IC 2-3-7
Chapter 7. Distribution of Trees to Legislators for Planting
IC 2-3-7-1
Annual tree allotment
Sec. 1. Each and every member of the General Assembly shall beentitled to one hundred (100) trees yearly from the department ofnatural resources for distribution to their respective local publicservice organizations for planting on public properties.
(Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.196, SEC.1; Acts 1972, P.L.11, SEC.6.)
IC 2-3-7-2
Sec. 2. The general assembly may appropriate to the departmentof natural resources such sums as it deems necessary to provide forthe distribution of trees in accordance with the provisions of thischapter.
(Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.196, SEC.1; Acts 1972, P.L.11, SEC.6.)As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.3, SEC.1.
IC 2-3-7-3
Sec. 3. Among the assortment of native tree seedlings madeavailable for distribution under the provisions of this chapter, thereshall be included the species of tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera),black walnut (Juglans nigra), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), andwhite pine (Pinus strobus).
(Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.196, SEC.1; Acts 1972, P.L.11, SEC.6.)