IC 14-24-6
Chapter 6. Regulation of Nursery Stock Sales
IC 14-24-6-1
Purpose of chapter
Sec. 1. The purpose of this chapter is to protect the public from
dishonest and unethical practices concerning the sale of nursery
stock that is unlikely to properly grow or survive in the climate of
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.
IC 14-24-6-2
"Hardiness zone" defined
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "hardiness zone" means a
designated geographic area found on the Plant Hardiness Zone Map
prepared and amended by the Agricultural Research Service of the
United States Department of Agriculture.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.
IC 14-24-6-3
"Nursery stock" defined
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "nursery stock" means botanically
classified hardy perennial or biennial trees, shrubs, vines, and plants,
evergreens, fruit pits, and other plants or plant parts capable of
propagation. The term does not include corms, tubers, field
vegetables, or flower seeds.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.
IC 14-24-6-4
Administration of chapter
Sec. 4. The state entomologist shall administer this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.
IC 14-24-6-5
Adoption of rules
Sec. 5. The department:
(1) shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to prescribe the label
described under section 6 of this chapter; and
(2) may adopt other rules under IC 4-22-2 to implement this
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.
IC 14-24-6-6
Labeling of imported nursery stock
Sec. 6. (a) This section does not apply to nursery stock that is:
(1) imported into Indiana by a nursery grower; and
(2) transplanted, grown, and held by the grower for at least five
(5) years after the date of import.
(b) If a person imports nursery stock into Indiana from outside the
forty-eight (48) contiguous states of the United States, the nursery
stock must have a label attached that contains the following
(1) The hardiness zone of the nursery stock.
(2) The common name and botanical name of the nursery stock.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.
IC 14-24-6-7
Removal of labels prohibited
Sec. 7. A person may not remove a label described under section
6 of this chapter from nursery stock until the nursery stock has been
sold for the ultimate use or purpose of the nursery stock in Indiana.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.17.