IC 20-37-2
Chapter 2. Career and Technical Education Centers, Schools, or
IC 20-37-2-1
Establishing industrial or manual training and education
Sec. 1. (a) A governing body may establish and conduct a system
of industrial or manual training and education to teach:
(1) the major uses of tools and mechanical implements;
(2) the elementary principles of mechanical construction;
(3) mechanical drawing; and
(4) printing.
(b) If a system is established, the governing body shall employ
competent instructors in the various subjects and shall establish rules
and regulations on student admissions designed to produce the best
results and to give instruction to the largest practicable number. A
governing body may provide this instruction in school buildings or
in separate buildings. Each governing body may:
(1) require students enrolling in this system to pay a reasonable
tuition fee; and
(2) differentiate between students living in the attendance unit
and those living outside the attendance unit in the amount of
tuition charged.
However, tuition charges by a school corporation operating under
IC 20-25-3 and IC 20-25-4 are also regulated by IC 20-25-4-17.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21.
IC 20-37-2-2
Career and technical centers, schools, or departments; approved
courses; notification
Sec. 2. (a) A governing body may:
(1) establish career and technical education centers, schools, or
departments in the manner approved by the state board; and
(2) maintain these schools or departments from the general
(b) The governing body may include in the high school curriculum
without additional state board approval any secondary level career
and technical education course that is:
(1) included on the list of approved courses that the state board
establishes under IC 20-20-20-3; and
(2) approved under section 11 of this chapter, if applicable.
(c) The governing body shall notify the department and the
department of workforce development whenever the governing body:
(1) includes an approved course for; or
(2) removes an approved course from;
the high school curriculum.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-3
Contracts with nonprofit corporations
Sec. 3. (a) The governing body of a school corporation may
contract with a nonprofit corporation to establish and maintain a
career and technical education program in the building trades solely
to teach the principles of building construction to students enrolled
in grades 9 through 12.
(b) A career and technical education program established under
this section is limited to the construction of buildings upon real
property owned by the nonprofit corporation.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-4
Class time; instruction
Sec. 4. (a) Career and technical education centers, schools, or
departments for industrial, agricultural, or home economics
education may offer instruction in:
(1) day;
(2) part-time; and
(3) evening;
classes so that instruction in the principles and practice of the arts
can occur together. The instruction must be less than college grade,
and the instruction must be designed to meet the vocational needs of
a person who can profit by the instruction.
(b) Evening classes in:
(1) an industrial;
(2) an agricultural; or
(3) a home economics;
school or department must offer training for a person employed
during the working day. This training, in order to be considered
career and technical training, must deal with and relate to the subject
matter of the day employment. However, evening classes in home
economics must be open to all individuals.
(c) Part-time classes in an industrial, agricultural, or home
economics school or department are for persons giving a part of each
working day, week, or longer period to a part-time class when it is in
session. This part-time instruction must be:
(1) complementary to the particular work conducted in the
(2) in subjects offered to enlarge civic or vocational
intelligence; or
(3) in trade preparation subjects.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-5
Age of students
Sec. 5. Attendance in:
(1) day and part-time classes is restricted to persons who are at
least fourteen (14) years of age; and
(2) evening classes is restricted to persons who are at least
sixteen (16) years of age.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21.
IC 20-37-2-6
Required attendance
Sec. 6. If a governing body has established an approved career and
technical education center, school, or department for instruction in
part-time classes for regularly employed persons who are at least
fourteen (14) years of age, the governing body may formally choose
to require regularly employed persons who are less than nineteen
(19) years of age to attend part-time classes:
(1) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. during the school
term; and
(2) for not less than four (4) hours and not more than eight (8)
hours per week.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-7
Cooperative programs with employers
Sec. 7. (a) A school corporation, through the school corporation's
appropriate officials, may enter into cooperative programs with
employers. These programs must include an agreement by the
employer to provide employment for students enrolled in school
directed career and technical education to learn the manipulative
skills or manual processes of an occupation.
(b) The employer may employ the students in otherwise restricted
occupations for the purpose of career and technical education under
the following conditions:
(1) That training in the occupation is approved by a proper
school authority and is school supervised.
(2) That safety instructions are given by the school and
integrated with on-the-job training by the employer.
(3) That the student is assigned to competent adults designated
by the employer for instruction and supervision in the
manipulative skills or manual processes of the occupation
according to a written training schedule developed by the
employer and a representative of the school.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-8
Student employees; worker's compensation
Sec. 8. (a) A student in career and technical education and
employed under section 7 of this chapter:
(1) is entitled to the rights of recovery of a worker of at least
seventeen (17) years of age under the worker's compensation
and occupational diseases laws (IC 22-3-2 through IC 22-3-7);
(2) may not recover any additional benefit otherwise payable as
a result of being less than seventeen (17) years of age under the
definition of a minor in IC 22-3-6-1.
The student is considered the employee of the employer while
performing services for the employer under section 7 of this chapter.
(b) A student performing services for an employer under section
7 of this chapter is considered a full-time employee in computing
compensation for permanent impairment under the worker's
compensation law (IC 22-3-2 through IC 22-3-6).
(c) Employers and students under section 7 of this chapter are
exempt from IC 20-33-3-35.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-9
Career and technical education youth organization fund; grants;
annual appropriation
Sec. 9. (a) A career and technical education youth organization
fund is established to assist in carrying out the purposes of this
chapter. The fund shall be administered by the state superintendent.
(b) The state superintendent may award grants from the career and
technical education youth organization fund for combined career and
technical activities of the organizations that are an integral part of the
instructional program in career and technical education. Areas of
career and technical instruction for which grants may be awarded
(1) agriculture;
(2) business and office occupations;
(3) health occupations;
(4) distributive education;
(5) home economics; and
(6) trade industrial education.
(c) There is appropriated from the state general fund to the state
superintendent a sum to be determined annually by the general
assembly to implement this section.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-10
Advisory committee
Sec. 10. (a) Each governing body administering approved
vocational schools or departments for industrial, agricultural, or
home economics education shall appoint an advisory committee
composed of members representing local trades, industries, and
(b) The advisory committee shall advise the governing body and
other school officials having the management and supervision of the
schools or departments described in subsection (a).
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21.
IC 20-37-2-11
Joint career and technical education courses
Sec. 11. (a) As used in this section, "career and technical
education course" means a career and technical education course that
(1) an approved high school course under the rules of the state
board; and
(2) included on the list of approved courses that the state board
develops and approves under IC 20-20-20-3.
(b) A school corporation that has entered into an agreement for a
joint program of career and technical education with one (1) or more
other school corporations may not add a new career and technical
education course to its curriculum unless the course has been
approved in the following manner:
(1) In the case of an agreement under IC 20-37-1, the course
must be approved by the management board for the joint
(2) In the case of an agreement under IC 20-26-10, the course
must be approved by the governing body of the school
corporation that is designated to administer the joint program
under IC 20-26-10-3. However, if that governing body refuses
to approve the course, the course may be approved by a
majority of the governing bodies of the school corporations that
are parties to the agreement.
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.234-2007,
IC 20-37-2-12
Acceptance of veteran student aid; agricultural programs
Sec. 12. A school corporation that offers an institutional farm
training program in any high school to veterans under 38 U.S.C.
3201 et seq. may accept from any student tuition fees to be paid by
the student from any allotment for tuition fees received by the
student from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.161.