(75 ILCS 16/35‑5) Sec. 35‑5. Tax levy for establishment, maintenance, and support of district library. (a) When a district has been organized and established under this Act, the board, upon its formation and qualification of the trustees to serve, may levy an annual public library tax for the establishment, maintenance, and support of a public library or libraries within the district or for contracting for library service. The tax shall not exceed 0.15% (or a greater amount not to exceed 0.60% if the greater amount was authorized by the referendum establishing the public library district) of the value of all the taxable property within the district, as equalized and assessed by the Department of Revenue. Any tax levied under Section 35‑35 shall be disregarded in applying the provisions of this Section. (b) The board may also levy an additional tax of 0.02% of the value of all the taxable property in the district, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for the purchase of sites and buildings, the construction and equipment of buildings, the rental of buildings required for library purposes, and maintenance, repairs, and alterations of library buildings and equipment. In any year in which the board proposes to levy the additional 0.02% tax, the board shall adopt an ordinance determining to levy the tax. The ordinance may be vacated by the board before its publication. Within 15 days after the adoption of the ordinance, it shall be published in accordance with Section 1‑30. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (i) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the district, (ii) the time in which the petition must be filed, and (iii) the date of the prospective referendum. The secretary of the district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one. If no petition is filed with the board within 30 days after publication or posting of the ordinance, the district shall then be authorized to levy the tax. If, however, within the 30 day period a petition is filed with the board, signed by electors of the district equal in number to 10% or more of the total number of registered voters in the district, asking that the question of levying a 0.02% tax be submitted to the electors of the district, the question shall be certified to the proper election authority, who shall submit the question at an election in accordance with the Election Code, unless the board vacates the ordinance within 7 days after the petition is filed. The proposition shall be in substantially the following form: Shall the Board of Library Trustees of (name of | ||
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If a majority of votes cast upon the proposition are in the affirmative, the board may levy the additional tax. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑10) Sec. 35‑10. Increase in annual tax rate. (a) The annual public library tax may be increased to not more than 0.60% if the voters of the district determine and approve the increase by a majority vote of those voting upon the question at any regular election. The question shall be submitted by the proper election authority pursuant to an ordinance or pursuant to a petition served upon the secretary and bearing not fewer than 100 signatures of voters residing within the district. The question shall be in substantially the following form: Shall the annual public library tax rate for (name | ||
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(b) Voter approval of an increase under a prior law shall satisfy the requirements of this Section. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑15) Sec. 35‑15. Transferred territory; tax liability. (a) When any territory has been transferred from a district under this Act and the court order providing for the transfer also sets forth a continuing liability to be paid and retired by property owners of the transferred territory, the county collector of the county involved shall debit upon his or her books the taxes to be paid and thereafter levied by the district and extended against taxable property within the transferred territory. The county clerk shall continue to extend district library taxes upon the taxable property within transferred territory, and the county collector shall continue to collect district library taxes upon the taxable property within the transferred territory, until the excess liability has been paid and retired. (b) Until full and final payment of the liability, the residents and property owners of the transferred territory shall be entitled to full and free library service from the district. Upon full and final payment of the liability, the residents and property owners of the transferred territory shall no longer be subject to any tax levies by the district, nor shall they thereafter have any right, title, or interest in and to the assets and tangible property of the district affected by the transfer. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑20) Sec. 35‑20. Status of taxes; multiple counties; annexation. (a) The library taxes provided for in this Act shall be in addition to all other taxes or tax rates authorized to be levied by the district or any other taxing authority lying wholly or partially within the district and they shall not be a part of the taxes making up any rate prescribed as a limitation on the amount of taxes the other taxing authority or the district may levy or collect, except that no library district tax for library purposes shall be levied within the district by any other taxing authority. (b) Where the corporate limits of any library district lie partly in 2 or more counties, the board shall ascertain the total amount of all taxable property lying within each county, as the property is assessed or equalized by the Department of Revenue for the current year, and shall certify the amount of taxable property in each county within the library district to the county clerk of each county affected. Each county clerk shall then ascertain the rate (expressed as a percentage) that, upon the total valuation of all property subject to taxation within that library district ascertained as provided in this Section, will produce a net amount not less than the total amount directed to be levied by the library district. The county clerk shall then certify the rate under his or her signature and seal and shall extend the library tax to be levied upon the books of the collector of taxes for his or her county against all taxable property in his or her county within the limits of the library district. (c) Where the corporate limits of an existing library district are expanded by an annexation, the added or annexed territory shall be subject to the library taxes provided for in this Act to the same extent as territory within the district before the annexation. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑25) Sec. 35‑25. Levy, collection, and deposit of taxes. (a) The library taxes provided for in this Act shall be levied by the district and collected in the same manner as other general taxes by the county collector or collectors affected by the levy. The proceeds of all taxes collected for district purposes, and all other moneys belonging to the district, shall be deposited with the treasurer of the district, who shall keep them in separate funds as follows: (1) The annual public library tax proceeds shall be | ||
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(2) The working cash fund tax proceeds shall be kept | ||
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(3) The annual restoration fund tax proceeds shall | ||
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(4) All other tax proceeds shall be kept in special | ||
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The funds shall be kept in separate and interest bearing accounts in one or more banks or savings and loan associations in which public funds may be deposited or invested as provided by law. (b) The treasurer shall not make an expenditure from any fund except upon a warrant certified to as correct by the district librarian and approved by the board. (c) The board may transfer moneys from the Library Fund to the Working Cash Fund and from the Working Cash Fund to the Library Fund. (d) No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds as permitted by this Section unless it has complied with the requirements established under Section 6 of the Public Funds Investment Act. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑30) Sec. 35‑30. Building restoration tax. (a) If a library building is destroyed or seriously impaired by storm, fire, or other casualty, the board, in order to rebuild or restore that library building, may levy an annual tax (to be called the Restoration Fund Tax) not exceeding 0.08333% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all the taxable property in the district and for not more than 10 successive fiscal years. (b) No public library district may levy a tax under this Section unless (i) the board first adopts an ordinance authorizing the levy of the tax and orders the ordinance submitted to the voters of the public library district at an election and (ii) the ordinance is approved by a majority of the voters voting upon the question in accordance with the Election Code. This subsection does not apply to the tax authorized by Section 35‑35. This tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other general taxes by the county collector or collectors of the county or counties affected by the levy and shall not be included in the aggregate amount of taxes limited by any provision of this Act. (c) The board shall not levy a tax under this Section that would produce revenues greater than the difference between the actual cost of rebuilding or restoring the building and the total amount of any insurance benefits paid to the district as a result of the destruction or impairment of the library building. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑35) Sec. 35‑35. Working cash fund tax. (a) For the purpose of providing money to establish and replenish a library district working cash fund authorized by Section 30‑95, the board may levy an annual tax not to exceed 0.05% of the value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue for the year in which each levy is made, of all taxable property in the district. The tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other general taxes by the county collector or collectors of the counties affected by the levy, but the collection of the tax shall not be anticipated by the issuance of any warrants drawn against the tax. The tax shall be known as the public library district working cash fund tax and shall be set apart in a special fund as prescribed in Sections 35‑25 and 30‑95. (b) Whenever a tax is first levied under this Section, any taxpayer in the district may, within 30 days after the levy is made, file with the board a petition signed by the voters of the district equal in number to 10% or more of the registered voters of the district requesting the submission of the proposition to the voters of the district at an election in accordance with the Election Code. The board shall certify the proposition to the proper election authority, who shall submit the proposition at an election in accordance with the Election Code. If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in the affirmative, the tax shall thereafter be authorized; if a majority of the votes cast upon the proposition are in the negative, the tax shall not be levied. (c) No public library district may levy a tax under this Section for more than 4 years, but the 4 years for which a district elects to levy the tax need not be consecutive. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |
(75 ILCS 16/35‑40) Sec. 35‑40. Fiscal year. The first fiscal year of any district shall close on June 30 following establishment of the district. Thereafter, the fiscal year of any district shall commence on July 1 and close on June 30. (Source: P.A. 87‑1277.) |