IC 31-32-9
Chapter 9. Service of Summons
IC 31-32-9-1
Manner of service
Sec. 1. (a) Service may be made upon any person under Rule 4.1
of the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure.
(b) Personal service must be made at least three (3) days before
the hearing to which the person is summoned.
(c) Service by mail must be sent at least ten (10) days before the
(d) Service of summons is not required if the person entitled to be
served attends the hearing.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.15.
IC 31-32-9-2
Service by publication
Sec. 2. (a) If any person other than the child cannot be served in
accordance with Rule 4.1 of the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure, the
juvenile court may order service by publication in accordance with
Rule 4.13 of the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure. However, the
summons must clearly inform the person being served that the person
must respond not later than ten (10) days after the last publication.
(b) If:
(1) the action is to terminate the parent-child relationship; and
(2) the parent cannot be served in accordance with Rule 4.1 of
the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure;
service must be made by publication.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.15.