IC 16-24
IC 16-24-1
Chapter 1. County Tuberculosis Hospitals; Power of County
Board; Board of Managers
IC 16-24-1-1
Treatment of nontubercular patients; tuberculosis funds restricted
Sec. 1. A hospital organized under:
(1) this article; or
(2) IC 16-11 (before its repeal on July 1, 1993);
may treat patients with chronic diseases other than tuberculosis.
However, funds from the state contributed for tuberculosis cases are
available only to individuals with tuberculosis.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-2
Establishment of hospital; powers of county executive
Sec. 2. The county executive of a county may establish a county
hospital for the care and treatment of persons with tuberculosis.
When the county executive votes to establish a hospital, the county
executive may do the following:
(1) Purchase or lease real property or acquire the real property
and easements by condemnation proceedings.
(2) Erect buildings, make improvements, repairs, and
alterations, subject to approval by the state department.
(3) With the approval of the county fiscal body, and based upon
estimates of the governing board, assess, levy, and collect
money necessary for suitable lands, buildings, improvements,
maintenance, and other necessary expenditures for the hospital.
(4) Borrow money to erect, furnish, and equip the hospital and
to purchase a site on the credit of the county and issue county
obligations as the county executive may do for other county
(5) Accept and hold in trust for the county, and to comply with
the terms of, any of the following:
(A) A grant or devise of land.
(B) A gift or bequest of money or other personal property.
(C) A donation for the benefit of the hospital.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-3
Annual funding; taxation; additional appropriations
Sec. 3. The board annually shall make an estimate for and
recommend to the county fiscal body a tax rate and levy to provide
funds for the operation and maintenance of the hospital. The county
fiscal body shall adopt a budget and fix a levy and tax rate that, when
added to estimated hospital revenues, will provide the amounts
appropriated for the hospital. The county fiscal body may make
additional appropriations from the county general fund to make up
deficits in estimated revenue or for emergencies.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-4
Counties over 200,000 and under 300,000; qualification of hospitals
under Medicare and Medicaid programs; superintendent
Sec. 4. (a) The county executive of a county having a population
of more than two hundred thousand (200,000) but less than three
hundred thousand (300,000) may use the county's tuberculosis
hospitals to treat patients with tuberculosis and for other purposes
necessary to qualify under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. At
the discretion of the county executive, tuberculosis hospitals may
become affiliated with a hospital in the community to enable the
tuberculosis hospital to be fully utilized under all programs available.
(b) The superintendent of hospitals located in a county described
under subsection (a) must be a qualified hospital administrator or an
experienced physician selected by the governing board. The board
shall delegate to the superintendent and all other personnel the duties
of the board's respective positions.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-5
Governing board; membership; terms of office
Sec. 5. (a) When the county executive establishes a hospital for
the care and treatment of persons with tuberculosis, the county
executive shall appoint a governing board of the hospital. The board
consists of four (4) members who are residents of the county, and at
least two (2) of whom must be licensed physicians.
(b) The initial appointments are as follows:
(1) One (1) member for a term of four (4) years.
(2) One (1) member for a term of three (3) years.
(3) One (1) member for a term of two (2) years.
(4) One (1) member for a term of one (1) year.
(c) Appointments of successors are for terms of four (4) years.
However, appointments to fill vacancies are for the unexpired term.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-6
Absences creating vacancy; excuse
Sec. 6. Failure of a member of the governing board to attend three
(3) consecutive meetings of the board creates a vacancy in the
member's office unless the absence is excused by formal action by
the governing board.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-7
Compensation; expenses
Sec. 7. The members of the governing board are not entitled to
compensation for their services and are allowed their actual and
necessary traveling and other expenses to be audited and paid in the
same manner as the other expenses at the hospital by the county
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-8
Removal for cause; hearing
Sec. 8. A member of the governing board may be removed from
office by the county executive for cause after the manager is given
an opportunity to be heard.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-9
Counties over 300,000 and under 400,000 or over 200,000 and
under 300,000; board of managers; membership; terms of office
Sec. 9. (a) This section applies to a county having a population of:
(1) more than three hundred thousand (300,000) but less than
four hundred thousand (400,000); or
(2) more than two hundred thousand (200,000) but less than
three hundred thousand (300,000).
(b) The board of managers of the hospital consists of seven (7)
members chosen by the county executive. The members must:
(1) be chosen without regard for political affiliation;
(2) be citizens of the county; and
(3) include at least two (2) licensed physicians.
(c) The term of office of each member of the board is four (4)
years. The terms of not more than two (2) of the managers expire
annually. The terms of the members of the board may not be altered.
The initial appointments are for the respective terms of three (3)
years, two (2) years, and one (1) year. Appointments of successors
are for terms of four (4) years. Appointments to fill vacancies are for
the unexpired term.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-10
Conflicts of interest
Sec. 10. A board member may not have a personal pecuniary
interest in the furnishing of services to the hospital.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-11
President; vice president
Sec. 11. The board of managers shall elect from its members a
president and at least one (1) vice president.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-12
Powers and duties of board of managers
Sec. 12. The board of managers has the following powers and
(1) To appoint a superintendent of the hospital as an executive
officer who shall manage the hospital on behalf of the board of
managers. A superintendent appointed:
(A) after January 1, 1982, must:
(i) be experienced in administration and qualified by
training to manage the hospital;
(ii) have a baccalaureate degree and at least three (3) years
experience in administration in a hospital or related health
care facility; and
(iii) have a graduate degree in health facility
administration and have completed at least one (1) year
residency in a hospital or equivalent experience; and
(B) on or before January 1, 1982, must:
(i) be experienced in administration and qualified by
training to manage the hospital; and
(ii) have a graduate degree in health facility administration
and have completed at least one (1) year residency in a
hospital or an equivalent experience, or have a
baccalaureate degree and at least three (3) years
experience in administration in a hospital or related health
care facility.
(2) To fix the salaries of the superintendent, the business
manager, and other officers and employees within the limits
approved by the county executive or the county fiscal body. The
salaries are compensation in full for all services rendered.
(3) To determine the time required to be spent at the hospital by
the superintendent in the discharge of the superintendent's
(4) To supervise, manage, and control the hospital, and the
hospital's grounds, buildings, officers, employees, and patients,
and all matters relating to the government, discipline, contracts,
and fiscal concerns of the hospital, and to make rules to carry
out the purpose of the hospital.
(5) To inspect the hospital and be informed of the affairs and
management of the hospital.
(6) To keep a proper record of the board's proceedings open at
all times to the inspection of members, the county executive, the
county fiscal body, and authorized representatives of the state
(7) To allow bills and accounts, including wages and salaries,
without advertising the filing of claims, and to certify and
transmit the bills and accounts to the county auditor for
payment from appropriations made for that purpose by the
county fiscal body.
(8) To make a detailed report to the county executive annually,
and at the time as the executive directs, that includes the
(A) Information on the operations of the hospital.
(B) The number of patients received and the methods and
results of treatment.
(C) Detailed estimates of the money required during the
ensuing year for all purposes, including maintenance,
direction of buildings, repairs, renewals, extensions,
improvements, betterments, replacements, and other
necessary purposes.
(D) Other matters the county executive requires.
(9) To receive, administer, and hold for the benefit of the
hospital, gifts, donations, bequests, and trusts of property of any
nature or kind made or given to a hospital, and to agree to
conditions and terms specified by the donor. The board is not
required to account to any municipal, county, or state official
concerning the disposition or use of this property or the income
derived from the property except that the funds are subject to
examination by the state board of accounts or the county
executive. Gifts, donations, bequests, or trusts made or given
before March 6, 1947, that are not administered by the board,
come within the jurisdiction of the board for administration.
Funds received from donors or income from gifts or bequests
shall not be taken into account for expenditure in the
preparation of the hospital budget.
(10) To determine, as of January 1 and July 1 of each year,
whether the hospital is fully utilized by tuberculosis patients. If
the board finds that the demand for care of tuberculosis patients
does not warrant the full utilization of the hospital, the board
may authorize the hospital to furnish care to persons suffering
from chronic illnesses other than tuberculosis, upon terms and
conditions of admission, treatment, care, and payment as the
board prescribes.
(11) To meet at least one (1) time each month at a designated
place in the county where the hospital is located, and at least
one (1) time each year on the hospital premises.
(12) To expend hospital funds, advance tuition payments, or
establish a tuition refund program for the education or
professional improvement of nurses and other professional or
technical employees for inservice training, seminars, or special
courses of instruction, for the direct benefit to the hospital.
(13) To contract for the sharing or purchase of services with
other hospitals when considered economically feasible by the
(14) To contract for services reasonably required for the
operation and maintenance of the hospital, including the
management of the hospital, on terms and conditions considered
reasonable by the board.
(15) Upon the recommendation of the superintendent, to fix the
compensation of hospital employees and adopt personnel and
management policies that may include the following:
(A) An employee benefit program that provides for paid
vacations, sick leave, paid holidays, paid personal leave, and
paid leave for purposes of attending educational seminars.
(B) Payment of advertising and placement fees for personnel
and physicians.
(C) Programs for the benefit of the personnel, volunteers, or
physicians that directly contribute to productivity or morale,
at an annual cost not to exceed the lesser of the following:
(i) One quarter of one percent (0.25%) of total hospital
revenues for the preceding calendar year.
(ii) Four thousand dollars ($4,000).
(D) Except as provided in section 15 of this chapter, a plan
to provide coverage for the illness or accidental disability of
hospital employees and insurance plans for hospital
personnel from any insurance company licensed to transact
business in Indiana.
(E) Pension and retirement plans for hospital personnel from
any company authorized to do business in Indiana.
(F) Participation in the public employees' retirement fund
subject to IC 5-10.3-6.
(G) Deferred compensation agreements with employees and
other personnel. Deferred obligations may be funded by
contracting with insurance companies licensed to transact
business in Indiana.
(H) Payment of dues of the superintendent and department
heads for membership in local, state, or national hospital or
professional organizations if the board determines that those
expenditures directly benefit the hospital.
(I) Operation of employee registries for part-time or
temporary hospital employees.
Planned expenditures and programs shall be incorporated in the
annual hospital budget subject to the approval of the county
executive and the county fiscal body.
(16) To purchase insurance coverage for the protection of the
hospital in amounts and under conditions the board considers
reasonable and necessary, including liability or malpractice
coverage for board members, the officers, employees,
volunteers, and members of medical staff committees for
omissions or acts committed in the performance of services for
the hospital. The board may for the express purpose of
acquiring malpractice coverage assist in the formation of a
mutual insurance company that does not issue assessable
(17) To expend hospital funds for the following:
(A) Reasonable expenses incurred by persons and their
spouses who are interviewed for employment or for medical
staff appointment.
(B) Reasonable moving expenses if the persons are
employed or appointed.
(18) To use automated data processing systems to keep hospital
records and to purchase, lease, operate, or contract for the use
of any automated data processing equipment subject to
IC 5-17-1. Any major purchases or lease of data processing
equipment or systems must be reviewed with the county data
processing board.
(19) To dispose of the following:
(A) By sale or otherwise, personal property of limited or no
use to the hospital without advertising, auctioning, or
requesting bids if the salvage value does not exceed two
thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).
(B) Other personal property that the board considers no
longer necessary for hospital purposes at public auction after
an appraisal by three (3) disinterested owners of taxable real
property in the county.
The board shall publish notice of the sale one (1) time at least
seven (7) days before the date of the sale. The board shall
determine the time, terms, and conditions of the sale.
(20) To enter into agreements with credit card companies or
organizations authorized to do business in Indiana and to accept
credit card payments for services provided.
(21) To contract for services of consultants, architects, or other
professional persons or firms, including shared services or
purchasing organizations, when considered necessary by the
board or when not in conflict with this chapter.
(22) To purchase, construct, remodel, repair, enlarge, or
acquire, including the leasing of county real property with lease
back provisions for carrying out this chapter, a building within
or outside the county for hospital purposes. If the building is
located outside of the county, the board must receive the
approval of the county executive and the county fiscal body of
the county in which the hospital or building is located.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-13
Compliance with IC 36-1-12
Sec. 13. In the construction, alteration, remodeling, or repair of
any building or other structure, a governing board shall comply with
IC 36-1-12.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-14
Bids, proposals, or quotations submitted by trusts; requirements
Sec. 14. If a board of managers disposes of real property or
awards a contract for the procurement of property by acceptance of
bids, proposals, or quotations, a bid, proposal, or quotation submitted
by a trust (as defined in IC 30-4-1-1(a)) must identify the following:
(1) The beneficiary of the trust.
(2) The settlor empowered to revoke or modify the trust.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-15
Group insurance
Sec. 15. (a) This section applies to a county having a population
of any of the following:
(1) More than one hundred seventy thousand (170,000) but less
than one hundred eighty thousand (180,000).
(2) More than one hundred thirty thousand (130,000) but less
than one hundred forty-five thousand (145,000).
(3) More than one hundred eighty-two thousand seven hundred
ninety (182,790) but less than two hundred thousand (200,000).
(4) More than one hundred eighteen thousand (118,000) but less
than one hundred twenty thousand (120,000).
(b) The board of managers of a hospital for the treatment of
patients afflicted with tuberculosis or other diseases, including
chronic diseases and those requiring convalescent care, that contracts
with other counties for the treatment of the citizens of other counties,
may provide not more than one-half (1/2) of the cost of a program of
group life insurance and group health, accident, and hospitalization
insurance for the hospital's employees. The members of the families
and dependents of the employees may participate in a program of
group health, accident, and hospitalization insurance at no cost to the
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.170-2002,
IC 16-24-1-16
Business manager
Sec. 16. (a) The governing board shall appoint a business manager
for a tuberculosis hospital located in the following counties:
(1) Having a consolidated city.
(2) Having a population of more than three hundred thousand
(300,000) but less than four hundred thousand (400,000).
(3) Having a population of more than two hundred thousand
(200,000) but less than three hundred thousand (300,000).
(b) The business manager is directly responsible to and serves at
the pleasure of the governing board. The governing board shall
prescribe the duties of the business manager.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-17
Powers and duties of business manager
Sec. 17. A business manager has the following powers and duties:
(1) To do the following:
(A) Keep proper and accurate daily accounts and records of
the business and operations of the hospital in books and
records provided for that purpose.
(B) Present the accounts and records to the board of
managers, who shall incorporate the accounts and records in
the governing board's annual report to the county executives.
(2) To do the following:
(A) Collect, receive, and keep accounts for all money due
the hospital.
(B) Report these matters at the monthly meetings of the
board of managers.
(C) Transmit the money to the treasurer of the county within
ten (10) days after each monthly meeting.
(3) Before entering upon the business manager's duties, to give
a bond in the amount and with the sureties that the governing
board determines to secure the faithful performance of the
business manager's duties.
(4) To purchase, from the lowest and best bidder and within the
hospital budget, all items or articles used in the hospital for the
maintenance and subsistence of the patients, including food,
groceries, meat, milk, medicine, and medical supplies. The
governing board shall certify the bills for the purchases to the
county executive and to the county auditor for payment as other
claims against the county are paid. Payment shall be made from
the funds appropriated for the hospital.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-18
Superintendent; powers and responsibilities
Sec. 18. The superintendent is the chief executive officer of the
hospital and subject to the bylaws and rules of the hospital and to the
powers of the board of managers. The superintendent has the
following powers and responsibilities:
(1) To do the following:
(A) Equip the hospital and other necessary facilities for the
(i) The care and treatment of patients.
(ii) Use of officers and employees.
(B) In counties without a business manager or purchasing
agent for the hospital, to purchase all necessary supplies.
(2) To do the following:
(A) Supervise and control the records, accounts, and
buildings of the hospital and the hospital's internal affairs.
(B) Maintain discipline and enforce all rules, bylaws, and
regulations adopted by the board of managers for the
government, discipline, and management of the hospital and
the hospital's employees and patients.
(3) To do the following:
(A) Appoint officers and employees for the efficient
performance of hospital business.
(B) Prescribe officer and employee duties.
(C) For cause stated in writing, after an opportunity to be
heard, discharge any officer or employee.
(4) To do the following:
(A) Keep proper accounts and records of the business and
operations of the hospital.
(B) Make an annual report to the board of managers, who
shall incorporate the hospital records in the board's report to
the county executive.
(5) To receive into the hospital, under the general direction of
the board of managers, in the order of application, a person with
tuberculosis in any form who meets either of the following
(A) Has resided in the county for at least one (1) year before
applying for admission to the hospital.
(B) Is a resident of another county as provided in this
(6) To keep proper accounts and records of patient admissions,
including name, age, sex, race, nationality, marital status,
residence, occupation, and place of last employment.
(7) To do the following:
(A) Cause a careful examination to be made of the physical
condition of persons admitted to the hospital.
(B) Provide for appropriate treatment of each patient.
(C) Keep records of the condition and treatment of each
(8) To discharge from the hospital any patient who meets any
of the following conditions:
(A) The patient willfully or habitually violates the rules.
(B) The patient does not have tuberculosis or who has
(C) The patient is no longer a suitable patient for treatment.
The superintendent shall make a full report of a patient's
discharge at the next meeting of the board of managers.
(9) Before discharging the superintendent's duties, to give a
bond in an amount and with sureties that the board of managers
determines to secure the faithful performance of the
superintendent's duties.
(10) If the hospital does not have a business manager, to do the
(A) Collect and receive money due to the hospital, except
taxes and state-aid funds.
(B) Keep an accurate account of money due to the hospital
and report the accounting at the monthly meetings of the
board of managers.
(C) Transmit the money to the treasurer of the county within
ten (10) days after each board meeting.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-19
Custodian of hospital money; receipts and disbursements
Sec. 19. The county treasurer is custodian of hospital money
collected by the treasurer or deposited with the treasurer by the
superintendent and shall disburse the money only upon warrant
issued by the county auditor. The hospital money shall be known as
the county tuberculosis hospital fund.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-20
Admission to hospital; applications; discrimination; payment for
Sec. 20. (a) Any resident of the county in which the hospital is
located who desires treatment in the hospital may apply in person to
the superintendent or to a physician for examination. If the physician
finds that the person has tuberculosis in any form, the physician may
apply to the superintendent of the hospital for the person's admission.
The superintendent shall forward application forms without charge
to any physician in the county, upon request. If practicable,
application for admission to the hospital shall be made upon the
forms. Upon receipt of the application, if it appears that the patient
has tuberculosis and if there is a vacancy in the hospital, the
superintendent shall notify the person to appear at the hospital. The
superintendent shall admit a person to the hospital if, after an
examination, the superintendent is satisfied that the person has
(b) All applications must meet the following conditions:
(1) State whether, in the judgment of the physician, the person
is able to pay in whole or in part for the person's care and
(2) Be filed and recorded in a book kept for that purpose in the
order of receipt.
(c) When the hospital is completed and ready for the treatment of
patients, or whenever there are vacancies, admission shall be made
in the order in which the names of applicants who are certified by the
superintendent to have tuberculosis appear in the application book.
(d) A patient shall not be discriminated against because the patient
or the patient's relatives contribute to the cost of the patient's
maintenance, in whole or in part. A patient may not pay more for the
patient's maintenance than the average per capita cost of
maintenance, including a reasonable allowance for the interest on the
cost of the hospital. An officer or employee of the hospital may not
accept from any patient any fee, payment, or gratuity for services.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-21
Payment for care and treatment; liability
Sec. 21. (a) Whenever a patient is admitted to the hospital from
the county in which the hospital is located, the superintendent shall
(1) as to the patient's circumstances; and
(2) of the relatives of the patient legally liable for the patient's
(b) If the patient or the patient's relatives are able to pay for the
patient's care and treatment in whole or in part, the patient or the
patient's relatives shall be directed to pay the treasurer of the hospital
for the patient's support in proportion to the patient's or relatives'
financial ability, but not to exceed the actual per capita cost of
(c) The superintendent has the same authority to collect the sum
from the estate of the patient or the patient's relatives legally liable
for the patient's support as is possessed by the township trustee as
administrator of township assistance in similar circumstances. If the
superintendent finds that the patient or the patient's relatives are not
able to pay either in whole or in part the patient becomes a charge
upon the county.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.73-2005, SEC.165.
IC 16-24-1-22
Care and treatment of county nonresidents
Sec. 22. (a) If a county does not have a county tuberculosis
hospital, the county executive may, by contract, arrange for the care
and treatment of the county's citizens in a tuberculosis hospital in
another county. The contract must state the minimum number of
patients to be sent to the institution for any one (1) year and the
amount of compensation to be paid by the county executive.
(b) The county fiscal body contracting for the care and treatment
of tuberculosis patients shall appropriate out of that county's general
fund sufficient money for the care and treatment of tuberculosis
patients. The fund constitutes a special fund for the care and
treatment of tuberculosis patients if the county has the right to levy
a tax for that purpose.
(c) Any person residing in a county without a tuberculosis
hospital who desires treatment in the hospital of another county may
apply in writing to the county auditor of the county in which the
person resides, on a form provided by the superintendent of the
institution of the other county, with a physician's certificate stating
that the physician has within ten (10) days examined the person, and
that in the physician's judgment the person is suffering from
tuberculosis. The auditor shall forward the application and certificate
to the county executive. If the county executive finds that the facts
in the application are true, the county executive shall record the
county executive's findings and send the application to the
superintendent of a county tuberculosis hospital with whom the
county executive has contracted. After the patient is accepted, the
county executive shall provide for transportation to and maintenance
at the hospital.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-23
Care and treatment of county nonresidents; payment; liability
Sec. 23. (a) Whenever a superintendent receives an application for
the admission of a patient with tuberculosis from the county
executive of any other county, the superintendent shall notify the
person to appear at the hospital if there is:
(1) a vacancy; and
(2) no pending application from a resident of the county in
which the hospital is located.
(b) If the superintendent is satisfied that the patient has
tuberculosis, the superintendent shall admit the patient to the
hospital. The patient is a charge against the county executive of the
county sending the patient, at a rate to be fixed by the board of
managers. The rate may not exceed the per capita cost of
maintenance, including a reasonable allowance for interest on the
costs of the hospital. The bill shall, when verified, be audited and
paid by the auditor of that county.
(c) The county executive shall investigate the circumstances of the
patient and of the patient's relatives legally liable for the patient's
support, and has the same authority as the township trustee as
administrator of township assistance to collect the cost of the
patient's maintenance according to the patient's relatives' financial
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.73-2005, SEC.166.
IC 16-24-1-24
Donations conditioned upon life annuity
Sec. 24. (a) This section applies as follows:
(1) Whenever the county executive of a county secures a site for
a county tuberculosis hospital.
(2) When a citizen offers to donate United States bonds or other
marketable bonds or securities readily convertible into money
to the county for the purpose of erection of proper buildings, or
providing equipment for the hospital upon the condition that the
county pay an annuity to the donor or a designated member of
the donor's family, annually, during the life of the donor or the
designated member in an amount:
(A) equal to the annual interest on bonds or securities
donated; or
(B) not to exceed five percent (5%) interest, annually,
money donated.
(b) The county executive, with the consent of the county fiscal
body, may contract with the donor, binding upon the county, for the
annuity described in subsection (a) upon the delivery of the bonds,
securities, or money to the county, if:
(1) the donor or designated family member is at least sixty (60)
years of age at the time of the contract; and
(2) the county executive and county fiscal body finds that it is
in the interest of the county to accept the donation and enter
into the contract.
(c) If the donation is made by husband and wife jointly, the
annuity may be paid to the husband and wife jointly so long as they
both live, and to continue to the survivor if either dies, and if both the
husband and wife were at least sixty (60) years of age at the time of
entering into the contract.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-25
Inspection of hospitals; duties of resident officers
Sec. 25. (a) The resident officer of the hospital shall do the
(1) Admit the managers and the county executive or
representatives of the managers and the county executive into
every part of the hospital.
(2) Give the managers and the county executive access on
demand to all hospital accounts and records and shall furnish
copies, abstracts, and reports whenever required by the
managers and the county executive.
(b) Hospitals established or maintained under this chapter are
subject to inspection by an authorized representative of the county
executive of the county. The resident officers shall do the following:
(1) Admit these representatives into every part of the hospital
and the hospital's buildings.
(2) Give the representative access on demand to all records,
reports, books, papers, and accounts pertaining to the hospital.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-26
Joint county hospitals; apportionment of costs; board; admissions
Sec. 26. (a) Two (2) or more counties may agree to establish and
maintain a tuberculosis hospital.
(b) The county executives of counties proposing to cooperate may
enter into an agreement to establish the hospital and shall apportion
the cost among the counties cooperating according to the ratio of
taxable property in the counties.
(c) The county executives of the counties constitute a board for
the control of the tuberculosis hospital. The admission of patients
must be based upon the population of the respective counties, but if
there are not as many applications for admission as a county is
entitled to, admission must be made in the order in which the
applications are received.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7.
IC 16-24-1-27
Application of IC 5-4-1, IC 5-4-5, IC 5-22, and IC 36-1-10 through
IC 36-1-12
Sec. 27. IC 5-4-1, IC 5-4-5, IC 5-22, IC 36-1-10, IC 36-1-11, and
IC 36-1-12 do not apply to this article unless this article specifies that
the statute applies.
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.49-1997, SEC.50.