IC 10-12-6
Chapter 6. Special Death Benefit for Motor Carrier Inspectors and
Special Police Employees
IC 10-12-6-1
"Dies in the line of duty"
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "dies in the line of duty" refers to
a death that occurs as a direct result of personal injury or illness
resulting from any action that:
(1) a motor carrier inspector; or
(2) a special police employee of the department who is not a
regular police employee of the department;
is obligated or authorized by rule, regulation, condition of
employment or service, or law to perform in the course of the
inspector's or special police employee's regular duties.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.3.
IC 10-12-6-2
Special death benefit; motor carrier inspector; special police
Sec. 2. A special death benefit of one hundred fifty thousand
dollars ($150,000) for a motor carrier inspector or special police
employee who dies in the line of duty shall be paid in a lump sum
from the special death benefit fund established by IC 5-10-10-5 to the
following relative of a motor carrier inspector or special police
employee who dies in the line of duty:
(1) The surviving spouse.
(2) If there is no surviving spouse, the surviving children (to be
shared equally).
(3) If there is no surviving spouse and there are no surviving
children, the parent or parents in equal shares.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.3.