IC 31-31-9
Chapter 9. Juvenile Detention Facilities in Marion County
IC 31-31-9-1
Application of chapter
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to a county having a consolidated
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14.
IC 31-31-9-1.5
"Executive committee"
Sec. 1.5. As used in this chapter, "executive committee" means
the executive committee elected under IC 33-33-49-14.
As added by P.L.142-2007, SEC.1.
IC 31-31-9-2
Operation and maintenance
Sec. 2. The executive committee shall operate and maintain all
juvenile detention centers located within the county.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.2.
IC 31-31-9-3
Rules; annual inspections and reports
Sec. 3. (a) The juvenile detention center shall be operated in
accordance with rules adopted by the department of correction.
(b) The department of child services shall make an annual
inspection of the center and report to the advisory board whether the
center meets the requirements established by the state department of
health for temporary detention centers. Any noncompliance with
those requirements must be stated in writing to the advisory board.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.145-2006,
IC 31-31-9-4
Admission to juvenile detention center
Sec. 4. The executive committee, after soliciting the views of the
advisory board described in section 8 of this chapter, shall establish
criteria for admission to the juvenile detention center. The power to
order admission to the center remains with the court.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.3.
IC 31-31-9-5
Superintendent; appointment; term of office
Sec. 5. The executive committee shall appoint a superintendent of
juvenile detention centers located in the county. The superintendent
serves at the pleasure of the executive committee.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.4.
IC 31-31-9-6
Superintendent; duties
Sec. 6. Under the direction of the executive committee, the
superintendent shall do the following:
(1) Supervise the operations of the juvenile detention centers so
as to provide sound physical care in compliance with state,
county, and other health requirements.
(2) Coordinate a program of constructive activities.
(3) Administer sound, fair, and impartial employment practices.
(4) Supervise employees of the juvenile detention center.
(5) Promote good public relations within the community.
(6) Make necessary written reports to the juvenile court judge
and the executive committee regarding transfers, escapes, or
destruction of center property.
(7) Make an annual inspection of the juvenile detention center
and report in writing to the juvenile court judge and the
executive committee any noncompliance with standards
established by the commission on accreditation for corrections.
(8) Perform all other duties assigned by the executive
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.5.
IC 31-31-9-7
Advisory board; duties; rules
Sec. 7. (a) The juvenile detention center advisory board shall:
(1) review the operations of juvenile detention centers located
within the county; and
(2) advise the executive committee and the juvenile court judge
on matters relating to the detention of juveniles in the county.
(b) The advisory board may adopt rules and bylaws for the
management and regulation of the advisory board's affairs, and may
do all things necessary and convenient to carry out this chapter.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.6.
IC 31-31-9-8
Advisory board; members; appointment; qualifications
Sec. 8. (a) The advisory board consists of the following seven (7)
(1) Two (2) members, appointed by the executive committee,
who are not members of the same political party.
(2) Two (2) members, appointed by the mayor of the
consolidated city, who are not members of the same political
(3) Three (3) members, appointed by the council, not more than
two (2) of whom may be members of the same political party.
(b) Members of the advisory board must be residents of the
county who have demonstrated an interest in and knowledge of the
juvenile justice system.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.7.
IC 31-31-9-9
Advisory board; terms of office; vacancies; reappointment;
Sec. 9. (a) Terms of office for members of the advisory board are
three (3) years. Terms of office begin on January 1 of the first year
and end on December 31 of the third year.
(b) Vacancies in the membership of the advisory board shall be
filled in the same manner as original appointments. Appointments
made to fill vacancies that occur before expiration of a term are for
the remainder of the unexpired term.
(c) Members of the advisory board may be reappointed for one (1)
additional term.
(d) All members of the advisory board serve until their successors
have been appointed.
(e) An advisory board member may be removed for good cause by
the appointing authority. Good cause includes disability,
inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14.
IC 31-31-9-10
Annual budget
Sec. 10. The executive committee shall annually prepare the
detention center budget and forward the budget to the county fiscal
officer in accordance with IC 36-3-6-4.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.142-2007, SEC.8.
IC 31-31-9-11
Sec. 11. All expenses for the operation of the juvenile detention
center shall be paid out of the county general fund.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14.