax levied pursuant to Section 3‑9 shall be disregarded in applying the provision of this Section. (Source: P.A. 81‑1489; 81‑1509.) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑3) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑3) Sec. 3‑3. The corporate authorities shall adopt an ordinance providing for submitting the question of increasing the library tax for maintenance and operation at such general election and the municipal clerk shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the question at a general election in accordance with the general election law. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall the annual library tax YES for maintenance and operation in (insert name of city) be
increased from (insert present tax) to (insert proposed tax)? NO
(Source: P.A. 81‑1489 .) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑4) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑4) Sec. 3‑4. When the electors of an incorporated town, village or township have voted to establish and maintain a public library as provided in Section 2‑2, the corporate authorities of such incorporated town, village or township shall levy an annual tax for the establishment and maintenance of such library, not exceeding .15% of the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue. If the petition and ballots so specify in the original establishment as set forth in Section 2‑2 of this Act, the corporate authorities may levy a tax in excess of .15%, not to exceed the rate specified in such establishment petition and ballot, but in any event not to exceed .60% of the value as equalized and assessed by the Department of Revenue. If the annual public library tax rate of an established library was increased above .12% up to .20% prior to 1972 as provided in this Act, the corporate authorities shall then levy up to an additional .03% above the increased rate approved at the referendum. Such tax rate may be increased to not to exceed .60% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, or the excess tax shall no longer be levied, if the electors of such incorporated town, village or township shall so determine by referendum at any regular election. Such referendum shall be petitioned for in the manner as the referendum for the establishment and maintenance of the library. Any tax levied pursuant to Section 3‑9 shall be disregarded in applying the provisions of this Section. The corporate authorities may also levy an additional tax of .02% of the value of all the taxable property in the incorporated town, village or township, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for the purchase of sites and buildings, for the construction and equipment of buildings, for the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and for maintenance, repairs and alterations of library buildings and equipment. In any year in which the corporate authorities propose to levy such additional .02% tax, the corporate authorities shall adopt a resolution determining to levy such tax. Within 15 days after the adoption of the resolution, it shall be published at least once in one or more newspapers published in the incorporated town, village or township, or if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspapers with a general circulation therein. In an incorporated town, village or township in which no newspaper is published, publication may instead be made by posting a notice in three prominent places. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the incorporated town, village or township; (2) the time in which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum. The clerk of the incorporated town, village or township, shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one. If no petition is filed with the corporate authorities within 30 days after publication or posting of the resolution, the incorporated town, village or township shall then be authorized to levy the tax. However, if within the 30 day period, a petition is filed with the corporate authorities, signed by electors of the incorporated town, village or township equal in number to 10% or more of the total number of registered voters in the incorporated town, village or township, asking that the question of levying such a .02% tax be submitted to the electors thereof, the question shall be submitted at a special or general election. Notice of this election shall be given as provided by the general election laws of this state in force at the time of the election, and the election shall be held in all respects in accordance with those laws. The ballot on which the proposition is submitted shall be in substantially the following form: "Shall the corporate authorities of (name of incorporated town, village or township) be authorized to levy an additional tax of ...% for the construction of buildings, provision of sites, etc., as determined by resolution dated (insert date)?". If a majority of votes cast upon the proposition are in favor thereof, the corporate authorities may levy the additional tax. (Source: P.A. 91‑357, eff. 7‑29‑99.) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑5) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑5) Sec. 3‑5. The library taxes provided for in this Act shall be levied by the corporate authorities in the amounts determined by the board and collected in like manner with other general taxes of the city, village, incorporated town or township and the proceeds shall be deposited in a special fund, which shall be known as the library fund. In townships and in cities, villages and incorporated towns having a population of 50,000 or less the proceeds of any such tax shall be paid over by the officer charged with the collection thereof to the board of trustees of the library. Expenditures from the library fund shall be under the direction of the board of library trustees. (Source: P.A. 84‑770.) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑6) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑6) Sec. 3‑6. The library taxes provided for in this Article are in addition to all other taxes or tax rates authorized to be levied by any city, incorporated town, village or township and shall not be a part of the taxes making up any rate prescribed as a limitation on the amount of taxes any city, incorporated town, village or township may levy. (Source: Laws 1967, p. 2717.) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑7) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑7) Sec. 3‑7. (1) When a municipality levies a tax under this Article, which municipality is situated wholly or partly in a township which also levies a tax under this Article, the levy and collection of the library taxes are subject to these provisions: (a) If a city, village or incorporated town which levies a tax under this Article is located in a county of less than 1,000,000 inhabitants and is situated wholly or partly in a township which levies a tax under this Article, such township may proceed as follows unless the authority to levy a library tax in the area which lies in both the municipality and the township has been determined under subsection (c). The township may cause an abatement in full of the township library tax on property subject to such tax as also lies within a city, village or incorporated town which also levies a library tax for the same year. However, such township may instead pay to such city, village or incorporated town the entire amount collected for such township from taxes levied under this Article on property subject to a tax which such city, village or incorporated town levies under this Article. Whenever any city, village or incorporated town receives any payments from a township as provided in this Section, such city, village or incorporated town shall reduce and abate from the tax levied by the authority of this Article a rate which would produce an amount equal to the amount received from such township. (b) If a city, village or incorporated town which levies a tax under this Article is located in a county of 1,000,000 or more inhabitants and is situated wholly or partly in a township which levies a tax under this Article, such township shall proceed as follows unless the authority to levy a library tax in the area which lies in both the municipality and the township has been determined under subsection (c). The township shall cause an abatement in full of the township library tax on property subject to such tax as also lies within a city, village or incorporated town which also levies a library tax for the same year. However, such city, village, or incorporated town shall, upon collection of its library tax on such property, pay 1/2 of the collections to the township for library purposes. (c) If any part of a city, village or incorporated town which levies a tax under this Article is situated within a township which levies a tax under this Article, the corporate authorities of the municipality or township may cause the question of which such tax shall be applicable in that area which is situated in both the municipality and township to be submitted to the electors of such area at any regular election. The question shall be certified to the proper election officials, who shall submit the question at an election in accordance with the general election law. The question shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall the area which lies in both (insert name of municipality) and (insert name of township) be subject to taxation for library purposes by (insert name of municipality) or by (insert name of township)?
By (insert name of municipality)
By (insert name of township)
After such election, library taxes under this Article shall be levied and collected in such area only by the governmental unit which received the larger number of votes cast in such election. (2) If a city, village, incorporated town or township which levies a tax under this Article is situated wholly or partly in a library district which levies a tax under "The Illinois Public Library District Act", such city, village, incorporated town or township shall pay to such library district the entire amount collected for such entity from library taxes levied under this Article upon taxable property within such library district. Whenever any library district receives any payments from any city, village, incorporated town or township as provided in this Section, such library district shall reduce and abate from the library tax levied by the authority of "The Illinois Public Library District Act" on property which is subject to taxation for library purposes by both the district and the municipality or township a rate which would produce an amount equal to the amount received by such library district. (Source: P.A. 85‑751 .) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑8) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑8) Sec. 3‑8. In the event the voters approve of a merger of 2 or more cities, or villages, or incorporated towns or townships and the merger affects one or more public libraries the library taxes levied before such merger, shall continue to be levied and collected for library purposes. The ceiling on the annual tax for the maintenance of the public library resulting from the merger shall be at a rate not higher than any lawful rate authorized to be extended before the merger in any of the merged areas. (Source: P.A. 79‑363.) |
(75 ILCS 5/3‑9) (from Ch. 81, par. 3‑9) Sec. 3‑9. For the purpose of providing money to establish and replenish a local library working cash fund authorized by Section 4‑13, corporate authorities shall have the power to levy, upon all the taxable property of a city, village, incorporated town or township, a tax not to exceed .05% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the year in which the levy is made. The tax shall be levied and collected in like manner with other general taxes of the city, village, incorporated town or township but the collection of the tax shall not be anticipated by the issuance of any warrants drawn against the tax. The tax shall be known as the local library working cash fund tax and shall be set apart in a special fund as prescribed in Section 4‑13. Whenever a tax is first levied under this Section, any taxpayer in the city, village, incorporated town or township may, within 30 days after the levy is made, file with the corporate authorities a petition signed by voters of the city, village, incorporated town or township equal in number to 10% or more of the registered voters of the city, village, incorporated town or township requesting the submission of a proposition to the voters of the city, village, incorporated town or township at an election in accordance with the general election law. The corporate authority shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the voters at an election in accordance with the general election law. If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in favor thereof the tax shall thereafter be authorized; if a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are against the proposition the tax shall not be levied. No municipality or township may levy a tax under this Section for more than four years but the four years for which any municipality or township elects to levy such tax need not be consecutive. (Source: P.A. 87‑767.) |