IC 13-14-13
Chapter 13. Electronic Applications and Reports
IC 13-14-13-1
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to the use of an electronic submission
for any of the following:
(1) Satisfaction of a state or federal requirement for reporting
to the department.
(2) Satisfaction of the requirements for an application to the
(3) Submission to the department of any other substitute for a
paper document.
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.
IC 13-14-13-2
Requirements for electronic submissions to the department
Sec. 2. The department may accept the electronic submission of
information only if the submission meets the following:
(1) Standards established under IC 5-24 and corresponding
(2) Requirements of cross-media electronic reporting under 40
CFR 3.
(3) Procedures established by the department to accept
electronic information.
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.
IC 13-14-13-3
Electronic submissions not required
Sec. 3. The department may not require a person to make
electronic submissions under this chapter.
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.
IC 13-14-13-4
Department adoption of procedures for electronic signatures on
electronic documents
Sec. 4. (a) The department may adopt procedures that are
consistent with federal law for compliance with this chapter to allow
an applicant to submit an electronic document bearing the valid
electronic signature of a signatory if that signatory would otherwise
be required to sign the paper document for which the electronic
document substitutes.
(b) The procedures adopted under subsection (a) may provide for
electronic signature standards that are:
(1) acceptable to the state board of accounts under IC 5-24; and
(2) consistent with 40 CFR 3.
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.
IC 13-14-13-5
Electronic signature requirements; repudiation of electronic
signature not permitted
Sec. 5. Information submitted in an acceptable electronic
document under a procedure adopted under section 4 of this chapter
must have a signature uniquely assigned. The receiving system for
the document must be able to attribute the signature to a specific
individual. If an electronic document is submitted under an assigned
signature, the signatory may not repudiate responsibility for the
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.
IC 13-14-13-6
Civil, criminal, and other penalties
Sec. 6. A person is subject to applicable state or federal civil,
criminal, or other penalties and remedies for failure to comply with
a reporting requirement if the person submits an electronic document
(1) is in place of a paper document under this chapter; and
(2) fails to comply with the following:
(A) Standards established under IC 5-24 and supporting
(B) Requirements of cross-media electronic reporting under
40 CFR 3.
(C) Procedures established by the department to accept
electronic information.
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.
IC 13-14-13-7
Criminal penalties applicable to information provided in both
electronic and other forms
Sec. 7. A person submitting information using an assigned
signature is liable under IC 13-30-10 for the information provided
and subject to penalties under that chapter, regardless of whether the
information submitted is in electronic form or other form.
As added by P.L.114-2008, SEC.8.