IC 27-2
IC 27-2-1
Chapter 1. Actuaries' Authority to Administer Oaths
IC 27-2-1-1
Administration of oaths
Sec. 1. Actuaries of mutual fire insurance companies or
associations organized by virtue of the laws of this state for the
purpose of mutual insurance of the property of its members against
loss by fire or damage by lightning, which property to be insured
shall embrace dwelling-houses, barns, accompanying outbuildings
and their contents, farm implements, hay, grain, wool and other farm
products, live stock, wagons, carriages, harness, household goods,
wearing apparel, provisions, musical instruments and libraries, such
property being upon farms as farm property, shall have the authority
to administer oaths to the insured and all persons necessary to be
examined as witnesses in the adjustment of losses to the property of
persons insured in said companies or associations where such loss
was caused by fire or lightning.
(Formerly: Acts 1891, c.158, s.1.)