IC 16-22-2.5
Chapter 2.5. Standards for Members of a Governing Board
IC 16-22-2.5-1
Discharge of duties
Sec. 1. (a) A member of a governing board shall, based on facts
then known to the member, discharge the member's duties as follows:
(1) In good faith.
(2) With the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position
would exercise under similar circumstances.
(3) In a manner the member reasonably believes to be in the
best interests of the hospital.
(b) In discharging the member's duties, a member may rely on
information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial
statements and other financial data, if prepared or presented by one
(1) of the following:
(1) A person whom the member reasonably believes to be
reliable and competent in the matters presented.
(2) Legal counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to
matters the member reasonably believes are within the person's
professional or expert competence.
(c) A member is not acting in good faith if the member has
knowledge concerning a matter in question that makes reliance
otherwise permitted by subsection (b) unwarranted.
As added by P.L.125-2006, SEC.4.
IC 16-22-2.5-2
Confidential information
Sec. 2. All proprietary and competitive information concerning
the county hospital is confidential. A member of a governing board
may not disclose confidential information concerning the county
hospital to any person not authorized to receive this information.
As added by P.L.125-2006, SEC.4.
IC 16-22-2.5-3
Removal of member
Sec. 3. (a) A member of a governing board who violates this
chapter may be removed from the governing board by action of the
(b) The county executive may not:
(1) reappoint to a governing board; or
(2) appoint to a governing board;
an individual who violated this chapter while serving or after serving
as a member of a governing board.
As added by P.L.125-2006, SEC.4.
IC 16-22-2.5-4
Physician members
Sec. 4. (a) A licensed physician is eligible for appointment to a
county hospital governing board only if the physician is an active
member of the medical staff of the hospital or holds a position that
is equivalent to being an active member of the medical staff of the
(b) A physician who is terminated from the medical staff of the
hospital is removed from the governing board by operation of law.
(c) A physician whose clinical privileges or staff membership
privileges have been significantly reduced shall be removed from the
governing board by action of the board.
(d) If a hospital governing board has two (2) physician members
under IC 16-22-2-7 or IC 16-22-2-8, only one (1) physician member
must be an active member of the medical staff of the hospital or hold
a position that is equivalent to being an active member of the medical
staff of the hospital.
As added by P.L.125-2006, SEC.4.