IC 14-8-2
Chapter 2. Definitions
IC 14-8-2-1
Sec. 1. "Abandon", for purposes of IC 14-37, means to:
(1) terminate operations of a well for oil and gas purposes; and
(2) reclaim and restore the site of the well in a manner that will
protect the waters and lands of Indiana against pollution.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-1.5
Sec. 1.5. "Acquiescence", for the purposes of IC 14-26-2, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-26-2-1.2.
As added by P.L.6-2008, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-2
"Adjacent land"
Sec. 2. "Adjacent land", for purposes of IC 14-29-6, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-29-6-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-3
"Affected area"
Sec. 3. "Affected area", for purposes of IC 14-36-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-36-1-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-4
Sec. 4. "Agency" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-23-8, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-23-8-2.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-24-12, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-24-12-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.132-1996, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-5
"Agricultural purpose"
Sec. 5. "Agricultural purpose", for purposes of IC 14-21-1-24, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-21-1-24.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-5.5
"Alcoholic beverage"
Sec. 5.5. "Alcoholic beverage", for purposes of IC 14-16-1, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-16-1-1.5.
As added by P.L.219-2005, SEC.15.
IC 14-8-2-5.7
"All-terrain vehicle"
Sec. 5.7. "All-terrain vehicle", for purposes of IC 14-8-2-185,
means a motorized, off-highway vehicle that:
(1) is fifty (50) inches or less in width;
(2) has a dry weight of twelve hundred (1,200) pounds or less;
(3) is designed for travel on at least three (3) nonhighway or
off-highway tires;
(4) is designed for recreational use by one (1) or more
(5) has a seat or saddle designed to be straddled by the operator;
(6) has handlebars for steering control.
The term includes parts, equipment, or attachments sold with the
As added by P.L.86-2010, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-6
"Alteration to the shoreline"
Sec. 6. "Alterations to the shoreline", for purposes of
IC 14-26-2-15, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-26-2-15.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-7
Sec. 7. "Animal", for purposes of IC 14-22, includes all mammals,
birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-7.5
"Annual pass"
Sec. 7.5. "Annual pass", for the purposes of IC 14-19-3-5, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-19-3-5(a).
As added by P.L.134-1997, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-8
Sec. 8. "Apiary", for purposes of IC 14-24, means a place where
at least one (1) hive or colony of bees is kept.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-9
Sec. 9. "Applicant", for purposes of IC 14-34-4-8, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-4-8.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-10
"Appraised value"
Sec. 10. "Appraised value", for purposes of IC 14-31-2, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-31-2-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-11
"Approximate original contour"
Sec. 11. "Approximate original contour", for purposes of
IC 14-34-10, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-34-10-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-12
"Aquatic vegetation"
Sec. 12. "Aquatic vegetation", for purposes of IC 14-22, means
completely submerged or partially emerged:
(1) moss;
(2) algae; or
(3) rooted aquatic vegetation.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-13
Sec. 13. "Aquifer", for purposes of IC 14-25-7, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-25-7-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-13.5
"Archeological plan"
Sec. 13.5. "Archeological plan", for purposes of IC 14-21-1, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-21-1-8(b).
As added by P.L.46-2000, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-14
Sec. 14. "Area" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-23-7, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-23-7-1.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-31-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-31-1-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-15
"Articles of dedication"
Sec. 15. "Articles of dedication", for purposes of IC 14-31-1, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-31-1-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-16
Sec. 16. "Artifact", for purposes of IC 14-21-1, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-21-1-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-16.5
"Automated point of sale licensing system"
Sec. 16.5. "Automated point of sale licensing system", for
purposes of IC 14-22, has the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-12-7.5(a).
As added by P.L.186-2003, SEC.27.
IC 14-8-2-17
"Average normal water level"
Sec. 17. "Average normal water level", for purposes of
IC 14-26-4, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-26-4-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-18
"Bag limit"
Sec. 18. "Bag limit", for purposes of IC 14-22, means the quantity
of individual wild animals that may be taken:
(1) in one (1) day of the specified season for a specified wild
animal; or
(2) during the entire season;
as stated in IC 14-22.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-19
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-20
Sec. 20. "Basin" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-25-1, the meaning set forth in section
1.2 of IC 14-25-15-1.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-30-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-30-1-1.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-30-2, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-30-2-1.
(4) For purposes of IC 14-30-3, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-30-3-1.
(5) For purposes of IC 14-30-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-30-4-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.35-2001, SEC.1;
P.L.4-2008, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-21
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-22
"Beneficial use"
Sec. 22. "Beneficial use", for purposes of IC 14-25-7, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-25-7-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-23
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-24
Sec. 24. "Board" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-27-6, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-27-6-2.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-32, the soil conservation board
established by IC 14-32-2-1.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-33, the board of directors of a
conservancy district.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-25
Sec. 25. "Boat", for purposes of IC 14-15, means watercraft.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-26
"Bond pool"
Sec. 26. "Bond pool", for purposes of IC 14-34-8, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-34-8-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-26.2
"Boundary river"
Sec. 26.2. "Boundary river", for purposes of IC 14-28-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-28-1-1.2.
As added by P.L.135-1997, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-26.3
"Boundary river floodway"
Sec. 26.3. "Boundary river floodway", for purposes of IC 14-28-1,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-28-1-1.3.
As added by P.L.135-1997, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-27
"Boundary waters"
Sec. 27. "Boundary waters", for purposes of IC 14-22, means the
(1) The part of the Wabash River that forms the boundary
between Illinois and Indiana.
(2) The part of the Ohio River that forms the boundary between
Kentucky and Indiana.
(3) The part of the Great Miami River that forms the boundary
between Ohio and Indiana.
(4) The part of Lake Michigan that is under the jurisdiction of
(5) The lakes other than Lake Michigan that are on the
boundary between Indiana and bordering states.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-27.5
Sec. 27.5. "Bow", for purposes of IC 14-22-40, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-22-40-1.
As added by P.L.133-1996, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-28
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-29
"Buildings and grounds"
Sec. 29. "Buildings and grounds", for purposes of IC 14-20-7, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-20-7-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-29.7
Sec. 29.7. "Bureau", for purposes of IC 14-11-3, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-11-3-0.3.
As added by P.L.257-1997(ss), SEC.24.
IC 14-8-2-30
"Burial ground"
Sec. 30. "Burial ground", for purposes of IC 14-21, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-21-1-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.46-2000, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-31
"Burial object"
Sec. 31. "Burial object", for purposes of IC 14-21-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-21-1-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-32
"Burns Waterway"
Sec. 32. "Burns Waterway", for purposes of IC 14-13-2, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-13-2-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-33
Sec. 33. "Buy", for purposes of IC 14-31-3, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-31-3-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-34
Sec. 34. "Campaign", for purposes of IC 14-31-2, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-31-2-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-35
Sec. 35. (a) "Carnivore", for purposes of IC 14-22, means a
flesh-eating mammal. The term includes the following:
(1) A wild animal of the following families:
(A) Canine.
(B) Feline.
(C) Ursine.
(2) A wild animal that is a result of crossbreeding between the
(A) An animal listed in subdivision (1).
(B) Another animal listed in subdivision (1) or a domestic
(b) The term does not include a domestic animal.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-36
"Carry passengers for hire"
Sec. 36. (a) "Carry passengers for hire", for purposes of IC 14-15,
means the carrying or transportation of passengers for a passage or
trip in consideration of a fare or charge.
(b) The term does not include the following:
(1) The carrying or transportation of passengers or guests
without charge.
(2) The leasing or rental of a watercraft to a lessee to be
operated by the lessee as the lessee's own for an hour, a day, a
week, or other fixed period.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-37
"Cast overburden"
Sec. 37. "Cast overburden", for purposes of IC 14-36-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-36-1-5.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-37.5
Sec. 37.5. "Cemetery", for purposes of IC 14-21, has the meaning
set forth in IC 23-14-33-7.
As added by P.L.46-2000, SEC.3.
IC 14-8-2-37.6
Sec. 37.6. "Cervidae", for purposes of IC 14-22-20.5, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-22-20.5-1.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-37.7
"Cervidae livestock operation"
Sec. 37.7. "Cervidae livestock operation", for purposes of
IC 14-22-20.5, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-22-20.5-2.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-37.8
"Cervidae products"
Sec. 37.8. "Cervidae products", for purposes of IC 14-22-20.5, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-22-20.5-3.
As added by P.L.93-2005, SEC.3.
IC 14-8-2-38
Sec. 38. "Channel" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-28-1 and IC 14-28-3, the natural or
artificial channel of a river or stream.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-29-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-29-4-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-39
Sec. 39. "Chase", for purposes of IC 14-22, means following
wildlife without the intent to take.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-40
"Chemical test"
Sec. 40. "Chemical test", for purposes of IC 14-15-8, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-15-8-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-41
"Class II well"
Sec. 41. "Class II well", for purposes of IC 14-37, means a well
that injects fluids:
(1) that are brought to the surface in connection with
conventional oil or gas production and can be commingled with
wastewaters (other than wastewaters classified as hazardous
waste at the time of injection) from gas plants that are an
integral part of production operations;
(2) for the enhanced recovery of oil or gas; or
(3) for the storage of hydrocarbons that are liquid at standard
temperature and pressure.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-42
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-42.2
"Coal bed methane"
Sec. 42.2. "Coal bed methane", for purposes of IC 14-37-4-1,
means gaseous substances of whatever character lying within or
emanating from:
(1) unmined coal seams, either naturally or as a result of
stimulation of the coal seam;
(2) the void created by mining out coal seams; or
(3) the gob created by longwall or other extraction methods of
coal mining.
As added by P.L.78-2010, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-42.5
Sec. 42.5. "Collateral", for purposes of IC 14-34-7, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-7-0.5.
As added by P.L.176-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-43
"Commence to drill a well"
Sec. 43. "Commence to drill a well", for purposes of IC 14-38-1,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-38-1-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-44
"Commercial fishing"
Sec. 44. "Commercial fishing", for purposes of IC 14-22-14, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-22-14-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-45
"Commercial fishing gear"
Sec. 45. "Commercial fishing gear", for purposes of IC 14-22-14,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-22-14-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-46
"Commercial fishing license"
Sec. 46. "Commercial fishing license", for purposes of
IC 14-22-14, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-22-14-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-47
"Commercially minable coal resource"
Sec. 47. (a) "Commercially minable coal resource", for purposes
of IC 14-37, means a seam of coal that:
(1) can be mined using generally accepted underground
practices and suitable equipment; and
(2) consists of coal in sufficient quantities and of sufficient
quality to be commercially saleable.
(b) The term includes a seam of coal to which one (1) or more of
the following apply:
(1) The seam is:
(A) associated with an underground mine permitted under
IC 14-34; and
(B) specifically intended to be mined under the permit.
(2) The seam is associated with an inactive underground mining
operation at which mining operations:
(A) have temporarily ceased; and
(B) are anticipated to be resumed by the person with the
right to develop the seam.
(3) The seam is identified as a commercially minable coal
resource by the owner or lessee of the seam by a map
accompanied by an affidavit that:
(A) is filed with the division oil and gas; and
(B) states that the coal in the seam is being held for later
commercial production.
(4) The seam is:
(A) at least thirty-six (36) inches thick; and
(B) located not more than eight hundred (800) feet below the
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.78-2010, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-48
Sec. 48. (a) "Commission", except as provided in subsections (b)
through (r), refers to the natural resources commission.
(b) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-13-1, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-13-1-1.
(c) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-13-2, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-13-2-2.
(d) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-13-3, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-13-3-1.
(e) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-13-4, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-13-4-1.
(f) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-13-5, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-13-5-1.
(g) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-13-6, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-13-6-2.
(h) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-14-1, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-14-1-3.
(i) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-20-4, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-20-4-1.
(j) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-20-11, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-20-11-1.
(k) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-21-4, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-21-4-1.
(l) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-25-11, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-25-11-1.
(m) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-28-4, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-28-4-1.
(n) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-30-1, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-30-1-2.
(o) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-30-2, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-30-2-2.
(p) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-30-3, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-30-3-2.
(q) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-30-4, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-30-4-2.
(r) "Commission", for purposes of IC 14-33-20, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-33-20-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.35-2001, SEC.2;
P.L.85-2008, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-49
Sec. 49. "Committee", for purposes of IC 14-34-8, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-8-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-49.2
Sec. 49.2. (a) "Compact", for purposes of IC 14-24-4.5, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-24-4.5-2(8).
(b) "Compact", for purposes of IC 14-25-15, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-25-15-1.
As added by P.L.225-2005, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.4-2008, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-49.5
"Comparative balance sheet"
Sec. 49.5. "Comparative balance sheet", for purposes of
IC 14-34-7, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-34-7-0.6.
As added by P.L.176-1995, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-49.6
"Comparative income statement"
Sec. 49.6. "Comparative income statement", for purposes of
IC 14-34-7, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-34-7-0.7.
As added by P.L.176-1995, SEC.3.
IC 14-8-2-50
Sec. 50. "Compensate", for purposes of IC 14-34-11-3, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-11-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-51
"Conservancy district"
Sec. 51. "Conservancy district", for purposes of IC 14-25-2-11,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-25-2-11.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-52
"Conservation easement"
Sec. 52. "Conservation easement", for purposes of IC 14-29-6-13,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-29-6-13.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-53
"Conservation officer"
Sec. 53. "Conservation officer" refers to an officer employee of
the law enforcement division organized under IC 14-9-8.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.26-2008, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-54
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-55
Sec. 55. "Construction" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-25-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-25-4-1.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-26-2-15, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-26-2-15.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-56
"Controlled substance"
Sec. 56. "Controlled substance", for purposes of IC 14-15-8, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-15-8-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-57
Sec. 57. "Corporation", for purposes of IC 14-12-3, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-12-3-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-58
Sec. 58. "Corps", for purposes of IC 14-23-8, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-23-8-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-59
Sec. 59. "Corridor" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-13-3, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-3-2.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-13-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-4-2.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-13-5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-5-2.
(4) For purposes of IC 14-13-6, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-6-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-60
Sec. 60. "Cost", for purposes of IC 14-14-1, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-14-1-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-61
Sec. 61. "Council" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-13-1-22, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-1-22.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-13-1-23, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-1-23.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-13-1-24, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-1-24.
(4) For purposes of IC 14-13-1-25, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-1-25.
(5) For purposes of IC 14-21-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-21-1-5.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-62
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-62.1
"Credit card"
Sec. 62.1. "Credit card", for purposes of IC 14-11-1-7, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-11-1-7.
As added by P.L.95-1998, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-63
"Current assets"
Sec. 63. "Current assets", for purposes of IC 14-34-7-4, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-7-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-64
"Current liabilities"
Sec. 64. "Current liabilities", for purposes of IC 14-34-7-4, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-7-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-65
Sec. 65. "Dealer" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-16-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-16-1-2.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-24, the term means a person who
grows or buys nursery stock for the purpose of reselling or
reshipping the stock in Indiana.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.186-2003, SEC.28.
IC 14-8-2-65.5
Sec. 65.5. "Decoy", for purposes of IC 14-22-40, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-22-40-2.
As added by P.L.133-1996, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-66
"Dedicate" and "dedication"
Sec. 66. "Dedicate" and "dedication", for purposes of IC 14-31-1,
have the meaning set forth in IC 14-31-1-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-66.5
Sec. 66.5. "Delinquent", for purposes of IC 14-11-3, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-11-3-0.5.
As added by P.L.257-1997(ss), SEC.25.
IC 14-8-2-67
Sec. 67. (a) "Department", except for purposes of IC 14-20-7 and
IC 14-32, refers to the department of natural resources.
(b) "Department", for purposes of IC 14-20-7, refers to the Indiana
department of veterans' affairs established by IC 10-17-1-2.
(c) "Department", for purposes of IC 14-32, refers to the Indiana
state department of agriculture established by IC 15-11-2-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.1-2006, SEC.206;
P.L.2-2008, SEC.28; P.L.120-2008, SEC.5; P.L.113-2010, SEC.95.
IC 14-8-2-68
"Deputy director"
Sec. 68. "Deputy director" refers to the deputy director of the
bureau that supervises a division.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-68.5
"Development plan"
Sec. 68.5. "Development plan", for purposes of IC 14-21-1, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-21-1-8(c).
As added by P.L.46-2000, SEC.4.
IC 14-8-2-69
"Dewatering well"
Sec. 69. "Dewatering well", for purposes of IC 14-25-4, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-25-4-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-70
"Diffused surface water"
Sec. 70. "Diffused surface water", for purposes of IC 14-25
through IC 14-29, means water that comes from falling rain or
melting snow or ice and that:
(1) is diffused over the surface of the ground or that temporarily
flows vagrantly on or over the surface of the ground as the
natural elevations and depressions of the surface of the earth
guide the water; and
(2) has no definite banks or channel.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-71
Sec. 71. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), "director" refers
to the director of the department of natural resources.
(b) "Director", for purposes of IC 14-24-12, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-24-12-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.132-1996, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-72
Sec. 72. "District" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-27-8, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-27-8-2.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-32, the term refers to a soil and water
conservation district that was:
(A) organized under IC 13-3-1 (before its repeal) or
IC 14-32-3 (before its repeal); or
(B) reestablished under IC 14-32-6.5 to incorporate
additional territory.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-33, a conservancy district established
under or accepting:
(A) IC 13-3-3 (before its repeal);
(B) IC 14-33; or
(C) IC 19-3-2 (before its repeal on April 1, 1980), including
a conservancy district established before April 20, 1956, for
any purpose provided in IC 14-33-1-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.136-1997, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-73
"District plan"
Sec. 73. "District plan", for purposes of IC 14-33, means the plan
made after a conservancy district is established for accomplishing the
purpose of the district.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-74
"Ditch" or "drain"
Sec. 74. "Ditch" or "drain", for purposes of IC 14-27-8, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-27-8-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-75
Sec. 75. "Diver", for purposes of IC 14-15-9, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-15-9-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-76
"Divers down flag"
Sec. 76. "Divers down flag", for purposes of IC 14-15-9, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-15-9-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-77
Sec. 77. "Division" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-9-8, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-9-8-2.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-20-1 and IC 14-20-16, the meaning
set forth in IC 14-20-1-2.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-21, the division of historic
preservation and archeology.
(4) For purposes of IC 14-22, the division of fish and wildlife.
(5) For purposes of IC 14-24, the division of entomology and
plant pathology.
(6) For purposes of IC 14-25.5, the division of water.
(7) For purposes of IC 14-31-2, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-31-2-4.
(8) For purposes of IC 14-32, the division of soil conservation
of the Indiana state department of agriculture established by
IC 15-11-4-1.
(9) For purposes of IC 14-37, the division of oil and gas.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.145-2002, SEC.1;
P.L.1-2006, SEC.207; P.L.2-2008, SEC.29; P.L.85-2008, SEC.2;
P.L.120-2008, SEC.6; P.L.69-2009, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-77.5
"Division director"
Sec. 77.5. "Division director", for purposes of IC 14-24-12, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-24-12-3.
As added by P.L.132-1996, SEC.3.
IC 14-8-2-78
"Dock or harbor line"
Sec. 78. "Dock or harbor line", for purposes of IC 14-18-6, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-18-6-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-79
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-79.5
Sec. 79.5. "Domiciled", for purposes of section 242 of this
chapter, means to be living in a place that:
(1) is a person's true, fixed, and permanent home and principal
residence to which, whenever the person is temporarily absent,
the person intends to return; and
(2) is a permanent building or a part of a building:
(A) including a house, a condominium, an apartment, a room
in a house or complex, or a mobile home; and
(B) not including a vacant lot, second home, camp, cottage,
or premises used solely for business.
As added by P.L.155-2002, SEC.2 and P.L.158-2002, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-80
"Due notice"
Sec. 80. "Due notice", for purposes of IC 14-32, means a notice
given through publication at least two (2) times, with an interval of
at least six (6) days between the two (2) publication dates, in a
newspaper or other publication of general circulation within the
appropriate area.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.136-1997, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-81
(Repealed by P.L.2-1997, SEC.91.)
IC 14-8-2-82
"Elements of beekeeping"
Sec. 82. "Elements of beekeeping", for purposes of IC 14-24,
includes bees, hives, combs, combless packages of bees or queens,
and beekeeping equipment or appurtenances.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-83
"Eligible cost"
Sec. 83. "Eligible cost", for purposes of IC 14-12-2-31, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-12-2-31.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-84
"Eligible entity"
Sec. 84. "Eligible entity", for purposes of IC 14-25-11, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-25-11-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-85
"Endangered species"
Sec. 85. "Endangered species", for purposes of IC 14-22-34, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-22-34-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-86
"Exceptional benefits"
Sec. 86. "Exceptional benefits", for purposes of IC 14-33, means
benefits to real property in a conservancy district greater than the
benefits uniformly received throughout the district from:
(1) the establishment of the district; and
(2) the execution of the district plan.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-86.5
"Executive committee"
Sec. 86.5. "Executive committee", for purposes of IC 14-24-4.5,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-24-4.5-2(7).
As added by P.L.225-2005, SEC.2.
IC 14-8-2-87
"Exotic mammal"
Sec. 87. "Exotic mammal", for purposes of IC 14-22, means a
species that is:
(1) not native to Indiana; or
(2) extirpated from Indiana and either:
(A) a wild animal; or
(B) a feral animal other than a dog or cat.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-87.5
"Exotic weed"
Sec. 87.5. "Exotic weed" means a weed that is not native to
As added by P.L.177-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-87.7
Sec. 87.7. "Farmland", for purposes of IC 14-22-11-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-22-11-1.
As added by P.L.186-2003, SEC.29.
IC 14-8-2-88
Sec. 88. "Field", for purposes of IC 14-37-9-3, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-37-9-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-89
"Field trial"
Sec. 89. "Field trial", for purposes of IC 14-22, means a trial of
sporting dogs under field conditions where dogs chase or pursue wild
animals under specified rules of national or regional recognized
hunting dog associations approved by the director.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-90
"Financial clerk"
Sec. 90. "Financial clerk", for purposes of IC 14-33, means a
bonded employee of the board of directors of a conservancy district
charged with the faithful receipt and disbursement of the money of
the district.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-91
"Financial responsibility bond"
Sec. 91. "Financial responsibility bond", for purposes of
IC 14-25-5, has the meaning set forth in IC 14-25-5-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-91.5
Sec. 91.5. "Firearm", for purposes of IC 14-22-40, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-22-40-3.
As added by P.L.133-1996, SEC.3.
IC 14-8-2-92
"Fixed assets"
Sec. 92. "Fixed assets", for purposes of IC 14-34-7-4, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-34-7-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-93
"Flood" or "flood water"
Sec. 93. "Flood" or "flood water", for purposes of IC 14-28-1,
IC 14-28-3, and IC 14-28-4, means the water:
(1) of a river, stream, or lake:
(A) in Indiana; or
(B) upon or adjoining a boundary line of Indiana; and
(2) that is above the bank or outside the channel and banks of
the river, stream, or lake.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-94
"Flood control"
Sec. 94. "Flood control", for purposes of IC 14-28-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-28-1-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-95
"Flood control program"
Sec. 95. "Flood control program", for purposes of IC 14-28-5, has
the meaning set forth in IC 14-28-5-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-96
"Flood easement"
Sec. 96. "Flood easement", for purposes of IC 14-28-1, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-28-1-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-97
"Flood flow"
Sec. 97. "Flood flow", for purposes of IC 14-28-1 and IC 14-28-3,
means all of the water of a river or stream that exceeds the
within-bank channel flow of the river or stream.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-98
"Flood hazard areas"
Sec. 98. "Flood hazard areas", for purposes of IC 14-28-1,
IC 14-28-3, and IC 14-28-4, means those flood plains or parts of
flood plains that have not been adequately protected from flood
water by means of dikes, levees, reservoirs, or other works approved
by the natural resources commission.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-99
"Flood plain"
Sec. 99. "Flood plain", for purposes of IC 14-28-1, IC 14-28-3,
and IC 14-28-4, means the area adjoining a river or stream that has
been or may be covered by flood water.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-100
"Flood protection grade"
Sec. 100. "Flood protection grade", for purposes of IC 14-28-4-16,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-28-4-16.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-101
"Flood water of a watercourse"
Sec. 101. "Flood water of a watercourse", for purposes of
IC 14-25 through IC 14-29, means water that is flowing or standing
above the top level of or outside of the banks of a watercourse.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-102
Sec. 102. "Floodway", for purposes of IC 14-28-1, IC 14-28-3,
and IC 14-34, means:
(1) the channel of a river or stream; and
(2) the parts of the flood plain adjoining the channel that are
reasonably required to efficiently carry and discharge the flood
water or flood flow of a river or stream.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.2-1997, SEC.51.
IC 14-8-2-103
Sec. 103. (a) "Foundation" refers to the Indiana natural resources
(b) For purposes of IC 14-20-1, "foundation" refers to:
(1) the Indiana state museum foundation; or
(2) another nonprofit organization established to promote:
(A) interest in; and
(B) the use of;
the Indiana state museum system.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.66-2008, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-104
Sec. 104. "Freeholder", for purposes of IC 14-33, means a person
who holds land:
(1) in fee;
(2) for life; or
(3) for some indeterminate period of time;
whether or not in joint title with at least one (1) other person.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-105
"Fresh water"
Sec. 105. "Fresh water", for purposes of IC 14-37, means water
that contains not more than ten thousand (10,000) milligrams per liter
of total dissolved solids.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-106
"Freshwater lake"
Sec. 106. "Freshwater lake", for purposes of IC 14-25-5, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-25-5-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-107
Sec. 107. "Fund" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-9-5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-9-5-1.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-9-8-21, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-9-8-21.
(3) For purposes of IC 14-9-8-21.5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-9-8-21.5.
(4) For purposes of IC 14-9-9, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-9-9-3.
(5) For purposes of IC 14-12-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-12-1-1.
(6) For purposes of IC 14-12-2, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-12-2-2.
(7) For purposes of IC 14-12-3, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-12-3-2.
(8) For purposes of IC 14-13-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-1-2.
(9) For purposes of IC 14-13-2, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-13-2-3.
(10) For purposes of IC 14-16-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-16-1-30.
(11) For purposes of IC 14-19-8, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-19-8-1.
(12) For purposes of IC 14-20-1, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-20-1-3.
(13) For purposes of IC 14-20-11, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-20-11-2.
(14) For purposes of IC 14-21-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-21-4-10.
(15) For purposes of IC 14-22-3, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-3-1.
(16) For purposes of IC 14-22-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-4-1.
(17) For purposes of IC 14-22-5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-5-1.
(18) For purposes of IC 14-22-8, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-8-1.
(19) For purposes of IC 14-22-34, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-34-2.
(20) For purposes of IC 14-23-3, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-23-3-1.
(21) For purposes of IC 14-24-4.5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-24-4.5-2(5).
(22) For purposes of IC 14-25-2-4, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-25-2-4.
(23) For purposes of IC 14-25-10, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-25-10-1.
(24) For purposes of IC 14-25-11-19, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-25-11-19.
(25) For purposes of IC 14-25.5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-25.5-1-3.
(26) For purposes of IC 14-28-5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-28-5-2.
(27) For purposes of IC 14-31-2, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-31-2-5.
(28) For purposes of IC 14-25-12, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-25-12-1.
(29) For purposes of IC 14-32-8, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-32-8-1.
(30) For purposes of IC 14-33-14, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-33-14-3.
(31) For purposes of IC 14-33-21, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-33-21-1.
(32) For purposes of IC 14-34-6-15, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-34-6-15.
(33) For purposes of IC 14-34-14, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-34-14-1.
(34) For purposes of IC 14-37-10, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-37-10-1.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.137-1997, SEC.1;
P.L.160-1999, SEC.1; P.L.145-2002, SEC.2; P.L.233-2003, SEC.3;
P.L.186-2003, SEC.30; P.L.225-2005, SEC.3; P.L.1-2006, SEC.208;
P.L.85-2008, SEC.3.
IC 14-8-2-108
"Furbearing mammal"
Sec. 108. "Furbearing mammal", for purposes of IC 14-22, means
beaver, red fox, gray fox, long tailed weasel, mink, muskrat, raccoon,
coyote, opossum, or skunk.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-109
"Fur buyer"
Sec. 109. "Fur buyer", for purposes of IC 14-22, means a person
who purchases or solicits:
(1) the purchase of a furbearing mammal; or
(2) the untanned hide or fur of a furbearing mammal;
whether in the buyer's behalf or as agent for another person.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-110
"Game animal"
Sec. 110. "Game animal" has the following meanings:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-22-37, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-37-1.
(2) For purposes of IC 14-22-40, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-22-40-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.133-1996, SEC.4.
IC 14-8-2-111
"Game bird"
Sec. 111. "Game bird", for purposes of IC 14-22-8, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-22-8-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-112
Sec. 112. "Gate", for purposes of IC 14-27-6, has the meaning set
forth in IC 14-27-6-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-113
Sec. 113. "Geology", for purposes of IC 14-32-7, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-32-7-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-114
(Repealed by P.L.80-2005, SEC.8.)
IC 14-8-2-115
Sec. 115. "Ginseng", for purposes of IC 14-31-3, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-31-3-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-116
"Ginseng dealer"
Sec. 116. "Ginseng dealer", for purposes of IC 14-31-3, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-31-3-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-116.5
"Golf cart"
Sec. 116.5. "Golf cart", for purposes of IC 14-8-2-185 and
IC 14-19-1-0.5, has the meaning set forth in IC 9-13-2-69.7.
As added by P.L.150-2009, SEC.20.
IC 14-8-2-117
"Governing board"
Sec. 117. "Governing board" has the following meaning:
(1) For purposes of IC 14-24-4.5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-24-4.5-2(6).
(2) For purposes of IC 14-28-5, the meaning set forth in
IC 14-28-5-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.225-2005, SEC.4.
IC 14-8-2-117.3
"Governmental entity"
Sec. 117.3. "Governmental entity", for the purposes of
IC 14-22-10-2, IC 14-22-10-2.5, and IC 14-34-19-15, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-22-10-2(a).
As added by P.L.178-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.75-1998, SEC.1;
P.L.71-2004, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-118
"Ground water" or "subterranean water"
Sec. 118. (a) "Ground water" or "subterranean water", for
purposes of IC 14-25 through IC 14-29, except as provided in
subsection (b), means all water that fills the natural openings under
the earth's surface. The term includes the following:
(1) Underground water courses.
(2) Artesian basins.
(3) Reservoirs.
(4) Lakes.
(5) Other bodies of water below the earth's surface.
(b) "Ground water", for purposes of IC 14-25-7, has the meaning
set forth in IC 14-25-7-3.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-119
Sec. 119. "Gypsum" means gypsum, gypsum rock, and anhydrite.
The term includes other materials that are necessary or incidental to
the extraction and removal of gypsum.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-120
"Hardiness zone"
Sec. 120. "Hardiness zone", for purposes of IC 14-24-6, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-24-6-2.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-121
"Harvest season"
Sec. 121. "Harvest season", for purposes of IC 14-31-3, has the
meaning set forth in IC 14-31-3-4.
As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-121.3
"Hazard classification"
Sec. 121.3. "Hazard classification", for purposes of IC 14-27-7.5,
has the meaning set forth in IC 14-27-7.5-2.
As added by P.L.148-2002, SEC.1.
IC 14-8-2-121.5