IC 22-9-8
Chapter 8. Appeals; Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
IC 22-9-8-1
Appeal procedures
Sec. 1. Either party to a dispute filed under IC 22-9 may, not more
than thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of the commission's
final appealable order, appeal to the court of appeals under the same
terms, conditions, and standards that govern appeals in ordinary civil
As added by P.L.14-1994, SEC.7.
IC 22-9-8-2
Records for appeals
Sec. 2. (a) The appealing party shall notify the commission in
writing of the party's intent to appeal and shall request the
commission to prepare a record of the commission's proceedings to
be used to perfect an appeal. The record consists of the following
documents used or presented during the administrative proceedings:
(1) A transcript of the oral testimony.
(2) The exhibits admitted into evidence.
(3) All notices, pleadings, exceptions, motions, requests, and
other papers filed with the commission with the exception of
briefs or oral arguments of law.
(b) The cost of producing the record for appeal must be borne by
the party making the appeal. The commission may require the deposit
of reasonable security for the payment of the cost before producing
the record.
As added by P.L.14-1994, SEC.7.
IC 22-9-8-3
Exhaustion of administrative remedies
Sec. 3. A person may file an appeal under this chapter only after
exhausting all administrative remedies available within the agency
whose action is being appealed.
As added by P.L.14-1994, SEC.7.