IC 22-7
IC 22-7-1
Chapter 1. Right to Organize
IC 22-7-1-1
Local union defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, the term "local union" shall mean
any branch or chapter of a national labor organization, the
jurisdiction of which is limited to a particular geographical area.
(Formerly: Acts 1957, c.181, s.1.) As amended by P.L.144-1986,
IC 22-7-1-2
Right to organize; selection of bargaining representatives
Sec. 2. No worker or group of workers who have a legal residence
in the state of Indiana shall be denied the right to select his or their
bargaining representative in this state, or be denied the right to
organize into a local union or association to exist within and pursuant
to the laws of the state of Indiana: Provided, That this act shall in no
way be deemed to amend or repeal any of the provisions of the
National Labor Relations Act.
(Formerly: Acts 1957, c.181, s.2.)
IC 22-7-1-3
Obstructing labor organization; misdemeanor
Sec. 3. A person who prevents another person from forming or
belonging to a labor organization commits a Class B misdemeanor.
As added by Acts 1977, P.L.26, SEC.10.