IC 14-22-20.5
Chapter 20.5. Cervidae and Cervidae Products
IC 14-22-20.5-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "cervidae" means privately owned
members of the cervidae family, including deer, elk, moose, reindeer,
and caribou.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.4.
IC 14-22-20.5-2
"Cervidae livestock operation"
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "cervidae livestock operation"
means an operation that:
(1) has a game breeders license issued by the department of
natural resources under IC 14-22-20;
(2) contains privately owned cervidae; and
(3) involves the breeding, propagating, purchasing, selling, and
marketing of cervidae or cervidae products;
but does not involve the hunting of privately owned cervidae.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.4.
IC 14-22-20.5-3
"Cervidae products"
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "cervidae products" means
products, coproducts, or byproducts of cervidae.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.4.
IC 14-22-20.5-4
Ownership of cervidae and cervidae products
Sec. 4. Cervidae and cervidae products legally produced,
purchased, possessed, or acquired within Indiana or imported into
Indiana are the exclusive property of the owner.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.4.
IC 14-22-20.5-5
Sale of privately owned cervidae and cervidae products
Sec. 5. Meat and products derived from privately owned cervidae
that are from a cervidae livestock operation may be sold to the
general public, subject to IC 15-17-5.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.2-2008, SEC.31.