IC 11-10-13
Chapter 13. Costs of Incarceration
IC 11-10-13-1
Methodology for determining the average daily cost of
incarcerating an offender
Sec. 1. The department shall develop a methodology for
determining the average daily cost of incarcerating an offender.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-13-2
Department's duty to determine the average daily cost of
Sec. 2. The department shall determine the average daily cost of
incarcerating an offender in:
(1) the department; and
(2) each county jail.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-13-3
Report of cost of incarceration to be provided to certain criminal
Sec. 3. The department shall provide each court with jurisdiction
over felony and misdemeanor cases with a report enumerating the
average daily costs of incarcerating an offender.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-13-4
Report to be updated biannually; exception
Sec. 4. (a) The department shall update the report described in
section 3 of this chapter twice each calendar year. However, if the
average daily cost of incarcerating an offender deviates less than one
percent (1%) from the previous cost determination, the department
is not required to update the report.
(b) The department shall update the report described in section 3
of this chapter, if necessary, after receiving the semiannual
incarceration cost analysis from each county sheriff under
IC 36-2-13-5.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-13-5
Use of county data by the department
Sec. 5. The department may use the semiannual incarceration cost
analysis of a county sheriff under IC 36-2-13-5 as the daily cost of
incarcerating an offender in that county jail.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-13-6
Annual actuarial study of projected costs of incarceration; study
to be provided to legislative council
Sec. 6. (a) The department shall annually conduct or contract with
a third party to annually conduct an actuarially based study of
projected costs of incarceration.
(b) The study must:
(1) consider:
(A) the present and anticipated future costs of incarcerating
the current inmate population;
(B) the effect of credit time;
(C) the effect of inmate mortality rates;
(D) the projected increase in costs of incarceration; and
(E) any other factor determined to be relevant by the
department or the third party contractor; and
(2) provide an analysis of the projected costs of incarceration
for each subsequent calendar year after the year the study is
conducted until each inmate in the current inmate population is
no longer serving the executed sentence for which the inmate is
incarcerated in the department.
(c) Before July 1 of each year, the department shall provide the
legislative council with the results of the study. The department shall
provide the results in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.
IC 11-10-13-7
Rulemaking authority
Sec. 7. The department may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to
implement this chapter.
As added by P.L.85-2004, SEC.1.