IC 22-7-2
Chapter 2. Labor Organization Constitutions and Bylaws
IC 22-7-2-1
Contracts; rights and privileges; enforcement
Sec. 1. Duly adopted constitutions, by-laws, and other laws of
labor organizations, except when and to the extent that the provisions
thereof may violate public policy, are hereby declared to be valid and
enforceable contracts as between the members and officers of such
labor organizations; and said contracts, and all rights and privileges
extended thereby and therein contained, are hereby declared to be
enforceable in the courts of this state, by actions at law or in equity,
brought by any individual member or members of such labor
organization. Provided, however, That such member or members of
such labor organization shall exhaust all rights, privileges and
remedies provided by the constitution, by-laws, or other laws of said
labor organization, before bringing any such action at law or in
(Formerly: Acts 1957, c.338, s.1.)