IC 22-2-4
Chapter 4. Regulation of Wage Payments
IC 22-2-4-1
"Financial institution" defined; payment; void contracts;
Sec. 1. (a) As used in this section, "financial institution" means a
financial institution regulated by an agency of the United States or
any state.
(b) Every corporation, limited liability company, association,
company, firm, or person engaged in Indiana in mining coal, ore, or
other mineral, quarrying stone, or in manufacturing iron, steel,
lumber, staves, heading barrels, brick, tile, machinery, agricultural or
mechanical implements, or any article of merchandise shall pay each
employee of the corporation, limited liability company, company,
association, firm, or person, if demanded, at least every two (2)
weeks, the amount due the employee for labor. The payments shall
be made in lawful money of the United States, by negotiable check,
draft, or money order, or by electronic transfer to the financial
institution designated by the employee.
(c) Any contract in violation of this section is void. This section
does not apply where employees and employers by mutual agreement
or contract have provided for payments on a weekly basis.
(Formerly: Acts 1911, c.68, s.1; Acts 1971, P.L.349, SEC.1.) As
amended by P.L.216-1989, SEC.1; P.L.8-1993, SEC.271.
IC 22-2-4-2
Scrip; offense
Sec. 2. A person who publishes, issues, or circulates any check,
card, or other paper, which is not commercial paper payable at a
fixed time in any bank in this state, at its full face value, in lawful
money of the United States, with eight percent (8%) interest, or by
bank check or currency issued by authority of the United States
government, to his employee in payment for any work done or for
any labor contracted to be done commits a Class C infraction.
(Formerly: Acts 1911, c.68, s.2.) As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2,
IC 22-2-4-3
Merchandise or supplies; sale to employees at higher price
Sec. 3. It is a Class C infraction for a person to knowingly sell to
his employee any merchandise or supplies at a higher price than the
merchandise or supplies are sold to others for cash.
(Formerly: Acts 1911, c.68, s.3.) As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2,
IC 22-2-4-4
Failure to pay; fines and penalties; damages
Sec. 4. Every corporation, limited liability company, company,
association, firm, or person who shall fail for ten (10) days after
demand of payment has been made to pay employees for their labor,
in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, shall be liable to
such employee for the full value of his labor, to which shall be added
a penalty of one dollar ($1) for each succeeding day, not exceeding
double the amount of wages due, and a reasonable attorney's fee, to
be recovered in a civil action and collectable without relief.
(Formerly: Acts 1911, c.68, s.4.) As amended by P.L.144-1986,
SEC.6; P.L.8-1993, SEC.272.
IC 22-2-4-5
(Repealed by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.2251.)
IC 22-2-4-6
Liens for work; application of law
Sec. 6. This chapter shall not in any way affect the liens of
laborers, as secured to them on April 21, 1911, by the laws of this
(Formerly: Acts 1911, c.68, s.6.) As amended by P.L.144-1986,