IC 21-27-2
Chapter 2. Board of Trustees; General Responsibilities
IC 21-27-2-1
Board; powers
Sec. 1. The board of trustees of a state educational institution is
responsible to fulfill the powers and duties conferred upon the board
of trustees by law.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.268.
IC 21-27-2-2
Member participating by electronic means of communication
Sec. 2. (a) This section applies to a meeting of:
(1) the board of trustees or a committee of the board of trustees
of any state educational institution (as defined in
IC 21-7-13-32); or
(2) the commission for higher education established under
IC 21-18-2-1.
(b) A member of the board of trustees or the commission for
higher education may participate in a meeting of the board or
(1) at which at least a quorum is physically present at the place
where the meeting is conducted; and
(2) by using a means of communication that permits:
(A) all other members participating in the meeting; and
(B) all members of the public physically present at the place
where the meeting is conducted;
to simultaneously communicate with each other during the
(c) A member of a committee of the board of trustees may
participate in a committee meeting by using a means of
communication that permits:
(1) all other members participating in the meeting; and
(2) all members of the public physically present at the place
where the meeting is conducted;
to simultaneously communicate with each other during the meeting.
(d) A member who participates in a meeting under subsection (b)
or (c) is considered to be present at the meeting.
(e) The memoranda of the meeting prepared under IC 5-14-1.5-4
must state the name of:
(1) each member who was physically present at the place where
the meeting was conducted;
(2) each member who participated in the meeting by using a
means of communication described in subsection (b) or (c); and
(3) each member who was absent.
As added by P.L.179-2007, SEC.13. Amended by P.L.31-2010,