IC 14-33-15
Chapter 15. Dissolution Due to Loss of Benefit
IC 14-33-15-1
Sec. 1. A district may be dissolved by the same procedure used to
establish the district. The petition must set forth the change of
circumstances that causes the district to lose the district's benefit.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-15-2
Prima facie evidence that district should be dissolved
Sec. 2. If:
(1) the board fails to produce within two (2) years satisfactory
evidence of progress in the preparation of the district plan; or
(2) federal or state money, or both, contemplated in the petition
for the establishment of the district appears to be unavailable;
it is prima facie evidence that the district should be dissolved.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-15-3
Court ordering dissolution
Sec. 3. If the court finds that a district is no longer of benefit, the
court shall do the following:
(1) Order the district dissolved.
(2) Order the board to take necessary steps to terminate all
activities of the district.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-15-4
Final accounting and records filing
Sec. 4. As the final action the board shall make an accounting to
the court and file all records of the district with the court. The court
shall then discharge the board.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.
IC 14-33-15-5
District with bonds or notes outstanding
Sec. 5. The court may not dissolve a district if the district has
bonds or notes outstanding. If the court finds that the activities of the
district should cease, the court shall order the district to function only
for the purpose of:
(1) certifying necessary assessments or taxes; and
(2) collecting the assessments and taxes;
to pay off the financial obligations of the district. When all financial
obligations are paid, the court may order the district dissolved.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.26.