IC 12-16-10.5
Chapter 10.5. Hospital Care for the Indigent; Rules
IC 12-16-10.5-1
Adopting rules; requisites
Sec. 1. The division shall, with the advice of the division's
medical staff, the division of mental health and addiction, the
division of aging, the division of disability and rehabilitative
services, and other individuals selected by the director of the
division, adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to do the following:
(1) Provide for review and approval of services paid under the
hospital care for the indigent program.
(2) Establish limitations consistent with medical necessity on
the duration of services to be provided.
(3) Specify the amount of and method for reimbursement for
(4) Specify the conditions under which payments will be denied
and improper payments will be recovered.
As added by P.L.120-2002, SEC.26. Amended by P.L.141-2006,
IC 12-16-10.5-2
Consistency of adopted rules with other Medicaid rules
Sec. 2. To the extent possible, rules adopted under section 1 of
this chapter must be consistent with IC 12-15-21-2 and
IC 12-15-21-3.
As added by P.L.120-2002, SEC.26.
IC 12-16-10.5-3
Rules denying payment for services to medically stable and safely
discharged patients
Sec. 3. The rules adopted under section 1 of this chapter must
include rules that will deny payment for services provided to a
patient after the patient is medically stable and can safely be
As added by P.L.120-2002, SEC.26.
IC 12-16-10.5-4
Statewide data collection system; requirements; filing copies of
submitted claims
Sec. 4. (a) The division shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2
necessary to establish a statewide collection system of data
concerning the hospital care for the indigent program.
(b) The following data must be collected:
(1) Patient demographics.
(2) Types of services provided by hospitals.
(3) Costs of particular types of services provided by hospitals.
(c) A hospital that provides services under the hospital care for
the indigent program shall file copies of all claims submitted under
the program with the contractor engaged by the division to adjudicate
As added by P.L.120-2002, SEC.26.
IC 12-16-10.5-5
Rules for appeals; consistency with other rules
Sec. 5. The division may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 that are in
addition to and consistent with the rules required to be adopted under
IC 12-16-6.5 governing appeals brought under the hospital care for
the indigent program to the division.
As added by P.L.120-2002, SEC.26.
IC 12-16-10.5-6
(Repealed by P.L.255-2003, SEC.55.)