IC 2-3-7.5
Chapter 7.5. Employment and Offices
IC 2-3-7.5-1
Permitted positions
Sec. 1. Any member of the General Assembly of this state who isotherwise qualified shall be eligible to serve specifically, but not byway of limitation, as a guardian, executor, administrator,commissioner by appointment of the court for a specific purpose,court appraiser other than pursuant to eminent domain proceedingsin which the State of Indiana is a party, receiver, or receiver ortrustee in bankruptcy. Such positions shall not be considered aslucrative public offices within the meaning of the constitutionalprohibition and said legislator may serve in those positions withoutlosing his seat in the Indiana General Assembly.
(Formerly: Acts 1972, P.L.16, SEC.1.)
IC 2-3-7.5-2
Prohibited positions
Sec. 2. A member of the general assembly may not:
(1) hold an office elected by the general assembly during theterm for which elected; or
(2) be appointed to a lucrative office, except an elected office,that was created or had the compensation increased during themember's term;
as provided in Article 4, Section 30 of the Constitution of the Stateof Indiana.
As added by P.L.3-1987, SEC.1.