IC 12-17.6
IC 12-17.6-1
Chapter 1. Definitions
IC 12-17.6-1-1
Applicability of definitions
Sec. 1. The definitions in this chapter apply throughout this
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.177.
IC 12-17.6-1-2
"Crowd out"
Sec. 2. "Crowd out" means the extent to which:
(1) families substitute coverage offered under the program for
employer sponsored health insurance coverage for children; or
(2) employers:
(A) reduce or eliminate health insurance benefits for
children under an employer based health insurance plan; or
(B) increase the employee's share of the cost of benefits for
children under an employer based health insurance plan
relative to the total cost of the plan;
as a result of the program.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.177.
IC 12-17.6-1-2.6
Sec. 2.6. "Emergency" means a medical condition that manifests
itself by acute symptoms of such severity, including severe pain, that
the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be
expected by a prudent lay person who possesses an average
knowledge of health and medicine to:
(1) place an individual's health in serious jeopardy;
(2) result in serious impairment to the individual's bodily
functions; or
(3) result in serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part of the
As added by P.L.95-2000, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.223-2001, SEC.12
and P.L.283-2001, SEC.32.
IC 12-17.6-1-3
Sec. 3. "Fund" refers to the children's health insurance program
fund established by IC 12-17.6-7-1.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.177.
IC 12-17.6-1-4
Sec. 4. "Office" refers to the office of the children's health
insurance program established by IC 12-17.6-2-1.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.177.
IC 12-17.6-1-5
Sec. 5. "Program" refers to the children's health insurance
program established by IC 12-17.6-2.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.177.
IC 12-17.6-1-6
Sec. 6. "Provider" has the meaning set forth in IC 12-7-2-149.1(2).
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.177. Amended by P.L.241-2003,