IC 20-24.5
IC 20-24.5-1
Chapter 1. Operation of Preschools, Elementary Schools, and
Secondary Schools by Certain Universities
IC 20-24.5-1-1
Application; state educational institutions
Sec. 1. This chapter applies only to the following state educational
(1) Ball State University.
(2) Indiana State University.
(3) Indiana University.
(4) Purdue University.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-2
Application; school corporations
Sec. 2. This chapter applies only to the following school
(1) School townships.
(2) School cities.
(3) School towns.
(4) Community school corporations.
(5) Metropolitan school districts.
(6) County school corporations.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-3
"Board of trustees"
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "board of trustees" has the
meaning set forth in IC 21-7-13-9.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-4
Sec. 4. As used in this chapter, "contract" refers to a contract
made under this chapter between a state educational institution and
a school corporation to educate part or all of the students of one (1)
or more school corporations in a university administered school.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-5
"University administered school"
Sec. 5. As used in this chapter, "university administered school"
refers to a preschool, an elementary school, or a high school
established by a state educational institution in a county in Indiana
where the state educational institution is located to instruct children
in the county in the subjects and branches of learning taught in the
public schools.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-6
Establishment of university administered school by state
educational institution allowed
Sec. 6. The board of trustees of a state educational institution may
establish a university administered school in any county in Indiana
in which the state educational institution is situated to instruct
children in the subjects and branches of learning taught in the public
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-7
Contract to establish school between state educational institution
and governing body
Sec. 7. The governing body of a school corporation may enter into
a contract with the board of trustees of a state educational institution
to educate part or all of the students of the school corporation in a
university administered school. The contract may fix:
(1) the compensation to be paid; and
(2) the date and time when payment will be made;
to the state educational institution for conducting a university
administered school.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-8
Amount paid by school corporation to state educational institution
to educate students
Sec. 8. The charge for educating students in any university
administered school may not exceed the annual average per pupil
cost of the included grades for the length of the annual term of
school of the school corporation where the school is located.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-9
Payments under contract
Sec. 9. Payments under a contract must be made during a school
year in the amount fixed by the terms of the contract.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-10
Contract; maximum number of students
Sec. 10. The board of trustees of the state educational institution
conducting a university administered school may, in the contract with
a school corporation, determine the maximum number of students to
be accepted in the university administered school from the school
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-11
Contract; continuation; termination
Sec. 11. A contract continues from year to year until terminated
(1) mutual consent of the parties; or
(2) two (2) years written notice by any party to the contract to
all other parties to the contract, that expresses the party's intent
to terminate the contract at the end of a school year.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-12
Contract; school territory
Sec. 12. The governing body of a school corporation entering into
a contract may designate territorial limits within the area served by
the school corporation from which part of the students may be
required to attend a university administered school in the same
manner as though the school were established by the school
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-13
Student transfer into university administered school
Sec. 13. A governing body of a school corporation may also
transfer a student from a district in the school corporation to a
university administered school whenever, in the opinion of the
governing body, the student can be better accommodated and taught
in a university administered school.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.
IC 20-24.5-1-14
Student transportation to university administered school
Sec. 14. Whenever the governing body of a school corporation
determines necessary, the governing body may cause the students
required to attend a university administered school to be transported
to the university administered school or from the university
administered school, or both, and pay the related transportation
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.209.