IC 12-14-5.5
Chapter 5.5. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families;
Performing Public Service
IC 12-14-5.5-1
Implementation of program
Sec. 1. The division shall implement a program to require a
person receiving assistance under the TANF program and who is:
(1) at least eighteen (18) years of age; or
(2) less than eighteen (18) years of age and the parent of a
dependent child;
to engage in public service in exchange for assistance under these
As added by P.L.46-1995, SEC.28. Amended by P.L.161-2007,
IC 12-14-5.5-2
Rules and exemptions
Sec. 2. (a) The division may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to
establish criteria for determining:
(1) the persons required to engage in public service; and
(2) the public and private agencies eligible for the placement of
persons engaged in public service.
(b) Rules adopted under this section may provide an exemption
(1) a person with a substantial physical or mental disability that
prevents the person from obtaining or participating in gainful
(2) a person engaged in full time work; and
(3) a person engaged full time in an education program or a
training program approved by the division.
As added by P.L.46-1995, SEC.28.
IC 12-14-5.5-3
Agency list
Sec. 3. The division shall maintain a list of public and private
agencies eligible for placement of a person engaged in public service
under this chapter.
As added by P.L.46-1995, SEC.28.
IC 12-14-5.5-4
Maximum work hours
Sec. 4. The maximum number of hours a person is required to
work under this chapter is equal to the number of hours multiplied by
the minimum wage that is equivalent to the value of all assistance
received. However, a person may not be required to work more than
forty (40) hours per week.
As added by P.L.46-1995, SEC.28.
IC 12-14-5.5-5
Refusal to perform public service
Sec. 5. A person required to engage in public service under this
chapter who refuses to engage in public service is not entitled to
receive assistance under the TANF program.
As added by P.L.46-1995, SEC.28. Amended by P.L.161-2007,