IC 13-17
IC 13-17-1
Chapter 1. Intent and Purpose of Air Pollution Control Laws
IC 13-17-1-1
Purpose; air resource purity
Sec. 1. It is the intent and purpose of air pollution control laws to
maintain the purity of the air resource of Indiana, which shall be
consistent with protection of the public health and welfare and the
public enjoyment of the air resource, physical property and other
resources, flora and fauna, maximum employment, and full industrial
development of Indiana. The air pollution control board and the
department shall safeguard the air resource through the prevention,
abatement, and control of air pollution by all practical and
economically feasible methods.
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7.
IC 13-17-1-2
Local air quality control programs
Sec. 2. Local and air quality basin control programs are to be
supported to the extent practicable as essential instruments for the
securing and maintenance of appropriate levels of air quality.
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7.
IC 13-17-1-3
Criteria for air quality control programs
Sec. 3. Accomplishing the intent and purpose of air pollution
control laws can be done most effectively by focusing on goals to be
achieved by a maximum of cooperation among all parties concerned,
and the rules established under this article should be clearly premised
upon scientific knowledge of causes as well as of effects.
As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7.