IC 20-25-9
Chapter 9. Performance Measures for Student Achievement
IC 20-25-9-1
Use of student performance improvement levels
Sec. 1. IC 20-31-8 applies to the school city and its schools. The
board shall use the student performance improvement levels
established under IC 20-25-11 to:
(1) assess;
(2) report; and
(3) improve;
the performance of schools, educators, and students in the school
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9.
IC 20-25-9-2
Students in need of summer remediation; use of state achievement
Sec. 2. The board shall use state achievement standards to identify
students in need of summer remediation services.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9.
IC 20-25-9-3
Uses for student performance improvement levels
Sec. 3. The board shall use the student performance improvement
levels established under IC 20-25-11 to:
(1) implement the board's plan;
(2) evaluate school performance;
(3) publish annual reports; and
(4) determine academic receivership under IC 20-25-15.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9.
IC 20-25-9-4
Determination of whether to put school in academic receivership
Sec. 4. The board shall use student performance improvement
levels to determine whether to place a school in academic
receivership under IC 20-25-15.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9.
IC 20-25-9-5
Measuring and recording student achievement and teacher and
administrative performance
Sec. 5. Each school in the school city shall measure and record:
(1) the students' achievement in reaching the school's student
performance improvement levels established under
IC 20-25-11;
(2) student achievement information for the school described in
IC 20-20-8-8 and IC 20-25-9-6; and
(3) teacher and administrative performance information for the
school described in IC 20-25-9-6;
which in each case must not be less rigorous than the student
performance improvement levels and information developed and
required under IC 20-31-8.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9.
IC 20-25-9-6
Annual report; required information
Sec. 6. For all schools under this article, the report must include
the following, in addition to the requirements of IC 20-20-8-8:
(1) Student achievement information as follows:
(A) For each elementary and middle school, grade
advancement rates.
(B) For each high school, the percentage of students who
apply to, are accepted by, and attend a college, university, or
other postsecondary educational institution after high school.
(2) Administrative performance measures as follows:
(A) School receipts and expenditures by source, compared
with budget amounts.
(B) Total school enrollment.
(C) The school's general fund expenditures per student and
total expenditures per student.
(D) The amount and percentage of the school's general fund
expenditures and the amount and percentage of total
expenditures directly reaching the classroom as determined
by a formula to be established by the board.
(E) Teacher/pupil ratios totaled by class, grade, and school.
(F) Administrator/pupil ratio for the school.
(G) Teacher attendance rates totaled by class, grade, and
(3) Achievement on the annual performance objectives
identified under IC 20-25-11.
(4) The performance objectives established under IC 20-25-11
for the upcoming school year.
(5) State and school city averages for each of the measures set
forth in subdivisions (1) through (2), if available.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.9.