IC 1-2-12
Chapter 12. State Poet Laureate
IC 1-2-12-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "commission" refers to the Indianaarts commission established by IC 4-23-2-1.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-2
"Selection committee"
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "selection committee" refers to thecommittee described in section 4 of this chapter.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-3
Selection of poet laureate
Sec. 3. The poet laureate of Indiana shall be selected under thischapter.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-4
Establishment of selection committee
Sec. 4. (a) The selection committee consists of the following eight(8) members:
(1) Seven (7) members selected by the commission whorepresent state educational institutions and privatepostsecondary educational institutions.
(2) The executive director of the commission.
(b) The president of each of the institutions selected undersubsection (a)(1) shall name a faculty member to serve on theselection committee. The faculty member must:
(1) be a member of the fine arts or English department of theinstitution; and
(2) teach writing.
(c) The executive director of the commission:
(1) is the chair of; and
(2) shall establish the meeting times and dates for;
the selection committee.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.2-2007, SEC.3.
IC 1-2-12-5
Duties of selection committee
Sec. 5. The selection committee shall do the following:
(1) Meet on a biennial basis to select the poet laureate.
(2) Determine a method of selecting the poet laureate.
(3) Select a poet laureate not later than December 1 of eachodd-numbered year.
(4) Permit a person to be selected as poet laureate even if theperson has previously served as poet laureate.As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-6
Poet laureate's term of service
Sec. 6. A person selected as poet laureate serves a two (2) yearterm that begins January 1 following the poet laureate's selection.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-7
Duties of poet laureate
Sec. 7. (a) The poet laureate shall do the following:
(1) Make a formal appearance at schools, libraries, and othereducational facilities.
(2) Offer advice to the commission concerning ways to furtherthe art of poetry in Indiana.
(3) Represent Indiana and the art of poetry to the educationcommunity and the public.
(b) The department of education shall assist the poet laureate inscheduling the poet laureate's appearances in educational facilitiesand at other appropriate events.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-8
Annual honorarium for poet laureate
Sec. 8. (a) The commission may pay an annual honorarium of twothousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) to the poet laureate.
(b) The commission may pay a per diem to the poet laureate foreach day that the poet laureate makes an appearance under thischapter.
(c) The commission may pay travel expenses to a member of theselection committee unless the member's institution reimburses themember for the expenses.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.
IC 1-2-12-9
Payment of expenses from commission funds
Sec. 9. All expenses and other payments permitted under thischapter shall be paid from appropriations to or other funds of thecommission.
As added by P.L.164-2005, SEC.1.