IC 26-2
IC 26-2-1
Chapter 1. Liability of Buyer for Goods Bought From Unlicensed
IC 26-2-1-1
Liability of unlicensed buyer for goods purchased to conduct
business requiring license
Sec. 1. Whenever any person or persons shall purchase any goods,
wares, or merchandise for the purpose of using or selling the same in
any business for the carrying on of which any statute of this state
requires the person or persons so carrying on such business to
procure a license, such person or persons at the time of purchasing
such goods, wares, or merchandise not having procured such license,
such person or persons shall nevertheless be liable to the seller
thereof for the reasonable value or contract price of such goods,
wares, or merchandise, and in any action brought by such seller to
recover the value or contract price of the goods, wares, or
merchandise so purchased, it shall not be a valid defense to such
action that the purchaser or purchasers or either of them were not, at
the time of such purchase, licensed as required by law to retail the
same or to carry on the business for which they were purchased;
provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall in no wise
affect or lessen the criminal liability of such person or persons doing
such business without having a license so to do.
(Formerly: Acts 1899, c.159, s.1.) As amended by P.L.152-1986,