IC 20-31-3
Chapter 3. Adoption of Academic Standards
IC 20-31-3-1
Adoption of academic standards
Sec. 1. The state board shall adopt clear, concise, and jargon free
state academic standards that are comparable to national and
international academic standards. These academic standards must be
adopted for each grade level from kindergarten through grade 12 for
the following subjects:
(1) English/language arts.
(2) Mathematics.
(3) Social studies.
(4) Science.
For grade levels tested under the ISTEP program, the academic
standards must be based in part on the results of the ISTEP program.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-3-2
Development of subject area academic standards
Sec. 2. The department shall develop academic standards for the
following subject areas for each grade level from kindergarten
through grade 12:
(1) English/language arts.
(2) Mathematics.
(3) Social studies.
(4) Science.
(5) Other subject areas as determined by the department.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-3-3
Revising and updating academic standards
Sec. 3. The department shall revise and update academic
(1) for each grade level from kindergarten through grade 12;
(2) in each subject area listed in section 2 of this chapter;
at least once every six (6) years. This revision must occur on a
cyclical basis that coincides with the textbook adoption cycle
established in IC 20-20-5-6.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-3-4
Academic standards committee
Sec. 4. The state superintendent shall appoint an academic
standards committee composed of subject area teachers during the
period when a subject area is undergoing revision.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-3-5
Recommendations on academic standards
Sec. 5. An academic standards committee shall submit
recommendations on academic standards for a subject area to the
education roundtable established by IC 20-19-4-2 for review by the
educational roundtable.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-3-6
Curriculum program
Sec. 6. The curriculum program of each grade level from
kindergarten through grade 12 in a school in a school corporation
must be consistent with the following standards:
(1) The academic standards developed under this chapter.
(2) The student competencies developed for the Core 40 college
preparation curriculum models established under IC 20-30-10.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15.
IC 20-31-3-7
Duties of department
Sec. 7. The department shall do the following:
(1) Distribute the academic standards established under this
chapter to each school corporation for distribution by the school
corporation to the parent of each student in the school
(2) Survey parents of students, members of the business
community, representatives of postsecondary education, and
educators on the importance and applicability of academic
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.2-2007, SEC.222.