IC 2-4
IC 2-4-1
Chapter 1. Investigations by General Assembly
IC 2-4-1-1
Subpoena power; production of books and records
Sec. 1. Whenever pursuant to a resolution of the general assemblyor either house thereof and pursuant to the authority vested in thegeneral assembly or either house thereof an investigation is institutedin aid of its proper legislative functions, the house of representativesor the senate, or any committee of either or of both of said houses towhich the duty of said investigation shall be entrusted, shall have thepower to subpoena witnesses, send for and compel the production ofbooks, records, papers and documents.
(Formerly: Acts 1937, c.57, s.1.)
IC 2-4-1-2
Subpoena and other process; service
Sec. 2. All subpoenae and other processes issued by any suchcommittee or by the general assembly shall be served by the chiefdoorkeeper of the house or the chief doorkeeper of the senate andshall be signed by the speaker of the house or the president of thesenate. All such subpoenae and processes shall be returnable at suchtime as the committee may designate.
(Formerly: Acts 1937, c.57, s.2.)
IC 2-4-1-3
Administration of oaths
Sec. 3. The president of the senate, the speaker of the house or thechairman of the committee of the whole, or the chairman or anymember of any committee of either the house or the senate of thegeneral assembly of Indiana is empowered to administer oaths towitnesses in any case under their examination.
(Formerly: Acts 1937, c.57, s.3.)
IC 2-4-1-4
Refusal to appear or answer; offense
Sec. 4. A person who, having been summoned as a witness by theauthority of either the house or senate of the general assembly of thestate of Indiana, to give testimony or to produce papers upon anymatter under inquiry before either the house or the senate or anycommittee of either the house or the senate, knowingly makesdefault, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any questionpertinent to the question under inquiry, commits a Class Amisdemeanor.
(Formerly: Acts 1937, c.57, s.4.) As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2,SEC.201.