IC 21-9
IC 21-9-1
Chapter 1. Purposes
IC 21-9-1-1
Purposes of article
Sec. 1. The following are the purposes of this article:
(1) To encourage education and the means of education.
(2) To encourage attendance at a college or university.
(3) To provide families additional means of striving for
postsecondary education through an education savings program
that may be established under this article.
(4) To help provide the benefits of postsecondary education to
the people of Indiana.
(5) To promote the economic development of the state by
creating opportunities for a more highly educated workforce.
(6) To increase employment opportunities in Indiana.
(7) To encourage a working partnership among the people of
Indiana, including Indiana families, and elementary and
secondary schools, colleges or universities, financial
institutions, and state government in furthering a greater rate of
savings and greater participation in higher education.
As added by P.L.165-1996, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.85-2000, SEC.1;
P.L.135-2002, SEC.2; P.L.2-2007, SEC.246.