IC 2-3-8
Chapter 8. Power to Employ Attorneys
IC 2-3-8-1
Private attorneys
Sec. 1. The House of Representatives and Senate of the IndianaGeneral Assembly are hereby authorized and empowered to employattorneys other than the Attorney General to defend any law enactedcreating legislative or congressional districts for the State of Indiana.
(Formerly: Acts 1972, P.L.17, SEC.1.)
IC 2-3-8-2
Redistricting; employment of attorneys
Sec. 2. (a) In the case of a law creating districts for the House ofRepresentatives, the Speaker of the House may employ the necessaryattorneys after consultation with the minority leader of the House andthe chairman and ranking minority member of the house committeeon legislative apportionment.
(b) In the case of a law creating districts for the Senate, thePresident pro tempore of the Senate may employ the necessaryattorneys after consultation with the minority leader of the Senateand the chairman and ranking minority member of the senatecommittee on legislative apportionment.
(c) In the case of a law creating congressional districts for theState of Indiana, the Speaker of the House and President pro temporeof the Senate, acting jointly, may employ the necessary attorneysafter consultation with the minority leaders of the House and Senateand the chairman and ranking minority members of the housecommittee on legislative apportionment.
(Formerly: Acts 1972, P.L.17, SEC.1.)