IC 10-16-12
Chapter 12. Awards and Decorations
IC 10-16-12-1
Establishment of awards and decorations
Sec. 1. The following awards and decorations are established to
be bestowed upon the officers and enlisted persons of the armed
forces of Indiana under the conditions and in the manner provided in
this article:
(1) An Indiana Distinguished Service Cross shall be awarded to
any commissioned officer or enlisted person of the militia, who:
(A) performs, at great personal danger and risk of life or
limb in peace or war, any act of heroism designed to protect
life or property; or
(B) in the face of a military or armed enemy of the United
States government or of the state of Indiana, performs an act
over and beyond the call of duty, which act, danger, or risk
the officer or enlisted person could have failed to perform or
incur without being subject to censure for neglect of duty.
(2) An Indiana Distinguished Service Medal shall be awarded
to a commissioned officer or an enlisted person of the militia
and other officers, enlisted persons, and civilians, who perform
unusually distinguished or meritorious service, that:
(A) to a marked degree is reflected in the increased
efficiency of the militia; or
(B) brings exceptional and great honor or credit to the
Indiana armed forces and commands the attention and
respect of the citizens of Indiana and of the military
establishment throughout the United States.
(3) Long Service Medals shall be awarded to officers and
enlisted persons for honest and faithful service in the federally
recognized Indiana national guard for periods of:
(A) ten (10) years;
(B) fifteen (15) years;
(C) twenty (20) years;
(D) twenty-five (25) years; and
(E) for longer periods.
A symbol shall be worn on the ribbon of each medal, one (1) for
each year in addition to the period for which the medal was
issued, until the officer or enlisted person is entitled to a medal
for the next period for which a different long service medal is
(4) An Indiana national guard commendation medal shall be
awarded to any commissioned officer or enlisted person of the
militia and other officers, enlisted persons, and civilians, who
have distinguished themselves by meritorious achievement or
meritorious service. The required meritorious achievement or
meritorious service while of lesser degree than that required for
the award of the Indiana distinguished service medal must have
been accomplished with distinction. The award may be made
for acts of outstanding courage that do not meet the
requirements for award of the Indiana distinguished service
medal. It is particularly desirable that emphasis be placed on the
award of this decoration to outstanding company grade officers,
warrant officers, and enlisted personnel whose achievements
and service meet the prescribed standards.
(5) An Indiana Emergency Service Ribbon shall be awarded to
all currently assigned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted
members of the Indiana national guard who have served on state
active duty during a state emergency. For purposes of this
subdivision, "state emergency" means any emergency for any
period declared by the governor or the adjutant general. The
Indiana emergency service ribbon shall be awarded to denote
honorable state active military duty by members of the Indiana
army and air national guard during state emergencies.
(6) Other medals for any war or campaign or mobilization for
which a medal has not been awarded by the federal government
may be:
(A) established by executive order of the governor; and
(B) awarded to members of any federally recognized military
force of the state who participated in the military force.
For the purposes of this article, officers and enlisted persons of the
regular army assigned to the armed forces of Indiana as instructors
and assistant instructors shall be considered as officers and enlisted
persons of the Indiana armed forces.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.
IC 10-16-12-2
Character and design of medals and decorations
Sec. 2. The medals and decorations provided for in this chapter
must be of a character and design that shall be decided upon and
approved by a board of officers of the federally recognized Indiana
national guard selected by the adjutant general by order of the
governor. The board shall select proper and appropriate designs for
medals and ribbons and symbols that reflect the history and traditions
of Indiana.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.
IC 10-16-12-3
Recommendations and applications for awards; rules and
Sec. 3. The governor, through the military department, shall
publish general orders necessary to:
(1) carry out this chapter; and
(2) prepare the rules and procedure by which recommendations
or applications shall be made for any of the awards and
decorations established under this chapter and for the method
and manner of approving the recommendations and applications
and the making of awards.
As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.7.